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Jercy - - Oneshot #76

Breathing harshly, Percy leaned against a broken pillar for support. His sword arm ached from the son of Poseidon holding (and fighting) with his sword for too long. And each movement was substituted with a dull pain. A throbbing pain was a better description.

"Percy." Jason panted, soon by his side. Both teens covered head to toe in blood and dirt.

"I–" Percy coughed roughly, the blood from his front teeth (which were missing!) splattering over his torn up arm. "Really hate this." He continued.

Jason gave him a pitiful glance.

"I know." He stated, a spear held tightly in his hand.

"You'd think the gods wouldn't be this cruel." Percy commented, Jason's eyes widening as someone passed them.

"Piper, 11 o'clock!" He warned. The two sons of the Big Three scrambled to another broken pillar.

Praying to the Fates that they weren't caught by Piper's ears.

"Come on Jase." Piper said, her voice an evil tone. Hints of her insanity laced in her speech. Her charmspeak having been revoked by her mother, and Dionysius (spell?) having "gifted" her.

With the girl's face smeared with Roman blood, she let out a small chuckle.

"I see you." She said, words painfully slurred.

Jason inhaled sharply, his body freezing.

Percy's grip on his sword tightened. He himself had altered its effects with the help of a Hecate camper in exchange for their life to be spared. So, by all means, he could very well kill his friend.

Or at least maim her more.

"Piper. I know you can't see me." Percy called, sprinting past her.

Piper's eyes weren't there.

Her sockets filled with blood, half of her camp shirt was ripped. The slivers of fabric used to block the blood and (hopefully) stop the bleeding.

Piper let out a laugh again.

"I can very well see you Percy Jackson." She stated, her hands both placed over her hand grenades.

Percy was quick to climb a electricity post, the exposed wires giving him small shocks as he climbed with his bare hands.

"I know you're here Jason. I'll kill us all if I need to." Piper said, Jason still silent.

"If you don't come out when I get to 3, I'll kill us all." Piper told them.

"Don't do it." Percy spoke. Neither halfbloods knowing if he was talking to Jason, or to Piper.


Piper's hair was to her ears, cut even more unevenly. Her left leg was gone, replaced by a pole that she had shoved in the wound herself.


Jason's hair was stained red. Bits of flesh burned all over his body. His glasses were no longer framing his face, instead they were no where to be found. The son of Jupiter barely clothed. His jeans torn to his mid thigh, shirt in tatters.


Percy looked at her. Half of his face torn to shreds, blood blinding him in one eye. His two front teeth were missing, and his sword was sticky with blood.

"May power bring us chaos." Piper whispered, chanting a phrase neither boy's understood before she dropped it.

The blast was powerful.

It drowned out Percy's screams of "No!" And managed to demolish Piper's entire body.

The pillar that Jason was behind, crumpled to the ground.

Bits of rock falling on him as he covered his head. His ear ringing from the shock.

The ground blowing apart.

Dirt flying in Percy's face as he fell.

Percy fell to the ground, screaming and howling in pain as the powerful blast got to him. It was too intense.

So when it ended, and Piper was gone, it took both heroes time to get up. Well, if they could. . .

Jason was hesitant to his feet. His right arm surely broken, and his spear sunken into the dirt.

"Percy?" He called.

"Percy?!" He screamed, panicked as he received no answer.

Percy groaned. "Percy!" Jason exclaimed, eyes wide as he found the hero.

Percy was covered in a massive amount of blood, dirt surrounding him like a coffin.

"Oh my gods." Jason whispered as he looked down.

Percy's legs weren't there. Instead of on his body, they were thrown into the Forrest.

"Jason." Percy groaned, "It hurts." He stated.

Jason kneeled to him. "I know. But you're gonna be okay. Y-you're going to be fine." Jason soothed, wincing at how pathetic he sounded.

Green eyes met his blue ones.

"No I'm not."

And with that, the lively green eyes he once battled with. Became dull and lifeless. Like a dolls. Glossy and unmoving.

"No." Jason whimpered.

"No!" He screamed as tears ran down his face.

"Congratulations Jason Grace! You're the last one standing! You are the new God!" His father's voice boomed as Jason was transported to Olympus.

Jason looked at his father. Zeus's eyes holding no remorse for his trembling son as he held Poseidon's son's body.

"Stop." He stated, placing the body gently on the ground.

"I don't want to be a god!" He shouted at his father.

"I don't want to be considered one of you! You're selfish, lazy, and monsters! Everyone of you!" Jason screamed.

"You made us kill each other! Piper died! Leo died! Nico died! Thalia died! Annabeth died!" Jason listed. Angrier with each name.

"Percy is dead!" He said, hot tears streaming down his face.

"And just so you can start over!"

"I had to kill them Zeus! Kill my friends— my family!"

Zeus's glare hardened. "Do you accept?" He questioned.

Jason shook his head, face red. "I never want to be like you." He spats.

Zeus sighed. "So be it."

And with that. He blew his son to smithereens.

"The new god will have to be decided in years time. Once again, we have failed to find one." Zeus states, sighing.

Story idea? Like, I could call it "A New God" or "Gods" and just make it like this. Maybe a little background.


I think I'll do it.

- Bridget (THANKS FOR THE 58,000 VIEWSSSS)

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