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Jercy - - Oneshot #68

Are you insane like me?
Been in pain like me?

Jason Grace sat in the room, white walls, white straight jacket, white floors, but not white blood.

"Let me out. I promise I'll be good!" Be pleased for what seemed to be the one hundredth time.

Bought a hundred dollar bottle of champagne like me?
Just to pour that motherf*cker down the drain like me?

"You can't keep doing this mom!" Percy exclaimed, seizing the bottle of Voldka from her hands.

"Nooo!" She whined, her speech slurred, "I must forget!" She exclaimed, trying to snatch the bottle back.

"Stop it mom!" Percy nearly shouted, keeping a tight grip on the bottle as he walked away.

"Give it to me!" Sally- his mom- demanded, her speech getting looser as she drank.

"Stop it mom!" Percy repeated, now snatching another bottle away.

"You'll drink yourself to death!" He cried.

Would you use your water bill to dry the stain like me?

"I'm sorry seeetje, the bills have just skyrocketed." Beryl told her son.

He remembered his mother.

Blonde, thin, petite, abusive.

"Okay mommy." He replied, the air growing cold.

"No." Jason muttered, trying to escape his straight jacket.

"No!" He screamed, tossing and turning.

"Stop the bills!" He shouted, his arms not able to reach his head as he attempted to earn his mother.

"It'll be okay." His mother soothed, looking at Thalia in the doorway as she hugged her son.

"Don't believe her! Her skin only lies!" Jason screamed with all his might, his throat quickly becoming raw.

Are you high enough without the Mary Jane like me?
Do you tear yourself apart to entertain like me?

"Give me the money." Someone demanded, standing next to Percy.

"Why?" He asked, the bottles still gripped in his hands.

"She's high enough, she doesn't need to be completely wasted too!" He defended, looking the man in the eyes.

His eyes were cold, a gold color.

"Shut up! You don't tell me what to do Perseus!" Sally snapped, too drunk to focus.

"You heard her." The gold eyed man growled.

Do the people whisper 'bout you on the train like me?

"That's them." They'd all whisper as Thalia, Jason, and Beryl entered the subway.

"That's the movie drunkard." They'd whispered, pretending the others were deaf to their insults.

"Stop." Jason whimpered, "make it all stop." He begged whoever was listening.

"I said stop!" He screamed as the insults rushed into his head.

He cried out.

Saying that you shouldn't waste your pretty face like me?

"It's a shame you're so pretty, you'd make a great gambler." The man then commented.

"I'm not here to gamble. I'm here to help my mom." Percy debated with clenched teeth.

"Do what?" The man challenged, "Make herself wasted, again."

That's when Percy lost it.

And all the people say
You can't wake up, this is not a dream

"Help me! Anybody!" Jason begged and cried, the straight jacket seemed to tighten with all strugglings he did.

"Get me out!" He sobbed.

"Make it stop!" He moaned.

You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your face all made up, living on a screen
Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline

Percy's vision went red, his veins brining with anger.

I think there's a flaw in my code
These voices won't leave me alone
Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold

"Mom? Watch we're your going!" Jason exclaimed, watching in horror as his mother went up to the edge of the hotels balcang.

"Mom, what are you doing?!" Thalia exclaimed, holding Jason's hand tightly.

"It's all my fault." She sobbed, taking one last look at her kids.

"I'm sorry. I can't even do this right." She commented.

Right before jumping.

"Mom!" Both Jasons, past and present, screamed in horror.

Are you deranged like me?
Are you strange like me?

"Y-you're a monster!" A woman screamed at him, his vision returning.

"Shhh." Percy only uttered, looking at her.

Her hair was in a short pixie cut, its color the shade of cream.

Her eyes held a fire like passion, speckled with different colors.

Lighting matches just to swallow up the flame like me?
Do you call yourself a f*cking hurricane like me?

"You'll all go!" Jason managed to shout, despite the pain in his throat.

"Kronos will kill you! Just like he did my mom! Just like Luke promised!" Jason paused to take a shaky breath.

"He promised!" He shouted, laughing hysterically.

Pointing fingers 'cause you'll never take the blame like me?

"You mean what did you do?" Percy corrected.

"W-what?" She asked.

Percy smiled, "You've fallen into my trap." He said, the two bottles in his hands broken. Their edges wet and sharp.

And all the people say
You can't wake up, this is not a dream

"A new world! We'll all perish in the new world!" Jason boomed, laughing again.

The straight jacket only doing so much from his squirming.

You're part of a machine, you are not a human being
With your face all made up, living on a screen
Low on self esteem, so you run on gasoline

Percy smiled, glancing at the edges on the bottles.

Carefully, he took one to his face, pressuring it into the corner of his lip.

He then pressed harder, drawing blood.

He chuckled darkly.

"I am god." He stated.

"I am justice." He insisted, dragging the bottle from his lips corner up to his high cheekbones.

The lady screamed as he stepped toward her.

I think there's a flaw in my code
These voices won't leave me alone
Well my heart is gold and my hands are cold

Both of the boys laughed.

"Kronos has risen. Believe in the new world." They rasped.

A few guards came toward Jason, cautiously as if he was a wild dear.

Jason smirked.

Then, fire.

"I have risen!" Percy screamed from above, setting fire to the whole hospital he was put in.

"Memories no more!" They both cried into the night as panicked arose.

They smiled sickeningly as their bodies were engulfed into the flames. Burning their skin to their bones, and destroying nearly everything else.

Hi! Didn't really know what happened here. I'm just really tired.

Anyways, I'm looking for ONE REQUEST for Oneshot #69. Idk why. I just am.



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