I Won't Be Long (Part 2)

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Jercy - Oneshot #105

Annabeth glared at the stone temple in front of them. The grey stone was jagged. Cracks of black circled around in the middle of the north wall. The circle looking like it was made of the silhouette of thorns. The east wall was torn down. A few holes in the ceiling of the building let the sun's rays shine to the middle of the temple. It was roofless and the stone was sleek in places the cracks were not.

"Who's temple is this?" Percy asked. His voice broke through the silence. Annabeth walked closer. She ran her fingertips along the wall. She pulled back with a gasp.

Kendra looked alert, her hand going to the hilt of her sword.

Annabeth pulled her hand to her chest. "It's... wet." She said.

Percy groaned and Kendra chuckled with a fond eye roll.

"A plus observation from the smartest one here!" Kendra exclaimed. Annabeth decided to suck behind the door frame. Inside was a ditch. It was covered in twigs and dead leaves.

"Any clue who's temple this is?" Percy questioned again. He started to scan over a wall. The cracks made swirls and circles. Nothing was standing out to him. There was no secret owl design, or a blazing sun.

Annabeth was fully emerged into the temple. Her blonde hair was covered in the shadows.

"I found the temple a bit ago. Tried to figure something out, but it's in this weird language." Kendra remarked as she gestured to a few words. Percy tried to decipher what it said. The words were not English or Greek, and the letters seemed to dance around the surface.

Percy knew that the later was because of his dyslexia, but the phrase was still disturbing.

Annabeth popped her head out.

"There was writing on the inside too," she added.

The daughter of Athena peered at the text. She sighed and shook her head.

"I've got nothing," she told Kendra and Percy. Percy felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. He reached in and quickly unlocked the message.

How's the quest going?

Not good, found some weird temple. Even Annabeth can't figure it out

"Percy I swear to the gods above if you're texting Jason again I will rip your soul out of your body!" Annabeth warned as she increasingly grew frustrated with the complex temple. Percy snorted before sending a goodbye text to Jason.

Shoving his phone into his pocket, he yelled "Jokes on you Wise Girl! You can't take something from me that I never had!"

Kendra decided to throw a series of pebbles at his chest.

"There's a lever." She pointed out. Annabeth had crawled out of the temple. She stood next to the wall. Her skin fingers pointed to the lever. It was covered in moss and vines. It leaned to the ground, the wood holding it up was rotting.

Without a second thought, Percy pulled the lever.

Kendra proceeded to curse him out as the ground started to shake. Trembles ran up and down his body. Annabeth stumbled, wincing as she rolled the ankle that never quite healed properly after Tartarus. Kendra screamed and cling onto Percy's arm. He winced as her nails dug into his skin and his body jerked from the sudden ground movements.

It stopped within a minute. The trio cautiously looking around. A staircase had come from the ground. The ground sinking in and the steps made of loose dirt. The temple markings glowed a golden brown.

"Nice going, seaweed brain." Annabeth muttered sarcastically. Kendra was still holding onto Percy's arm. He shook her off before taking a few steps to the staircase.

The ground went out from under him. Annabeth gasped and was quick to grab his arm. Together they both fell. Kendra screaming and trying desperately to grab onto Annabeth.

"No!" Kendra screamed as Percy and Annabeth fell.

Percy felt the sick feeling of deja vu as he pulled Annabeth to his chest.

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