Jercy From my Little Sister

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Jercy - - Oneshot #95

Once upon a time in a time, Jason and Percy were desperate for a child 👶 🧒 they went on a hunt. Now of course they didn't have a lot of money so they had to steal one. It's the time they have been waiting for 7 trillion years. So on a Monday night they will get a child. Finally on Monday Percy distracts the mom when Jason takes the kid. Like always their plan didn't follow through. Now they're in Jail. About 7 trillion years later their plans finally worked. So now they have a child and the next day it died. The lesson they learned is if they want a child to save up money.

They really wanted a child 👶 so they had to get ten jobs each. About a year later they finally had enough to cover diapers. Then they realized if they want a child they need a career not a job. So all the money they had saved went to Percy for college. So now he had to think about what he wanted to be. He could be anything really. He just needed to pick TONIGHT. All the pressure was on for him if he wanted a family he would have to do well. Jason decided to help a little by doing all the shopping, laundry, and all the cooking. If you thought about it a lot of pressure was on Jason by keeping Percy focused.

Then it came to Percy he wanted to be a scuba diver. Sadly Jason had to tell him he couldn't they didn't teach that in college. Percy was heartbroken. He wanted to scuba dive forever with his family. Jason could see how upset he was so he decided to bake him a cake. Not any cake a Christmas cake. It turned out Percy hated it because it was the middle of July. Jason thought it was a good try because it's the thought that counts.

Finally after many hours of research Percy wanted to be a gardener. He thought he could make a beautiful garden in the front yard. He was sold on it. He wanted to surprise Jason in the morning with his decision so he didn't tell him

Next thing he knew seaweed trying to take Jason away so they could never have a family. He couldn't do anything because it was in the water and he didn't want to get wet. He watched in horror as Jason died. Percy was left sad and lonely. Of course, it wasn't for long because it was just a dream.


This was made from my sister's imagination. She's (as you know) annabearbear. So. . . uhhhh, go check her out and I'll see you guys next time! 

Oh, before I forget! How would you guys feel if I made a This is Totally 'Health Class'! continuation? Either in this book or create a new fic about them and add background and other stuff. (other stuff read as Theyna).

Leave comments (please)! They made my day!!!


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