Names Mishap

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Jercy - - Oneshot #72

Dedicated to Winter_Wolf_101

"Good morning Percy Jackson." Mr. D greeted flatly as Peter Johnson walked through the dinning pavilion. Peter just sighed softly, but gave the god a warm smile.

"Hello Mr. D. Fine morning, isn't it?" He asked, not bothered to correct him on his actual name. He's tried to many times anyway.

The god nodded, "I suppose it is." He mused, his eyes looking past Peter.

"Mr. D?" Peter questioned, confused.

He then, looked behind him.

His lips turned upwards, he gave out a soft chuckle.

"Peter! Hi!" John yelled, Peter grinned. "Hi to you too!" Peter shouted back, watching as the son of Ares (John) raced towards him.

"Good morning Jason Grace." Mr. D said, amused as John tackled Peter in a hug.

"Good morning Honey." He said quietly, loud enough for only the god and Peter to hear.

Peter kissed his cheek. "Morning Sweetie."

John smiled and looked at Mr. D.

"You won't tell?" He asked, Mr. D made a motion with his hands.

'Zipping up' his lips.

Peter looked at the god with gratitude. "Thank you." He said as John looked at them.

"Wanna have breakfast?" He interrupted.

Peter nodded. "My table this time." He agreed, "Hades yeah, love sneaking around tables!" John exclaimed.

Peter smiled, "Especially when they have no clue who you are!" He added.

Mr. D let an out of character laugh. "Have fun you two." He said, watching as the son of Ares and the son of Hecate careful snuck into their places at the Hecate table.

Chiron sat next to him, supervising the demigods from above.

"Chiron, it seems I must announce something to the campers." He said, adding a sneer.

Chiron, that old horse-man-hybrid-all-knowing-poopie-head, merely nodded, not paying much attention.

Mr. D stood up, gathering a few half-bloods attention(s).

He then cleared his throat.

Cupping his hands over his mouth, the then shouted:


Everyone was silent.

Even Chiron.

"What?" Annabeth asked, finally breaking the silence.

A death glare was sent to Percy as he tenses up. A blush quickly forming on the Poseidon spawn's cheeks.

A nervous laugh hit the air, Jason stammering out a single word.


Percy but his tongue, and his eyes darted from Piper, Annabeth, Mr. D, and Jason.

"T-that's a total lie!" Percy tried to say confidently.

The tension was so thick you could cut it with a butter knife.

"Um. Mr.D?" John decided to say.

Mr. D looked up at him. "Yes John?" He questioned, eyeing the two boys hands.

They were intertwined lightly, Peter's thumb rubbing the top of John's hand.

". . . He called me by my name." John whispered.

"Jason Grace!" Piper shouted, Jason was now frozen.

"Yes, Piper?" He asked, biting his lip.

The daughter of Aphrodite stood up. "How dare you not tell me you had feelings for Percy! I would have understood and help you act upon them!" She growled, slapping his face.

"Ow." Jason murmured. Piper's eyes were a dark navy blue, mixed with dark brown, and a golden color.

"Never date me while dating Percy again!" She ordered.

Jason gulped, but nodded.

"O-okay." He stammered.

Piper smiled. "Are we still on for helping Leo clean the Argo this Tuesday?" She then asked sweetly.


"Seaweed Brain." Annabeth began. "Wise girl." Percy continued.

Annabeth just let out a sigh.

"Why didn't you tell me?" She asked finally.

Everyone was still quiet. Watching the (ex?) couple as they talked.

The daughter of Athena sat down next to him, and looked into his eyes. "I didn't want you to look at me different." Percy answered.

Annabeth rolled her eyes, giving his hair a good ruffle.

"I love you, you stupid-head. No matter what, I'll always be there." She told him.

Percy gave her a smirk. "Stupid-head?" He asked in a teasing matter.

Annabeth laughed. "Shut up. We were having a 'now friends instead of lovers' moment!" She defended.

"Whatever you say." Percy said, giving Annabeth a small hug.

Annabeth hugged him back before going back to her table.

"So. Um. . ." Percy began, looking at the god in front of him.

"How'd you know about us?" He asked, his hands motioning between Jason and himself.

Mr. D smirked.

"I know all."

"Oh really?" Travis challenged under his breath.

Mr. D heard him. "Yes. I also happen to know that it was you who put makeup on the whole Ares cabin as they slept." He innocently commented.

"That was you?!" Clarisse (spell?) screamed.

Travis pales.

"Gotta run!" He exclaimed before sprinting off.

The whole Ares table followed him.

*does victory dance*
*does jazz hands*

-Bridget Di Angelo

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