Love Me More Than You Love Ice Skating (Part 1)

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Jercy - - Oneshot #45

"You want to skate?" Jason's mother asked, slightly horrified. Jason, who was 7 at the time, nodded. He was slightly scared of his mom. "I-I wanna be like P-Percy Jackson." He managed to stutter out. "Well, you can't be like him! I expect you to be better than him Jason!" She shouted at him, he was trembling slightly.

Jason stood there, his mother glaring at him. Her glare hard, and it felt like she was staring into his soul, to Jason. Thalia, his older sister, who was 14, looked at her mother in disgust. "Just let him go! He's not your little shadow Mother. He isn't going to be the best at everything." Thalia spat, Jason saw his mother's glare going to her now.

"Shush! I will not let you even help Jason! You're the reason Zeus and Jupiter left me!" His mother yelled at her. Thalia's eyes grew hard. "No! That's because your to drunk to even take care of your kids! Why would they want you again?!" Thalia yelled, her mothers eyes filled with tears.

"Get out!" She screamed at Thalia, holding a bottle high above her head, threateningly.

Thalia grabbed Jason's wrist before nodding swiftly. "Come on Jason. Let's go." She grumbled. His mom gasped. "You can't just take my poor baby with you! You'll destroy his future, freak!" She shouted, throwing the bottle.

Luckily, it missed both kids. "Obviously you can't tell the difference between you and I! Seeing that you just explained yourself with Jason having you in his life!" Thalia screamed, grabbing her black backpack.

"Thals, where are we going?" Jason asked softly, Thalia looked at him. "We're going away from mommy for a bit, and we're gonna stay with a few of my friends, okay?" She told her brother softly. Jason nodded.

It was funny.

That was the last time he had seen his mom. . .

Instead he lived with Thalia, Annabeth (Who was a year older than him), and Luke (Thalia's boyfriend). Crammed together in a small, terrible, apartment, but they were okay(?). He even took ice-skating lessons from Luke at a nearby lake, or when the ice-rink was offering free admission to 21 and younger skaters.

He still obsessed over Percy Jackson. He had his moves from previous competitions down, and even had a few "fanboy blogs" running.

But, Jason never thought that November 12th would change anything. . . 


Jason woke up, shuttering. He bit his lip and looked next to him. Thalia was breathing softly, still in her dirt covered, grassed stained, work uniform. Jason sighed, and his phones alarm went off. Thalia groaned, "To early." She mumbled, Jason chuckled softly. Even at 16 he was still close to his sister.

Jason turned off his alarm, and carefully walked out of bed, taking his phone with him. His hair was a mess, and he was shirtless. "First, shower." He told himself, stumbling into the bathroom. He blindly took a towel off the shelf, not caring whose it was, and placed it on the sink's dry counter. He then proceeded to place his glasses case on top of the towel.

He let out a sigh, and stripped himself, disposing his pants, underwear, and socks in a pile in the corner of the bathroom. He walked in the tub, and pulled the curtain closed. He then looked to his right, turning on his shower speaker and pushing play. He smiled, and turned on the shower to cold.

The water chilled his skin, and Jason's favorite song came on. 'History Makers.'

Jason smiled, and let the cold water run down his back, humming to the song softly. He grabbed soap and washed his blonde hair, "We were born to make history!" He screamed, and rinsed out the shampoo. He laughed, hearing a girly scream, followed by a thud. "Jason!" Thalia shouted, angrily stomping to the bathroom. Jason paled.

'Wrong girl!' He thought, panicked.


"Bye Thals!" Jason called out, picking up his old white ice skates and his brown duffel bag. He slung the handle over his shoulder. "I didn't know you had practice today! I thought it wasn't until Monday?" She shouted back to him. Jason smiled, "I go to practice with my coach Mondays through Fridays! Then I teach kids on Saturday and Sunday!" He reminded her, for the 8th time.

"Oh, okay!" Thalia shouted back, and Jason opened the door. He walked out calmly, locking the door behind him, and started his walk to the ice-rink. He shivered again the morning, the cold November air stinging his bare fingers and nose.

He stopped for a moment, zipping up his coat. Then, he felt a tap on his shoulder. "Excuse me, um, I'm looking for the ice-rink in this town, a guy I know said that he had to have me there for special reasons. Can you help. . . Because as you can see, I'm more lost than Nemo before he got found by Dory and his dad." A stranger explained, Jason had yet to look up from his jacket.

He smiled, and nevertheless decided to help him. "Okay, sure, I was just heading there myself. I'm Jason, Jason Grace." He told the stranger. He then decided to look up. He gasped, the 'stranger' smirked.

"Cool. I'm Percy Jackson."


Jason wasn't sure what had happened. He had met Percy Jackson, his idol, was shocked for 6 seconds, and everything went black within those few seconds.

The next 15 minutes were filled with voices (Percy's, Annabeth's, and a few kids he knew).

And pain.

Just really bad pain, centered at his head.


"Everybody shut up before I shove this sharp skate blade in your mouth I think he's waking up!" Percy shouted, the voices stopped. Jason, disgruntled and confused, opened his eyes slowly. He groaned, white light took over his vision.

"I see the light." He muttered, still yet to find his filter. "Don't go toward it!" Percy nearly screamed, panicked. Luke sighed, turning off the lamp. "That's better." Jason mumbled, Percy let it a breath. Jason fell asleep again.


Jason was awake, massive head ache, but awake and running. He sighed, and looked around. He was laying on a cold bench, most likely in the locker room.

He felt so cared for!

He saw his duffel bag, and someone else's skates next to his own. They were different, the skates were black, the blade shone, and the laces were blue. Totally different from Jason's hand-me down skates. The dull blade, almost grey color, and green laces were. . . Sad compared to the other skates'.

"Glad your awake! I am so sorry! I didn't see the brick coming and I couldn't warn you! Oh my gods you have no clue h— and I'm rambling. . ." Jason heard a voice say, slightly awkward. Jason but his lip, and secretly pinched his arm.

This was all just a dream, he never met Percy Jackson. As in the Percy Jackson. Did he?

Jason turned, feeling the pinch sting, and looked at the skater. He was already in uniform, and in Spongebob socks.

"Percy Jackson." He whispered in awe, unfortunately, Percy heard him. Percy gave him a smirk. "Yep. That's me. So, um, how are you feeling, Jason Grace?" He asked, both boys blushing.

"G-good. Just need to pra-practice." Jason stammered, just then, Luke came in. "Hey Jason! Glad your okay! So, your class today was canceled, and you can skate if your up to it. Told Thalia. She freaked, but everything's fine. Cool?" He said quickly, Jason nodded, used to Luke's fast talk.

"I'm good, I'll just skate around for a b-bit." He said, embarrassed by the fact that Percy was standing next to him.

Luke gave him a signature smirk, nodded, and ran off. "Where does he even go?!" Percy asked, Jason smiled. "Who knows?" Jason told him, trying to get over his nerves.

It didn't work.

"Well, come on. Let's get on our skates and stretch." Percy told him, and grabbed one of his skates. "W-what?!" Jason stammered, a blush already forming.

"You said you'd skate around for a bit. Thought I'd join yah." Percy responded, pulling the blue laces of his skates tighter. "Um. Okay." Jason squeaked, and took off his shirt.

Underneath was his uniform, Jason get awkward already. Then, well, then came the pants. Jason had no clue he could blush this much because of one person.

One, amazing, talented, gold metal winning, champion in all categories, person.

Jason gave out a small sigh, and took off his shoes. This revealed his plain, grey socks. Percy looked at them for a moment. "You have not lived." Percy stated, and laced up his other skate.

"What?" Jason asked, slightly surprised. "You haven't lived until you've put in Spongebob socks and wore them in public." Percy simple told him, not looking up. Jason smiled slightly, and grabbed his skates and duffel. He placed his clothes in the duffel bag, and started to up his skates on.

"Ready?" Percy asked, looking at the ice rink from the glass wall of the locker room. (They were tinted. So no one could see in, but all could see out.)

"Yeah." Jason said softly, gulping as Percy touched his shoulder. "Let's go!" He cheered, making Jason laugh.


After the boys stretched, they were on the ice.

On the ice, Jason felt calmer, but still like a deer in headlights. The ice was smooth, fresh, but Percy was there. . .

Jason could barely come to terms that Percy and he had met, let alone that they were skating together!

On the inside, Jason was screamed, crying historically, and dancing all the the same time. This did less to help his mood, it just made him more nervous!

On the outside, he was still. He didn't move, he just watched Percy. Well, not watched, he glanced at him. His eyes misted over, his emotions and thoughts taking him away.

"You okay? You don't seem to be skating much." Percy asked him, gliding over to him. Jason looked at his knees, the only thing he could focus on and not blush, embarrassed. He had snapped out of his thoughts.

"Me? Yeah. I'm j-just, I'm just bummed I forgot my phone at home." Jason lied, his phone was in his duffel bag.

Well, not that Percy knew that.

"Here, you can use mine. I don't mind." Percy suggested, taking a blue iPhone 7 wrapped in white earbuds from out of his pocket. He handed to Jason. "Take it." He insisted, and skated away.

Jason finally nodded, and put the earbuds in. He smiled, History Makers was weirdly playing.

He slowly started to skate, and closed his eyes. The music was transforming him into a new being. Transporting him into a new world. He could feel the wind against his face as he skated faster and faster. Jason could practically feel his skates on the ice, he felt as if he was one with the ice.

It was just him (the music) and the ice.

No Percy.

No random bricks.

No stress.

No worries.

Just Jason, the music, and the ice.


Percy watched in awe. Jason, the guy he had met that day and who had been hit by a brick in front of him (talk about bad luck), was skating rather well!

He saw Jason move, at first he was doing Crossovers (If you don't know what those are go to or search up Ice skating terms and click the first thing that comes up in Google.) Gracefully gliding across the ice, faster and faster.

He suddenly did a Biellmann Position, his left leg pulled from behind making its position higher, and above, his head.

Percy watched in amazement, looking at Jason as he did the same routine he had done merely a year ago.

Percy could see that Jason's eyes were closed, and his face relaxed. His arms moved up and down, as if it was a woman doing it. And he looked like he and the ice were just one being. No separation between them. . .

Just like Percy used to be like, before he had the accident.

His ankle started to throb, like it did that day. He sighed, and ignored it, looking right back at Jason.


Both of them failed to notice Annabeth, recording it from the locker room. "You are so gonna thank me one day for this Jason." She muttered, just as the routine ended.

She then pressed upload.


The song finished, and Jason was breathing heavily. He was no longer with the ice. They were separate.


But separated by the new song.

Jason paused the new song (Called 'On Top Of The World' By Greek Fire. He wasn't interested.) and took out the ear buds.

Not that he cared, he didn't know who they were anyways.

"That-that was amazing!" Percy breathed, his sea-green eyes wide, and his mouth like a fish (Hahaha. Fish. Son of Poseidon. Ha.)

"Thanks." Jason whispered, looking at his feet. "Hey, um, can I talk to you? I have something to tell you." Percy said, Jaisnnsmiled.

"Already talking, aren't you?" He replied, but immediately regretted every decision he had made that day as Percy replied. "Okay. Well, I'd like to coach you Jason. And help you return to competitions this season." Percy told him.

Jason froze.

"What?!" He screamed.


Percy was rubbing his neck sheepishly. Luke and Annabeth skating toward them on the ice. Annabeth's blonde curls pulled back, and her grey eyes looking at Percy. "What did you just say?" She asked, looking slightly amused.

"I-I was asking Jason if I could coach him." Percy stammered, getting nervous. "Jason says yes. He says yes, you guys start tomorrow." Annabeth told them quickly, and pulled Luke off of the ice with her before he could protest.

Jason looked at Percy awkwardly. "8 am sharp?" Percy asked, Jason nodded, and Percy skated off the ice.



I know that I see Percy as Yuri and Jason as Viktor, but I needed them to switch in order to make this work. (Well in my mind.)

Yes I based it off Yuri! On Ice a bit. . . No I don't own them. I literally own nothing but my OC(s)

On Another random note:
It's been 3 months and 21 (currently on 03/26/17) days since the first chapter. To say the least, I am happy.

8K. Wow. Just wow. . .

I can't start to say how much this means to me! Like seriously, when I started 3 months and like 3 weeks ago, I didn't expect anyone to read it! But now. . . It's more popular than my story Clones Love— which I wrote about 2 years ago when I had just started Wattpad(ing? Is that considered a word?? Eh, who cares.)

I am so proud of you people right now, 1) because you kept reading when I like had the worst oneshots ever. And 2) you weren't afraid to give opinions and vote/comment! (These comments/votes made my day!! And I love when you guys suggest what should have happened, it makes me think what I could have done, it gives me new ideas, and it just makes me smile!!)

Thank you guys!!!! I LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!!

. . . Enough sappy stuff. . .

Anywaysssss, hi.

Questions about me?

Ask away, questions for Jercy?

Ask, please, I need something to do. . .


Buuut. . . Um. Shoutout to Dara1895 !!!!

I'd like to thank you!!

And also generalorgana !!!!!!!!!
I am just shouting her out because last time (in Oneshot #44) it didn't show. My computer was being weird, so I'm very grateful!!

And a small question: How would you guys feel if I let my sister do the 50th Oneshot?? Just wondering. . .




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