Parenthood Challenge #1: Summer and Noah!?

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #36

"Summer! Get up it's time to. . . Do what you were so excited for this past month!" Percy called to his eldest daughter. He heard a thump, he winced.

"You okay?" He yelled, "Yeah papa!" She shouted back, then, another thump.

'Geez. Summer is as clumsy as Frank.' Percy thought, slowly walking up the stairs. It creaked under his weight. He smiled gently, he remembered how Annabeth and Piper had used a creepy movie and creaking stairs method to get him and Jason together.

Those were the days.

. . . Well. . . Now he sounded old.

He looked in Jason's (and his) room, a tangle of limbs were mixed with a few blankets. He chuckled softly, looking at the kids who managed to sneak their way in.

He saw the red curls of Marea ((middle and last names are)Anemone Graceson) and he smiled. She had just turned 6, she still was adorable, and she was daughter or Hecate. (The gods gave away children if the mother/father died. Adoption center held shortly after Summer was brought to the Graceson household.) She was more energetic than Summer at her age. More, bubbly, but the differences pretty much ended their.

Of course, Percy couldn't argue that his daughters were cute. Marea's red hair and dark brown eyes were almost a perfect match for Summer's Amber eyes and black curls. Truthfully, Percy was surprised he didn't have to beat up boys yet. Seeing that Summer was 14.

Then, he saw a mop of brown hair, he chuckled. Cayden, ((middle and last name is) Victor Graceson) he was 8, but he was sensitive. He was slightly clingy, but with his fragile body, and his big navy blue eyes you couldn't resist the son of Aphrodite. The way he'd smile at you, and he would just play with the younger ones, it was like a small piece of you just grew.

Oh gods, now Percy was getting sappy!

He sighed, and then noticed that Jason wasn't there. And neither was their toddler. Percy felt panicked, where was Jason and Amara?! (Amara Penelope Graceson!)

He then smelled pancakes. He was an idiot, Annabeth was right to call him a seaweed brain!

Of course Jason and Amara were in the kitchen! It was Saturday, aka Jason's Saturday Pancake Day! (Don't ask. Percy doesn't know what to think of it.)

"Mhm. Papa?" Marea asked, her small brown eyes opening slowly. "Hey baby girl." He whispered, careful not to wake Cayden. "Papa! It Pancake Saturday!" She screeched, Percy winced. "Sweetie you don't want to wa-" But it was too late. "Papa? Why up so early. Go bed. Night!" He said, grabbing the blanket forcefully.

Marea looked at him. "Cayden! Wake up!" She screamed, Percy sighed. "No! Sleep now!" He said, and just like that, Marea had passed out on the blanket.

Percy admitted he felt a bit sleepier, but Cayden's charmspeak wasn't strong enough for adults yet. But it was still a problem.

"Cayden! You will not charmspeak your sister!" Percy said sternly, his eyes met Cayden's droopy ones. "But papa! I'm tired!" He whined, Percy sighed. "Okay. Just, next time, if you do anything like this. You will not be sleeping in our bed!" Percy warned, Cayden nodded before falling sleep again.

Percy took one last look at the 3 kids before heading downstairs. (The third kid was Oliver Mason Graceson. He has green eyes and dirty blonde hair. Son of Demeter surprisingly (seeing that he liked to steal. But he does show signs of being Demeter's kid. He's almost 3))

He walked into the kitchen, Summer sitting at the table, and Amara in her high chair. "Hey babe." Jason said, kissing his forehead. Percy looked at his 'Kiss the Cook' apron. "Pretty sure it's the other way around Superman." Percy replied cheekily, before giving him a peck on the lips.

"Papa, Dad, I'm eating pancakes here!"
Summer said, making the couple laugh. Percy then sat down, hearing the sizzle of the batter hitting the pan made his mouth water.

Percy looked at his eldest daughter, her hair was straightened, Pearl earrings in, and she was wearing a blue ombré tank top with white shorts. The shorts ended right above her knees, showing some doodles she made in pen.

"What's with the flowers?" He asked, noticing Summer was wearing a purple flower crown. Summer blushed, "I just wanted to wear it." She stammered, looking at her pancakes.

"Your drowning your pancakes." Percy pointed out, Summer looked at her dad. "One of my dad's a son of Poseidon. I know he won't let my pancakes drown." (When I wrote drown, it changed to friends. Remind me never to take my friends swimming in the ocean!)

"That's a lot of pressure. Just tell me what's up." He said, slightly sarcastic. "You're going to freak out. And so is dad." Percy smiled. "I've survived what's said to be impossible. Hit me." He said, Summer bit her lip.

"Papa, dad-" "Is Summer ready for date?" Oliver asked. Stumbling to the kitchen. "What date? She doesn't have a date! She's to young!" Jason objected, Oliver laughed. "Daddy silly! I saws it with me own eyeball!" He said, pointing to his eyes.

"Oh really?" Percy asked, getting slightly amused. "Yeahs! Noah asked Summy to date at Ice-ceam pwace!" He exclaimed, Jason looked at his daughter. "Is this true Summer?" He asked, Summer blushed.

"Maybe?" She said nervously, "And what did she say back?" Percy asked Oliver. Oliver looked at Summer. "Is me aloud to say it?" He asked, Summer gave him a harsh glare. "Summer! Don't glare at him!" Jason snapped, Summer sighed. "She told 'im that 'my papa's and dad's gonna kill me but Hades Yeah!" Both dads looked at their daughter.

"What have we told you about using Hades name in vain before 16? And what to do if a boy asks you out?" Jason asked, Summer sighed. "Not to and to reject the boy." She muttered, "And what did you do?" Percy asked, "Used the name in vain and said yes." She muttered, "Finish your pancakes, then, you're grounded." Percy said sternly.

Summer looked shocked. "But pa-" "No. No buts Summer." Jason said, and flipped a pancake in the pan. Amara clapped, Summer glared at her.

"What have we said about glaring?" Percy asked flatly. Summer glared at him. Amara started to cry, and Oliver took this as a cue to leave.

"I'll get her." Percy said, gently taking Amara out of her high chair and holding her at his hip. Summer sighed, looking at her pancakes. She quickly ate, 'might as well get the grounding over with!' She thought, before marching upstairs.

"How long?!" She asked, anger slowly seeping into her words. "Until Tuesday!" She heard her dad (Jason) yell. She sighed and looked out the window.

Summer looked out the window angrily. "Like I'm gonna wait until Tuesday!" She whispered before quietly opening the window. She smirked as it unlocked, and got herself onto the roof.

Meanwhile in the kitchen, Percy was dialing Piper and Annabeth's home phone. It rang a few times, then, Piper answered. "Hello? This is Piper?" She asked, Percy sighed. "Piper. Where's Noah?" He asked, "He just went over to a friends house, I think." She told him.

Percy laughed, "That's not what Summer said." He told her, "What do you mean?!" She questioned, "Listen. Summer was asked on a date. By Noah. So please, I do not want to have to chase your kid away. So, get him home." "On it." She said, then hung up.

Amara grabbed the phone with her toddler fingers. "You want the phone?" He asked his daughter, smiling, and laughing. She gurgled and reached for the phone. "No Amara. The phone is for when your older." He told her gently. She gave him a 3 teeth grin and giggled.

"Another Pancake is done!" Jason said, footsteps were heard on the stairs. "Morning!" Percy said, looking to see Cayden sleepily making his way to a chair. "Stealing pancakes." He stated before grabbing Percy's plate. "Okay." He stated, seeing that he couldn't do much.

Cayden ate, his eyes dropped and soon enough he did a face plant in the pancakes. "Oh gods. That's gonna be hard to get out of his hair." Percy muttered, Jason looked behind him. "What happened?" He asked, "Cayden face planted into syrup." Percy stated, "How long did they stay up last night?" Jason asked, "Maybe around 5?" Percy questioned.

Jason sighed. "This is why they can't have blue coke after 7!" Jason told him. "I know that now!" Percy defended, then, Marea came down. "Hey papa?" She asked, picking her plate of pancakes. "Yeah sunshine?" He asked her, she looked at him.

"Why is Summer on the roof?" She asked, "What?!" Jason and Percy yelled at the same time. "Sh, Cayden sweeping!" Oliver said, pointing to Cayden and his pancakes.

Jason turned off the stove, and the couple ran to Summer's room. "Summer Maya Graceson!" Jason yelled, the room was empty!

Percy heard a motorcycle. "Hades Underpants!" He shouted, Jason looked at him. "What?! I can't curse correctly when I'm really upset." "Don't worry. We'll get her." Jason said, kissing Percy's forehead. Percy smiled, then the motorcycle was heard again.

The couple scrambled down the stairs. Jason nearly flying off, and Percy nearly managed to open the door. Their other kids still in the kitchen. Mildly confused.

"Summer Maya Graceson!" Percy shouted, seeing that Summer was on a motorcycle. The teens paused. "Hey papa." She said awkwardly, Noah was about to drive away. "Don't you dare drive away mister!" Jason said, his voice dangerously low.

It took an hour, but Noah was gone, Summer was grounded (again), and Pancakes were served.

"Hey Jase?" Percy asked, putting his head in Jason's lap. "Yeah?" "Remember when we were in that phase?" Jason laughed, "You flipped off a pizza guy, sold pixie stick candy to younger campers saying it was drugs, usually got half the camp wasted by 10, and peed on the Big House's lawn. I kissed a cactus as a dare, decided to combine all the weapons at camp to make a freaking light saber, managed to steal Mr.D's alcohol, and also decided to make a bar at camp. Perce, I Remember it to well." He told him, Percy laughed.

"Thanks." He told Jason. "Yeah. If you weren't there for me, and I for you. We'd so be in jail." Jason said, Percy smiled. "You ruined the moment!" He joked, "How can I make it a moment again than?" Jason shot back, Percy sat up.

Cupped Jason's face with his hands. And kissed him. "Boom." Percy whispered, "Fireworks!" Jason whispered to his ear.

"Dads!" Was heard from the other room. "We can see you!" Cayden exclaimed.

Edited Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

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