Movie Nights

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #35

"You want to watch a movie?" Leo asked Percy, Annabeth, Hazel, Frank, Piper, Jason, and Nico. "Um. What's a movie?" Hazel asked.

As if in cue, Leo, Jason, and Percy gasped. "That's it!" Percy shouted, "This!" Leo continued. "Makes us have to have a movie night!" Jason had, finally, finished. Annabeth sighed, "What movie than?" She asked, preparing herself for heated debates.

The others were quiet. Hazel grew nervous. "We shall start with The Little Mermaid." Nico stated, no one dared to object. "So. What kind of popcorn?" Piper asked, Jason and Percy looked at each other.

"MOVIE THEATER BUTTERED POPCORN WITH A TON OF WHITE CHEDDAR SEASONING AND KETTLE CORN SEASONING!" They shouted in sync. "Ew! That's disgusting!" Leo said, "If anything. We should have popcorn with pop rocks, marshmallows, and some chili powder!" He exclaimed, Leo felt his mouth water.

"Am I the only one thinking butter mixed with kettle?" Frank muttered, no one paid attention. "Guys!" Piper said loudly. "We all know the best popcorn is butter popcorn, covered in chocolate, then given sprinkles!" She shouted. Screams about popcorn flooded the air.

"Oh my gods guys! Can we not go with normal butter?!" Annabeth screamed, stopping all arguments. Until.

"No. Because of this being Hazels first time watching a movie, and having a movie night. We must give her the whole popcorn, movie, drink, and pajama party experience. We have to make it the best." Percy said, his voice more serious than anyone had ever heard.

"Well. Everyone get into your pajamas. Make your own popcorn. And Piper and I will help Hazel, and someone get the movies while your at it." Annabeth ordered. "What type?" Leo asked, Percy gave him a look of confusion.

"We're bound to watch multiple movies. So what genres?" He asked, Annabeth sighed again.

"Horror!" Percy and Jason screamed, "No way! I want Comedy!" Piper said, multiple movie genres were thrown around. Annabeth was to her breaking point.

"That's it! Grab your own popcorn, make a nest of blankets by yourself! And everyone select a movie! We go in the order you people are ready in!" Annabeth yelled, they stopped, then scrambled to get their things.

Soon, it was done. They watched Leo's movie— Avatar. Then Frank's choice— Star Wars. Then there was the Titanic, Piper's choice, and Annabeth shouted out random facts throughout the movie.

Hazel didn't go, seeing that she didn't know what she wanted at all. Nico went with The Little Mermaid, which Percy spent the whole time singing the songs with the movie. Which also resulted in Jason tackling him and stabbing him in the chest.

With his finger! (Ah, you guys probably thought sword. . . I love my fandom!!)

This also lead to Jason and Percy being slapped in the legs by Leo. Who strangely wanted to watch this. Even though he said this was his least favorite Disney Movie.

Jason picked Ouija: Origin of Evil, but by then most of the half bloods were asleep. Seeing that they had started at 12, and it was maybe 4 in the morning?(They had no energy or the will power to check.)

"Jason? You wanna watch Insidious Chapter 4?" Percy whispered. Careful not to wake Nico, who was sleeping next to Jason— having passed out shortly after Hazel. (Which was when The Little Mermaid was just about to end.)

(A/n: I have no idea bout all these horror movies and how scary they are. Mainly because I don't like horror films, but. Even if they aren't scary— just pretend. Rewrite an ending if you'd like (to the movie)) Just. No hate. Please!)

Jason smiled, yawned, and nodded. "Hades yeah!" He whispered, Percy chuckled softly. So they watched it.

By the time Percy woke up, it was 6.
He heard the stairs creak, no one was up at that hour— well, they shouldn't have been. Jason's body was next to Percy's, the popcorn was slightly spilled, and he could feel Jason's breath on his thigh.

There was another creak, and the movie had restarted. Panic rose in Percy's chest, threatening to go up his throat. He grabbed the remote, turning the tv off. And the creaking of the stairs stopped.

He was sweating, and he nearly laughed. The savior of Olympus, getting scared of a few movies. (Seeing that Jason and Percy quickly had decided to watch Chuckie while they were at it.)

The creaking had started again, after a few minutes. He saw a light turn off. He was getting scared.

He, on instinct, grabbed Jason's arm. His nails dug into him.

Jason woke up with a sore arm. "Ow. Percy?" He asked, seeing the son of Poseidon clutching onto his arm and a look of fear in his eyes. "Percy? Are you okay?" He saw Percy's face darken in the. . . Darkness.

Almost as if he was blushing.

"Sorry. I'm just—" Then, Jason heard a creak. "What's that?!" Jason asked, panicked slightly. "I don't know!" Percy said, his voice high and quiet. "Come here. I- I know it seems childish. You know, me, on of the seven being scared. But, come in my nest of blankets?" Jason asked, Percy didn't hesitate to jump in.

The creaking stopped after an hour. But the boys didn't move. Not because of fear. But because they were comfy.

Jason's chest was against Percy's, his breath warm. Percy felt Jason's blonde hair on his face, and his warm breath inhaling and exhaling on his upper chest— near his lower neck. Jason's hands were planted on Percy's waist, his legs getting tangled in the blankets.

Percy's arms were wrapped around Jason's shoulders, his legs wrapped around his chest. Jason could feel Percy's breath on his head. And he snuggled deeper into his chest.

Percy smiled softly, feeling Jason's chest move up and down by his stomach. And he felt Jason's soft lips against his cold skin.

Jason had no shirt, neither did Percy. Both wearing boxers, and being the most comfortable about it. (Leo was a little hesitant, and Frank just stayed on the couch with a blanket around him.)

Then, Percy's hands moved. Reaching, and succeeding, to clutch Jason's thigh. Jason smirked, then moved so his legs were draped around Percy's thighs. Capturing him.

Percy's smile widened, and lowered his lips to Jason's head. "I love you Superman." He whispered to him, Jason chuckled, then felt Percy kiss his head.

"I love you to Aquaman. But remember, I'll always be here to protect you. As you do with me." Jason told him, Percy frowned slightly. "I don't protect you. I love you Jase. There's a huge difference." Percy pointed out.

"Yeah? Well, thanks for loving me." He whispered huskily. "Thanks for loving me back. Night." He whispered, and both boys fell asleep in each other's arms.


Hey guys!! Got the teeth pulled, ow. Just. Ow. Anyways! Wrote this at the dentist office and some at home! So, there was a mistake at my last note. It was 3.36K. But I am still happy!




And finally. . .
(The suspense!!!!)


-Bridget Di Angelo

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