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Jercy - Oneshot #19

Percy looked annoyingly at the computer. He clicked a new link. "Come on!" He shouted, he heard the door open.

"I'm home Percy! How was adoption-website-for-parents-who-aren't-ready-who'll-accept-us-finding go? He asked his husband. "Not good. Not good at all." He muttered, Jason kissed his forehead. "I'm sure we'll find someone." He reassured Percy.

Percy sighed, shutting down the computer, and nodded. "I hope we do." He told Jason, Jason smiled. "That's the spirit." He said, setting his briefcase down on the kitchen table. "So. Dinner ideas?" Jason asked Percy, trying to change the subject.

"We have left over cake, pulled pork, and hot dogs from Max's (Solangelo's Son- age 5. Found on doorstep.) birthday party last night?" Percy suggested, getting up and opening the fridge. "Cake, yes. Hot dogs, no. How about the pulled pork?" Jason asked, Percy nodded. "Fine by me." He answered, pulling out the container.

"Barbecue. Or Mustard?" Percy asked, "Mustard." Jason answered, Percy smiled and wrinkled up his nose. "You are so weird." Percy teased, getting the mustard from the fridge also.

Jason hummed in response, looking through some papers, paying no attention.

Percy got out 2 plates, and began to put the leftover pork in the microwave. He pressed the buttons for 2 minutes, then before sitting down at the table, he kissed Jason's forehead.

Jason smiled, his cheeks turning pink.

"Whatcha looking over?" Percy asked, Jason looked up. His glasses slightly low on his nose.

He adjusted them before smiling. "I'm looking over the forms for Jenna's and Tom's bank account." He told him.

The microwave beeped shortly after.

"I'll get it." Jason said, getting 2 spoons and serving Percy. Percy was about to take a bite when there was a knock on the door. "Do you want me to?" He asked Jason, Jason nodded.

Percy got up, and the knocking became louder. "I hear you!" He shouted, unlocking and opening the door. There stood Zeus and Poseidon. "Dad? Zeus!?" He exclaimed, looking over the gods.

Zeus glared at Percy. Poseidon smiled. "Jason!" Percy screamed, the gods sighed. "Told you." Poseidon muttered to Zeus. Zeus then averted his glare to the god of the sea.

Jason rushed to Percy, stopping instantly. Percy and Jason were statues. Staring in shock at their godly parents– who were still in the door way. Poseidon sighed, and walked in the door. "Well crap." Percy stated, Jason stared at Zeus.

"What are you doing here Dad and Drama Queen?" He asked, annoyance practically dripping from his speech. "Wellll—" Zeus was then cut off by Poseidon.

"Okay. So we heard that you boys wanted a kid. And how you couldn't find the right people– so we decided to you know. Casually go to Artemis. And we may have pleaded for her to find a baby. She told us that was kidnapping. So naturally, we went to her again. And told her your problem. And, Zeus threatened to turn her human and vanish her Hunters to an all boy school for misbehaving boys. For a few hundred years. . . And she gave in." Poseidon explained innocently, Zeus nodded.

"So you basically threatened Artemis's social life and happiness, wanted to make her Hunters–  who are like her daughters– stay at an all boys school. Even though they hate boys, and most of them were raped or something. Just so you could then kidnap a child!?" Percy asked, Zeus shrugged and nodded.

"When you put it that way it sound wrong. But yeah. Yeah we did." Zeus replied calmly. Jason had no time to react before Poseidon placed a baby in his arms. The gods then flashed out, leaving the door wide open, and a bubbly baby in the arms of Jason.

The baby was wrapped in a light green blanket, covered in light blue and pink polka dots. Percy and Jason looked at the infant questionably. "Does it have a name?" Jason questioned, "I'm not sure. Even then, we still need to find out the gender." Percy told him, Jason nodded. He and Percy managed to unwrap the baby from their fabric cocoon.

After a few minutes, they managed to tell the gender. "Okay. So no note– let find our new daughter a name." Percy replied,  Jason stared at him. "How about Lilly?" He asked, Percy shook his head.

"How about Silvia?" He asked, Jason bit his lip and shook his head. "Kayla?" "Nah." Percy replied, Jason sighed. "I know! Summer!" Percy exclaimed, Jason smiled and nodded.

"It has a nice ring to it. Now we need a middle name." Jason said, Percy nodded. "How about you get to choose the middle name." Percy told his husband. Jason nodded, smiling at Summer. "How about Summer Maya Graceson." Percy nodded, and Summer giggled.

Her black curls went in all directions, and her big Amber eyes seemed to stare into Jason's lip scar. "She's beautiful." He whispered, Percy nodded.

"Perfect. She's perfect." He agreed, Jason placed his head in Percy's shoulder. Then several letters flew out and on the floor from the mail slot. Percy picked the letters up, leaving Jason to hold Summer.

"What are they?" Jason asked, "Adoption firms. And a note. Stating that Summer's– who's real name is actually Thana? Well we aren't calling her that. But it says her parents died. Her mom in childbirth, and her guardian driving home from the hospital and getting in a crash." Percy told him, "Oh. Well, better start filling in the forms?" He said, it sounded more like a question.

"Yeah. And I'll go to Nico. Maybe he can locate the parents in the underworld. And we can thank them." "And not the gods?" Jason questioned, Percy looked at him. "Something bad's gonna happen later– let's face it the last thing we should thank are the gods!" He stated,  Jason shrugged and nodded. "Point to Percy." He muttered, and the new family soon fell asleep.

Not for long, as Summer cried a lot, but they were happy.


Hey guys! 800 VIEWS!!!!! Thanks!!! Anyways, shout out to tfios_fanatic. Thanks for the votes!!

-Bridgett Di Angelo 💀

Edited Saturday, May 13th, 2017

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