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Jercy - Oneshot #26

"Hey Aquaman. How're you doin?" Jason asked, Percy was in bed. The warm covers covering him in a cocoon. He groaned, and decided to sacrifice a pillow. To what you may ask? Jason's face.

"Hey!" He said, laughing. "Don't feel good." He said, coughing violently. Jason stopped, so that's why Nico was worried during Breakfast. Percy must have never missed any meals.

Or at least, tried not to unless it was serious? Jason didn't know, but he shook off those thoughts for his boyfriend. "What's wrong?" He asked, his hand slowly inching to a trash bin next to Percy. The Poseidon cabin was surprisingly clean, but on the other hand. Percy looked like crap.

Jason saw him with beads of sweat running down his red face, the blanket was covering almost everything– but his left leg, and his hair was matted to his skull from the sweat. Jason swore he was drenched in sweat, along with the bed.

"I feel like–" Percy grabbed the trash can quickly, and threw up. Jason held the bin in place, rubbing his boyfriends back.

After a few minutes, his stomach calmed down. His fever still ran, but he wasn't emptying his stomach anymore. Always the plus!

It had been a few days, and Will had finally gotten the fever to break. The campers caught it one by one, and Percy was finally ready to teach sword fighting again. Now to aid Clarisse. . . Oh dear. . . Challenge time!

Jason looked in his boyfriends cabin. "How're you feeling?" He asked. "Meh." He replied, "Just meh?" Jason asked him.

"Meh." He stated, turning his back to Jason and curling up in a ball. Within a few minutes he was asleep. "Meh to you to love." He whispered, kissing his forehead before heading out for training.


I know it's short! And I'm having writers block currently. Buuuut. . . 1.63K VIEWS?!?!?!?!!??!!! YOU GUYS ARE AMAZING!!!!!!!

-Bridget Di Angelo

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