Gravity (Part Two)

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Jercy - - Oneshot #93

Jason wheeled himself inside the red brush building. His hands gloved and a hat placed on his head. It was late December, the snow was just starting to melt. The cold air stung Jason's nose, and with each gust of wind– his eyes watered.

"Jason!" Greeted an old woman at her desk. Jason sent her a quick smile, but didn't give any verbal response. Instead, he continued to wheel himself on the concrete floors. Trying to go as fast as he could to an elevator.

Today was the day.

Today was the day he'd walk again, and then propose to Percy. Ever since he had brought him to one of those skydiving chambers, he had been in love with him.

Several endless movie nights, weird food combinations, and so many dates later; Jason felt whole. He didn't even realize he was in love until his friend stated; "Dude. You are so lucky! To be in love like that! I'd kill for that kind of love." So yeah, he was ready to propose (and walk again).

"Ready to start?" He heard Dr. Herkert ask, his light brown eyes glistening happily. With a wide smile, Jason nodded. "I've been ready since April!" Jason answered as he looked down at his legs. Dr. Herkert grinned at the blond, "Let's get started." He stated as he opened the to the room Jason had stayed in for months.


Percy sat on the old, leather couch of his mother's as he looked at the door. He was in a suite, and he had a tie on. His hair was messy and his green eyes seemed to bare into the door harshly.

"Are you ready, honey?" His mother questioned, looking at her son with concern. Percy nodded and plastered a fake smile on his face. "I'm fine Mom." He answered.

Sally, his mother, nodded as she pushed back her son's hair. Kissing his forehead she sat down on the couch. "Who're you waiting for?" She questioned as she glanced at the closed door.

Percy blushed and let his hands go into his lap. "Jason." He mumbled, making his mother laugh joyfully. "Oh Percy, my baby's all grown up! Waiting for dates and still getting nervous." She teased lightly, Sally noticing how Percy was biting his lip now.

Sally sighed softly and smoothed back Percy's wild hair. "It's going to be okay." She soothed as she touched his arm; his whole body seemed to be tense. Percy gave his mother a small glare, frown deepening as he looked at his phone.

"What if he forgot?" Percy asked in slight panic. Sally shook her head at his panicked question, "Four year anniversary is a big thing to just forget, Sweetie." Percy let out a sigh and shrugged.

"He's been so secretive lately. Working extra shifts at work, driving out everyday at the same time. It's almost like he's meeting up with someone!" Percy paused as he looked at his phone screen again, Jason was now 10 minutes late. It was too unusual for the blond.

"A-And he wants to do things by himself. He used to let me push him, and make him sandwiches. Now, he makes his own sandwiches. That scares me mom." The last sentence Percy spoke became quieter with each word. The raven haired man once again biting his lip; enjoying the painful sting as he used his top teeth to rip off dead (and alive) skin.

Sally looked around the room for a moment, unsure of what to say. Finally, she decided to speak again. Tired of her son destroying his lip.

"Making his own sandwiches isn't the end of the world. Maybe he feels the need to step up, be more independent?" Sally suggested as she rubbed his shoulders. Her small fingers pressing against every tense spot she could find.

Percy licked his lips, feeling a small stream of blood start to drop from his chin.

Sally saw her son's lip and gasped. "Oh, Percy, let's get you cleaned up." She stated, standing up to get the Vaseline  and a wet cloth.

Before she could tend to Percy, there was a knock.

"I'll get it." Percy told his mother, wiping the blood off his chin with his sleeve.

"Hey." Percy greeted, looking down at Jason. Jason smiled at him, his blue eyes meeting up with his green ones. "Sorry I'm late, caught up in traffic." Jason knew how fake his excuse sounded; even if it was true.

Percy shrugged it off. Jason saw Percy's bleeding lip. "Oh god." He winced as Jason held his chin. "Jase–" Percy murmured, trying his best to talk but failing as Jason's grip on his jaw seemed to tighten as he pulled Percy down to his level. "You're bleeding." Jason stated his eyes peering through his glasses at the blood starting to well up again.

"It's fine." Percy replied to him, pulling away. Jason gave a small noise and his cheeks turned pink. "Okay." He whispered, Percy feeling a little guilty for pulling away.

"So, where are you taking me, Superman?" Percy questioned as an attempt to change the subject. Jason looked down at his wheelchair before staring at Percy's jawline. "It's a surprise." Jason repeated to his boyfriend, Percy chuckling as Jason lead him to the car.

Jason, before getting to the car door, turned. "Come on." He motioned to his left; right down a dark alley way.

Percy gulped and looked uncertainly at it. He then glanced at the car and at his hopeful boyfriend. "Are you sure?" He asked, nervousness dominant in his voice. Jason gave a sturdy nod as he started to wheel himself down the alley way.

Percy had no choice but to follow.


Percy gasped as the alley way came to a holt. At the dead end, there were two plastic blue chairs. The back of each containing a Paw Patrols character; and the table a dusty, glass centered, wobbly thing. Small, green fairy lights surrounded the two chairs and table, illuminating the area around it. Tinting the paste colored walls a mint green.

"Jason..." He couldn't speak, looking at several flower pots lining the walls. Vibrant blue flowers sprouting, some dripping wet from earlier watering. Jason but the inside of his cheek to keep himself from smiling, Percy's eyes widening as he looked around more.

The sky was clear, and stars were sparkling. The floor was a layer of dirt, with thin layers of paper shreds on top. "Wow." Percy found himself saying, walking slowly to a chair.

Jason stayed further away. His eyes following Percy as he looked at Jason; obvious confused.

"Aren't you going to sit down?" He asked him, Jason nodding.

"One sec." He answered, turning his body slightly to knock on a rusted door. The door opened quickly and out came a man in his late 40s. His dark eyes showing obvious excitement and happiness.

He held a piece of paper with him, and unfolded it as he came to Jason's wheel chair.

Four years ago I fell in love. A year ago I went to PT to do this...

Percy read it, still confused. "What's PT?" He questioned, Jason slowly getting up.

"J-Jas– oh my gods!" Percy exclaimed as Jason got out of his wheelchair. The blond slowly walking up to Percy. Percy's eyes gathering tears in them.

"Babe!" He let out a small squeal, Jason's smile only widening.

"Four years ago, I fell in love. I took a year of physical therapy to do this..." Jason stated, going down on one knee shakily. The man was by his side, watching him. Jason pulled out a ring box.

"Perseus Jackson, will you marry me?" Jason asked as he opened the box. Revealing a gold ring.


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