Glitter Bomber

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #81

Percy walked down the hallway hurriedly. His backpack was slowly falling down his shoulder, and the other strap hung down, hitting anyone near him. Panting, the son of Poseidon started to jog, hearing the bell sound. He cringed, cursing under his breath. 

"Slow down!" Jason called, running after him, several books placed in his tight grip. His heels slamming against the carpeted concrete flooring. "Percy!" He shouted, nearly loosing his footing as he tripped on his own foot. 

"You're a jerk Jason!" Percy yelled at him, his jog slowing down into a speed walk. 

Jason rolled his eyes, smiling.

"It's only some glitter!" He pointed out, catching up to Percy. Percy gave him a harsh glare, frown deepening. Jason sighed, "Perce." Jason whined, making Percy roll his eyes. Making harsh eye contact with Jason for a split second. 

Sighing, Percy's eyes softened. "You know how hard it is to get glitter out of my hair." Percy accused. Jason gave a sheepish smile, rubbing his arm. "I guess I forgot. . ." He said apologetically. Shaking his head gently, Percy swung his arm over Jason's shoulder.

"You're so helping me wash this out." Percy whispered to him, then kissed his cheek and ran off.

Jason smiled softly, placing his had on the cheek Percy kissed.

"YES!!" He screamed, goofily grinning.

Percy, having run off, smiled as he heard Jason.  


I know it's short, but I'm planning a really long oneshot next! I SWEAR!!!

BTW, this is real. The glitter thing. My friend, who I shall dub Log, has this glitter pack. They're those tubes, so he takes them, and spills them on people's heads. (MY HEAD!!!) We call it getting "glitter bombed." And I hate it. I literally have glitter in my hair for WEEKS!!!!

- Bridget

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