Morning Call

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Percy picked up his bag and chained his bike to a fence when Jason called. Percy rolled his eyes with a loving grin. The Roman demigod always tried to call him before he got to school. It was a sweet way that the two got to talk to each other every day, and usually how he woke up to get to school in the first place.

As Percy began to walk and clicked 'answer.'

"Remember how you told me you'd love me even if I was an old man?"

Percy was officially worried. With how his life was going it wouldn't be too far fetched to see something to wrong. Like, say, his boyfriend being an old man again.

He had gotten into college, got an internship at the marine section of the zoo near his house, and he hadn't been forced on a quest in at least three months. So why wouldn't something terrible happen after all this good? His luck never lasted this long anyway, so Percy wasn't exactly surprised anymore.

"Are you an old man?" Percy asked.

Someone held the door for him and he mouthed a thank you. The person waved him off and exited the school.

Jason, from the other end, laughed nervously.

"Not quite..."

"Jason, di immortales, what do you mean "not quite"?!" Percy tried his best to keep his judgement out of his tone. He failed as he sighed and walked down the school hallway. The bell hadn't rung yet, he still had time to talk to Jason (and hopefully learn what he meant by not quite being an old man).

"Okay so tldr–"

"Did you just quote Reddit?"

"That's not important- anyway remember that kid from the Senectus— sorry Geras cabin?"

"Which one?"

"Percy there's only like four take a guess."



The fact that Jason seemed to be dragging this issue on and on made Percy nervous. He fidgeted with the strap of his backpack as he walked down the hall faster. A clock to his left displayed the time, 6:45 am. He had 10 minutes to get to class, and about 8 minutes of decent "demi-cell" (named by Leo) signal.

A girl sprinted past him as he took another guess.


"Wrong again."

Percy was really starting to get mixed emotions about this phone call.


"Nah he's the son of Hecate."

Not important, his brain argued with him. A locker slammed shut and Percy took a sharp turn. He was greeted with a boy reading while walking. He took another sharp turn to avoid crashing into him, and a few more steps to make sure he didn't walk face first into a wall.


"Why would Jessie he involved in me lowkey being an old man?"

Percy was getting tired of the guessing game. He had class, and a potentially old-aged boyfriend. And it wasn't even 7 am.

"I thought you said you weren't an old man."

"Details, details."

Percy groaned. He could practically see Jason shrugging. He exhaled through his nose with a soft smile. He was always so cute when he shrugged. His eyes shined and his lips perked up. It would have been funny if Percy wasn't such a simp.

Back to the problem at hand, Percy reminded himself. His mind was still foggy from sleep. He wanted nothing more than to get Jason back out of whatever mess he got himself into, finish this class, and sleep for a few days. Nico told him that Will insisted sleeping for days on end was a coma, but Percy's first coma wasn't so bad. Well, minus the memory loss.

"Jason Grace I swear to the gods above if you don't tell me what the Hades is going on right now I will steal your kneecaps."

"Just like you stole my hoodie?"

"Yes. And I will wear your kneecaps just like I'm wearing your hoodie right now."

Percy desperately wished he had coffee right now. A large coffee with enough expresso to paralyze an overweight elephant. Yeah, that would definitely keep him up for this class. Too many presentations over monkey mating habits got boring, and Percy knew it was just busy work until they found a new teacher for the class.

Jason cleared his throat before remarking;
"My boyfriend is mean."

"I can be meaner– now what did you do?"

"I got cursed because I accidentally called Sophie's macaroni art a cat instead of a self portrait."

Percy gave a hearty laugh. He was relieved that Jason wasn't entirely an old man, but gods he thought it was hilarious. He pictured Jason sitting miserably at the arts and crafts station at camp, being scolded by a nine year old. Sophie, shaking her finger at him, deeply offended by his lack of artistic views.

"That is– wow that's really dumb."

"Anyway, now I feel the affects of being an old man while keeping my amazing looks."

Percy got a few stares as he chuckled to himself.

"What looks?"

"Ouch, who pissed in your coffee this morning?"

"Certainly not my old man boyfriend. Do I need to come to camp?"
The bell rang. Class would be starting in two minutes. He read the room numbers and stopped at Room 520.

"Nah, Will's got me covered. The rest of Sophie's siblings are trying to get her to take back the effects."

"So I can hang up now?"

"And leave me in my time of need?"

Percy couldn't fight the grin on his face. This boy was so dramatic.

"You just said you were fine. And class is starting."

"Okay, okay!" And with that Jason hung up the phone.

Percy entered the classroom and ignored the smell of peppermint his teacher spread throughout the room. He took his seat and slid his bag to the ground. Jason's royal purple hoodie was soft. Percy took a second to catch a quick smell of it.

A scent that Percy could only describe as Jason made his shoulders relax. His phone buzzed and he looked down.

Jase <3
Love you

Percy sent a reply back before turning his phone off. A girl up front started to drone on about monkey habits.

This was going to be a long class.

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