Hogwarts AU

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Jercy -   - Oneshot #59

Sally Blofis liked to think of herself as normal.

Well. . .

Minus how she was a witch, and how she had a son with a pure-blood (don't ask), and how her son was a wizard— well his dad was a wizard. . . Plus that potions lair she hid in the basement. . .

But other than that, perfectly normal!

She was married to a muggle now, after the pure-blood left her because he was arranged to be married (she honestly didn't care anymore), and she was raising 4 kids.

1 she had with the wizard, and the other 3 she had with her current husband— Paul.

Percy– or Perseus– was the child she had with the wizard, and, to her relief, didn't seem to have any magic in his little 11 year old body.

Then there was her daughters Hailey and Rylee.

Then, finally, her other son Elliot.

Enough about her though! Here's when the story really begins:

11 year old Percy Jackson (going by his mother's maiden name. To show he was rebellious) walked to the kitchen sleepily, soon followed by his half siblings.

"Morning mom." He yawned, rubbing the crust out of his ocean-green eyes. "Good morning sweeties." Sally– his mother– replied to her kids.

"Hi mommy." Hailey said, "Hi." Rylee whispered shyly. Meanwhile, Elliot just giggled.

"I'm making pancakes!" Sally told the kids, Percy grinned. "Blue?" He asked, "No, I ran out of—" Sally stopped in mid sentence, seeing that the bottle of blue food dye had quickly replenished itself. Now standing in front of her, gleaming.

Sally's features wrinkled in confusion, but she quickly dismissed it.

'He's a squib. No magic in his veins.'

Sally had to remind herself, taking a few glances at Percy.

"Mom?" Percy asked, snapping her out of her thoughts. "Y-yes honey?" She questioned.

"I think you burned the pancakes." He commented, motioning to the, now black, pancake.

Sally blushed, then tried to start laughing it off.

"My mistake." She simply said.

Paul then came, "Did someone burn something?" He asked, sniffing the air.

Sally blushed. "I did. I got distracted." She admitted shyly. Paul just smiled, kissed her cheek, and started to walk out.

"I'll get the mail." He told Sally, then walked out.

Sally just nodded, and put a few pancakes on each plate. The passing them out to each kid, keeping Paul's and her own plates on the counter.

"Thanks mommy." Hailey said, shooting an evil look at Percy.

"Hailey." Sally warned, the 9 year old then focused on her. "Mommy, why is there an owl out the window?" Elliot asked, pointing to the kitchen's open window.

Sure enough, there was an owl perched on the window sill.

Rylee, seeing the owl, screamed loudly– and threw her plate (pancakes included) at it. "Not the pancakes!" Percy wailed, silently mourning the death of her pancakes.

The owl simply flew up, the plate missing it completely.

It let out a small hoot, then flew in.

Sally's eyes widened to the size of saucers, Rylee let out another ear piercing scream.

By now, Elliot was behind his mother's leg, and Hailey was under the table.

Percy sat there at the table, gaping at the owl.

The owl dropped a letter, then left.

"That was weird." Percy remarked once the chaos had stopped.

"What Mr. Feathers give you?" Elliot asked curiously, his fear long forgotten. "Mr. Feathers?" Percy questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Elliot giggled before attempting to climb in Percy's lap.

Percy— being the eldest— let the 3 year old climb up, but didn't let him see the letter. "I gotta see it first." Percy said sternly.

Elliot whined in protest, by didn't move from Percy's lap.

Carefully, Percy opened the wax sealed letter. Lifting up the folded paper, it read.


Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore
(Order of Merlin, First Class, Grand Sorc., Chf. Warlock,
Supreme Mugwump, International Confed. of Wizards)

Dear Mr. Jackson,
We are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Please find enclosed a list of all necessary books and equipment.
Term begins on 1 September. We await your owl by no later than 31 July.
Yours sincerely,

Minerva McGonagall
Deputy Headmistress

Second page


First-year students will require:
1. Three sets of plain work robes (black)
2. One plain pointed hat (black) for day wear
3. One pair of protective gloves (dragon hide or similar)
4. One winter cloak (black, with silver fastenings)
Please note that all pupil's clothes should carry name tags.
All students should have a copy of each of the following:
The Standard Book of Spells (Grade 1)
by Miranda Goshawk
A History of Magic
by Bathilda Bagshot
Magical Theory
by Adalbert Waffling
A Beginner's Guide to Transfiguration
by Emeric Switch
One Thousand Magical Herbs and Fungi
by Phyllida Spore
Magical Drafts and Potions
by Arsenius Jigger
Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
by Newt Scamander
The Dark Forces: A Guide to Self-Protection
by Quentin Trimble
1 wand
1 cauldron (pewter, standard size 2)
1 set glass or crystal phials
1 telescope
1 set brass scales
Students may also bring, if they desire, an owl OR a cat OR a toad.


Yours sincerely,

Lucinda Thomsonicle-Pocus
Chief Attendant of Witchcraft Provisions

"Mom." Percy said nervously, "Um, yes?" Sally replied cautiously.

"Why is it saying I belong in a school for witchcraft and wizardry?" He asked.

Sally swallowed harshly. "Um, sweetie, we gotta talk." She began.


By September 29th, Percy had decided that reality could go and just. . . Meh.

He was beyond confused, and had learned he was a wizard no more than a few months back. His mother was a witch, and she had never told him!

To top it all off, she took him to Diagon Alley. Which was, to Percy's understanding, a market place for witches, wizards, and other mythological creatures.

"Are you ready Percy?" His mother asked, grabbing the cage that kept his owl and putting it on the luggage carrier. "Sure." Percy murmured, looking at his train ticket for the Hogwarts Express.

9 3/4?

Where the heck would platform 9 3/4 be?!

There was 9, and 10, that's all.

. . . Not anymore. . .

"Okay, sweetie, take your luggage, then run. As fast as you can possibly go, if I may add. Right into there." Sally explained to Percy, pointing to where he had to go.

"Mom. I swear you're trying to kill me." Percy stated, then took a deep breath.

He then started running, screaming as he entered platform 9 3/4.

"Oh Percy." His mother muttered with a sigh.

"What am I going to do with you?" She asked, then laughed, "I miss you already." She said to herself, sniffling.


The Hogwarts Express came rather quickly, and Percy admitted– he nearly missed it.

Thankfully, this blonde dude came to his rescue and he managed to get on.

The trouble now?

He needed to find a seat.

Percy laughed nervously, and glanced at all the compartments. All nearly full, and if they weren't full, they were full of girls, jerks, and strange people talking about blowing up a toilet.

Finally, after what seemed like eight eternities later, he found a nearly empty spot.

Bonus: It had the blonde guy from earlier!

"Hey, can I sit here?" Percy asked, opening the door. The guy didn't even give him a glance, but nodded. His eyes glued to the window.

"You okay?" Percy asked, sitting next to him.

The blonde sighed, then looked at him.

Percy was immediately enchanted by his sky blue eyes. It reminded him of summer skies and of the ocean. Two of Percy's favorite things.

"My names Jason by the way. And sorry, I'm just nervous." The boy— nope, his name was Jason— explained.

"About what?" Percy asked, yet, he completely understood.

"This sorting thing. . . How does it work?" Jason questioned, Percy bit his lip. "Well, I believe that a hat starts singing, and then it shouts at us, resulting in the teachers putting us in groups. And if you're in certain groups you can never see each other again and are forced to be enemies." He replied.

Jason hummed, "Well." He said, after moments of silence. "That's really suck-y." He stated, Percy chuckled and agreed.

"So, when do you think we're going to get there?" Percy asked, breaking a comfortable silence that had formed.

"Hours. So, Percy, want to play 20 questions?"
Jason proposed, Percy smiled. "Sure." He answered.


By the time they had exited the train, Percy and Jason were pretty close. They knew each other's basic information, but also their deep secrets.

"I'm glad we had that talk." Jason said awkwardly. "Me too." Percy said, then grinned before saying.


Jason gave him a playful glare, then gasped.

"Woah." Percy whispered, looking at the castle like school in front of them. Crowds of people in robes— much like their own— wakes casually, talking about what sounded like Latin.

"First Years 'ver here!" A male called, his voice scruffy and loud.

Percy quickly grabbed Jason's wrist, he looked at him. "Come on!" Percy said, laughing. Jason gave him a smile, and they ran to the man.

"Hi, we're first years." Jason said, the man smiled. "Come on in then. Careful." He warned gleefully, his height surprising Percy.

He was like a giant. . . With an awesome beard!

Soon, they crossed a black lake, and went into the castle that they claimed was he school.


Immediately, Percy looked at the ceiling. "Amazing." Jason murmured, looking at the ceiling as they entered.

Kids of all ages passed them, but they didn't care. Their eyes kept on, memorized, by the night sky.

"I swear. . ." Percy trailed off. "Stars." Jason whispered in amazement. Percy nodded.


Percy quickly realized that all his mother had said was, well, true! The hat that talked sang some song, and most sang along.

This left Jason and Percy clueless of the words to the song, and just standing there awkwardly.


Finally, they started sorting.

"Annabeth Chase!"

"Let her be Ravenclaw!" The hat cried.

A table of people cheered, some whistled. Every other table was silent.

The blonde girl, who had just been sorted, ran to join the people. Smiling widely, she sat down.

"You okay?" Jason asked him, Percy nodded.

He was desperately waiting. Listening to some random names being called.
(I'm just putting them at random. Don't feel like sorting them into alphabetical order.)

"Leo Valdez!" Slytherin.
"Hazel Levesque!" Hufflepuff
"Nico Di Angelo!" Ravenclaw (he looked strangely at the hat before sitting down cautiously with that blonde girl.)
"Frank Zhang!" Gryffindor.


"Perseus Jackson!" They called, he blushed as a few people stared at him. Nevertheless, he quickly walked up.

He sat down, and as if a few eternities had passed, the hat was placed.

Hmm, interesting. A long line of Hufflepuffs, with a few Gryffindors. Yet. . . I know now.

The hat spoke. He was surprised. . . He really should have guessed though. It already sang to them!

He went off and sat down at a cheering table. "Welcome to Slytherin!" Someone greeted, and then jr was silent. Percy awkwardly sat there, looking at Jason.

Their eyes soon met, and Percy's heart sped up again. Dang.


Finally, they called Jason.

Percy held his breath, would he and Jason be in the same house? He hoped!

Percy held his breath, the hat being placed on Jason's head. It all went in slow motion for him. His heart pounding.

"Let him be Gryffindor!" The hat announced.

Percy's heart broke.

A Slytherin and a Gryffindor?

Pft, unlikely!


Jason sat down with the Gryffindor students, awkwardly sitting down next to a beefy Asian. Who, by the way, looked like a baby man. His face not matching his body structure, whatsoever!

"Frank." He said out of the blue, glancing at Jason. Jason blushed slightly, then stammer out. "J-Jason."


"Come on, we need to get back to our dorms. First years follow Phil!" A Slytherin student shouted to the first years.

Percy— completely clueless to who this Phil guy was, grabbed onto someone's hand. "Are you a first year?" He immediately asked, the boy chuckled, but nodded. "Yep. I'm Leo." He replied, giving him a cheeky smile.

Oh yeah! Percy had suddenly remembered him from earlier.

"Percy." He replied, "Didn't the elder say Perseus?" Leo teased, Percy rolled his eyes. "My mom sure knows how to name me." He muttered, but felt slightly guilty. . . Did he just insult his mom?!

"Just call me Percy." He continued, Leo smiled at him again. "Then just call me Hot Stuff." He said, Percy chuckled. "I think I'll stick with Leo." He commented.


Jason quickly got to the dorms, sharing it with Frank, Dan, Tyson, and Maxwell. Plus a few other guys, but Jason didn't know their names.

He quickly got himself situated, and sat on his bed.

"Name?" His bed neighbor asked. Jason avoided his eyes, but answers. "Jason. My name is Jason."

"Cool. I'm Dakota. Greetings." He said, Jason guessed he was suppose to say something back– but he didn't.


By the time Percy had settled into his Slytherin dorm, with his dormates, he had only met 4 people.

In his dorm there was Leo, Octavian, and Luke.

Then there was Jason.

That equals four!

By the time he was comfortable with them, it was about a month or so into the semester. Jason and Percy only met in a few classes, but found time to walk each other down the halls, and to dinner. Start a few conversations, mainly deep and meaningful. But sometimes just talking about house rivalries and homeworks they were assigned to do.

Other than that, they hadn't gotten to spend much time together. Jason was busy with essays, and Percy was busy with the same. Neither of them ever thought of doing a study session together— and to be honest, neither of them had time to decide a place to meet, decide which subject to study, or the time they'd meet.


"You look down." Someone commented as Percy flopped himself onto a chair in the Slytherin Common Room. "Potions teach just bothered me today." He replied, not bothering to use their name.

The mystery person chuckled, "I know, I was there. Remember Aquaman?" He replied.

Percy's eyes widened, and he gasped. A smile formed on his face.

"Jason!" He exclaimed happily, quickly pulling the blonde into a hug. "Missed you too." He joked.

"I thought you had a charms essay?" Percy asked, confused. Jason smirked at him. "Turns out, I already did the essay, 2 weeks ahead of time. So I'm done with work for today. Thought we could hang. If that's cool." Jason explained, Percy nodded, but he couldn't help but ask another question.

"How'd you get in here?"

Jason glanced at the chair Percy was in. "I got a few first years to help me. Told them I was with you."

Percy raised his eyebrow at him. "Oh really?" He questioned. Jason nodded.

"Come on then." Percy said happily, grabbing his books. Jason smirked, grabbing his quills and ink. Percy also snagged some parchment.

Girl Scout camp time! Aka no updates until Monday! Oh such joy! (Sarcasm!)

So, um, 18.9K. . .


Seriously though. I never thought this fanfiction would even get close to 1K.

I was SO wrong!!!!

I'll see you guys Monday!!


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