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Jercy - - Oneshot #39

"Truth." Percy stated, Leo smirked. "Finally, so. Percy." Leo said, glancing at Jason as he spoke. Annabeth , Reyna, Rachel, Piper, Frank, Hazel, Nico, Travis, Conner, (including Leo and Percy!)and Jason sat in a circle.

Percy knew that tone. He regretted his decision.

"What was the most embarrassing nickname you've ever called Jason?" Leo asked, Percy could see Nico suppress a laugh. 'Evil little Nico! Not helping me!'

He thought jokingly. He'd never really mean that about Nico, but right now. . . It was awkward.

"Well Percy spit it out!" Leo demanded impatiently. "I have to think. . ." Percy muttered, Jason was blushing. "You better not tell him about the first date thing, or the trampoline thing, or t-" "Jase. It's better if you shut up. You're feeding the enemy Ideas." Percy joked, Jason stopped.

"What are these nicknames I hear?" Leo asked, Annabeth laughed. "Seaweed brain. I dare you to tell us every nickname you've ever called Jason." She told him.

"But I haven't even sa-" "Shush and say them 'Sea Pearl'." Reyna snapped. Percy looked at her, Reyna sighed and shrugged.

"Okay. So far. . . I've called Jason. . ." "Tell us Percy. Quite stalling!" Piper demanded. Charmspeak laced into her words.

Percy nodded and obeyed unwillingly.

"Jase, Superman, Viktor, Babe, Love, Kangaroo, Future Hubby, Slave, Pesant, My Prince of Lightning, Pikachu, Rain Cloud, Bro, Bruh, Bra, Baby, Sweetie, Killua, Lightning McLean, Handsome, Sky, caelum mihi, Roman Dude, Cloud, and. . ." Piper sighed. "He still doesn't want to say one. I'll have to do it again." She explained.

She looked Percy in the eyes. He opened his mouth and a word came out. It was so quiet that only Leo could hear. Or course, he 'helped' Percy!

"You've called him Mommy?!" He asked, flabbergasted.

Percy and Jason were bright red. Nico looked at Jason. Rachel smirked, "And what did you call him back. Mommy?" She teased, Jason blushed harder.

"D-daddy." He stuttered, "What even happens when we're gone?" Frank asks the couple.

"We go on trampolines." Percy answered. "And have blue brownies at 5am." Jason added casually, Hazel sighed. "I will never understand this generation." She muttered under her breath.

"But why Mommy and Daddy?! I mean seriously, What were you 2 up to?" Travis asked, wiggling his eyebrows. "Obviously-" "You-" "Were-" "Having-" "Fun." The brothers said continuously.

The boys blushed.

"It was the anime okay!" They shouted together.

"What kind of anime do you watch child!?" Nico said surprised, "Who you calling child?" Percy asked, smirking.

"Percy! I am like 90-something years old!" Nico said angrily, "If anyone is a child here it's Hazel!" He defended, "Hey!" Hazel said.

"Yuri! Just tell them the story and we can stop!" Jason pleaded, Percy looked at his boyfriend. "Okay okay Viktor!" Percy said, defeated.

"We were watching Ouran Highschool Host Club. We were pretending to be Kyoya and Tamaki! (Spell?)" Annabeth smiled.

"Really? Wow. Never thought you'd try that one." She said, "Annabeth!" Jason whispered, shocked.

"What do you mean by 'never though you'd try that one' Annabeth?" Leo asked, wiggling his eyebrows. This earned him a quick kick to the thigh. "Ow! Sure know how to give me a loving vibe Angel!" He said sarcastically, looking at Nico.

Nico plastered in an innocent smile. "Love you to!" He joked at Leo. Leo laughed, Nico rolled his eyes while smiling.

"You people are weirdos!" Percy exclaimed playfully, then pulled Jason to his feet. "Yuri!" Jason shouted. "Viktor!" Percy shot back.

"We weren't the ones calling each other Daddy and Mommy!" Reyna said, joining in. Annabeth looked at her girlfriend. "Oh not you to!" She whined, Reyna laughed. "Is baby Annie-Beth upset?" She teased, Annabeth blushed. "I'm not a baby!" She said, "Oh really?"

Reyna questioned, raising an eyebrow. "Yep. You wouldn't be dating a baby!" Annabeth pointed out, kissing Reyna's cheek. "Once again. I've been beaten!" She said, dramatically falling to the ground.

"Oh no! Reyna has died! How are we going to invite her to the wedding?!" Nico said, "What wedding?" Frank asked.

It all got quiet.

"Nico!" Leo said, "I'm sorry!" Nico told him, looking at his feet.

Leo sighed but smiled. "Well, we were going to keep it a secret. But. While we went on our date last month. . . I may have gotten on one knee and asked for his hand in marriage." Leo explained calmly.

"You what?! And you didn't ask me first?!" Hazel shouted, Leo flinched. "You said I better marry him!" Leo yelled back. "When you're older!" Hazel screamed, she started to fan her face frantically.

"Hazel. Listen." "You got engaged Nico!" She yelled, Nico sighed. "Hazel. We're getting married in a few years! Not now, we're not even considered adults. Plus. Chiron said no." He explained to his sister.

"But you didn't tell me!" She said, "Hazel. He didn't tell anyone!" Frank pointed out, she sighed. And an awkward silence grew.

"So. Why are Uncle Nico and Auntie Hazel fighting?" Leo asked in a childish voice. Jason smirked, "Because Mommy and Daddy got them all riled up!" He told Leo gently. Percy burst out laughing.

"Yo Annabeth, you never answered my question." Leo reminded her. "I mean." She looked at the couple. Ignoring their mentally sent death threats.

"What I mean is. I've seen them call each other so many different things I've forgotten how crazy it can get. Like once, Jason called Percy 'Kitty' and another time I saw them calling each other some weird names from an anime they claimed they were watching." She explained.

Leo tried to stifle his laughter. "Kitty?" He asked, his voice high. Then, he collapsed in a laughing heap on Nico.

"Well I don't hear Jason calling me Annababe? Ring a bell Annie?" Percy shot back. Annabeth started to blush. "I love this game!" Leo said through his laughter.

Connor and Travis sat there, grins on their faces, and a device in their hands.

"What's that?" Frank asked, looking at the device in their hands. "Nothing for you to worry about." They said in unison. They started to smirk wider.

They had recorded the whole thing!

Hey guys! Quick Authors note here!! Love you guys (I am so mean to you guys. . .) THANKS FOR THE 4K!! Seriously, it's only been 85 days!!!

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