Parenting Challenge #2: Please. Let The Shots Be Done!

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Jercy -- Oneshot #41

Summer, Cayden, Marea, and Oliver stood close to their father's. The room they were in was small. It had smelled like rubber gloves, old soap, and blood. It looked happy. Winnie the Pooh wallpaper, butterflies and bumblebees covering the carpets design. Even multiple posters of kids smiling and getting check ups.

But— as we all know— looks can be deceiving.

"Papa! Don't make us do it!" Marea begged Percy, tugging on his arm. Trying desperately to direct him to the door. Percy sighed, and let the 6 year old pull his arm. Jason was holding Amara in his arms, glancing at the other kids.

Oliver was hiding under a table, Summer was keeping her cool, and Cayden was pacing. They usually did this at the office. "Kids. It's just a few shots!" Jason said, sighing as he saw a few tears trickle down his cheeks.

"B-but daddy! They're. N-newdles!" Oliver whined loudly, trying not to cry. "Percy. Hold the baby." Jason replied, placing Amara gently into Percy's free arm.

Percy didn't have time to protest. Jason knelt down, Cayden paced back and forth behind him. "It's okay Ollie. It's going to be over before you know it! And. And if you don't like it, or if you don't cry, guess what?" He asked, Oliver sniffled and looked at Jason. Expecting an answer, Jason racked his brain for a moment.

'Was it Ollie who liked ice-cream? No. That was Amara. Um, who likes pies? Cayden. Didn't he like– No! That was Summer who liked Sorbet! What does Marea like? Oh yeah! She likes chocolate. . . That means Oliver likes frozen yogurt!' He thought, he smiled at the 3 year old.

"If your brave. Daddy and Papa will take you out for frozen yogurt!" Oliver stared at him for a second. "You sures?" He asked hesitantly.

"Pinky promise." Jason said, sticking out his pinky to his youngest son. His green eyes a little red, and his dirty blonde hair slightly messy, but he took his dad's pinky.

Meanwhile, Cayden was still pacing back and forth. Walking faster as he ran his fingers through his brown hair viciously. His navy blue eyes scattered everywhere, looking desperately for a distraction.

Jason noticed his oldest son panicking, worse than before. He nodded to himself, taking Oliver's hand and going to Cayden. "Cayden? You okay?" He asked cautiously, looking at the stressed 8 year old.

"Daddy I can't do this!" He whisper shouted. Before Jason had a chance to calm him down the door opened.

"Hey kids!" The doctor said, her thin black hair tied back and her skin pale. She had a wart on the left side of her face, right under the left corner of her nose. It looked like a dead pimple had been mutated on her face.

"Hi Dr. Calvonz." Jason said, looking at the tag. Meanwhile, Percy was trying not to look at her wart. She smiled, her dark brown lipstick were plastered over her 2 front teeth. Her lipstick seemed to match her eyes perfectly.

Summer looked at the doctor, her dads, then at her siblings. Cayden was pacing, Oliver was holding hands with dad, and Marea was in the corner. She had a bobbing pin, and pushed it into the carpet.

Summer sighed, and quickly went to her sister. "Marea. What are you doing?" She asked, looking at her sister. She looked up, her dark brown eyes full of determination. Her red hair which was pulled back, was now in a messy bun. "I'm digging a way out!" She whispered secretively.

Summer almost laughed. Almost. Instead, she felt some pity.

Her sister hated needles. So did Cayden, and Oliver. But still. They weren't as bad. The boys would actually take the shots, Marea.

Well, you'd have to hold her down.

"Who's up first?" The doctor asked, the kids haven't even bothered with her name. It changes every time— they've never 'kept' a doctor for longer than 3 shot related check ups.

"Summer can go. Then we do Cayden, Oliver, Amara, and finally. As usual, we'll do Marea. That okay?" Jason asked Summer. "Yeah dad." Summer replied nodded.

Percy smiled, Summer was usually good at this. Summer sat at the table, then received 3 shots. 2 on her right and 1 on her left. Cayden was pacing still.

"Cay. Calm down! It's going to be fine! Summer went and got three, you only have to take one shot! It's going to be fine!" Percy told Cayden, "Papa. I'm scared." He whispered, "Superman. Your turn." He said, handing Amara to Jason.

Jason shrugged, and took his babbling daughter. "Qwote!" She said happily, Jason chuckled. "Unquote!" He told her, her eyes looked at Jason. Confused.

"Qwote?" She asked clearly, Jason smiled. "Quote." He said calmly, placing her by his hip. She giggled and started to mess with his bracelet Percy had gotten them for their 4 year anniversary.

He wore it 24/7.

"I don't want to do this!" Cayden whispered, he had started to cling to Percy's arm. "It's okay Cayden! It going to be over before you know it!" "You said that last time!" Cayden angrily replied. Whining.

Percy looked at his son. Well, eldest son. "How about. We do something fun? Like, if you take this shot. We can go to McDonalds! Huh?" Percy suggested to Cayden.

"Reall– Ow!" He said, the doctor had given him the shot. Percy smiled, "See that wasn't so bad?" He said gently. Cayden looked him in the eyes.

"That was Hades!" He said, Percy could see some tears. But Cayden was stubborn, he refused to let them fall. "Hey. Don't say that!" Percy told Cayden sternly. Cayden hopped off of the examination table. "Sorry." He muttered to his dad. Percy smiled at him.

Jason handed Amara to Percy. Who gratefully took her and kissed Jason's forehead. "Good luck." He whispered to him. "Thanks." Jason breathed, still holding Oliver's hand.

Oliver looked at Jason. (Or his daddy? I'm just going to call him Jason right now.) He gripped his hand tighter, his small hand sweating. Tears stung his eyes, but he refused to let them fall. He was going to get that frozen yogurt!

'But they're needles! No! I need frozen yogurt to live a full life!' His mind argued with him. "Ollie. Your turn." Jason told the 3 year old, setting the kid in his lap. Oliver was so deep in his fantasies of frozen yogurt he made no protests.

That was, until he received the first shot of 4. Oliver cried, and clung to his father, but he stayed still. He knew the sooner the pain was over the sooner he'd get yogurt.

"Yogurt!" He cried, receiving another shot. Percy shot his husband a questioning look. 'Later.' Jason had mouthed, Percy sighed but nodded. His kids were weird. . . He loved them! But they were really weird.

It seemed like a lot of yelling, crying, and mentions of yogurt later— but Oliver was done. Jason let out a breath he was holding. Percy bit his lip. Time for the baby.

"Okay! Let's just give the last two girls their shots and we'll be done!" The doctor said— everyone had forgotten her name already anyways.

Percy nodded, and held Amara. She looked at her dad innocently. Percy resisted the urge to run with her while he could. He hated this. . . She was a baby! Given the fact he felt guilty whenever the kids got shots, he just couldn't deal with his baby getting them!

"Quote!" She said, giggling at the nurse. The doctor smiled and waved. "Hi there sugar! I'm just going to. . ." The doctor trailed off. "All done!" She exclaimed cheerfully as she pressed the shot in the toddlers leg.

Amara's eyes filled with tears. She let out loud wails, Percy winced. The wails directed right in his ear. "I know, I know sweetie." Percy said softly, trying to comfort her. She ignored her dad, and continued to cry.

Jason bit his lip. Finally, he helped Percy calm her down. "I'll hold her papa." Summer replied, the couple almost groaned. How could they have forgotten?!

"Thank you Summer." He said, handing Amara to her older sister and kissing both girls foreheads. Summer smiled, "Good luck!" She said, grinning.

Then, the spouses directed their attention to Marea. Who, still, was shoving bobbing pins into the carpet.

"Marea, sweetie, what are you doing?" Jason asked, their daughter looked at them. "No!" She screamed, eyes widening. "No! No! No!" She shouted at the top of her lungs, running into the corner. "Mare-" "No papa! You can't make me!" She screamed, tears in her eyes.

"Marea. It's only 2 shots!" Jason explained, going over to her. "No! Stop it Daddy! Stooop!" She screamed, kicking the hand Jason held out. "Marea Anemone Graceson!" Percy said loudly. "No papa!" She wailed, seeing Percy had began to walk to her.

Jason sighed, it was his turn. He quickly scooped his daughter into his arms. Marea let out a scream, desperately kicking her legs. "No! Please I'll be a good girl!" She cried, wailing her arms around.

"Marea, it's going to be okay!" Percy told her, he had sat down at the examination table. Ready to get this done with.

Jason set the wailing child in Percy's lap. "No! No papa! Stop! No shots! No shots!" She repetitively screamed, then, the doctor managed to quickly get the first shot over with.

Marea screamed, her hands being held at her sides by Percy (who was careful and very gentle!). "Marea, please just calm down!" Percy had said to her. She cried harder, and kicked his shins.

The doctor managed to her a second shot in, with Marea bitting her, kicking her, and punching her nose. The doctor gave the kids a shaky smile, "C-Come again!" She said, before running out the room.

"Who's ready for McDonalds?" Percy asked, breaking the silence. "I am!" The kids replied, except Summer. She just shrugged her shoulders.

"We did well today. Now, let us enjoy the peace after war!" Jason joked, holding a babbling Amara in his arms. Percy smiled.

"Hate this?" Jason asked, his eyebrows fused together. Percy chuckled. "Hate the pain. Just not the game." He replied intelligently. Jason rolled his eyes, and the family went to McDonalds!

Where they were kicked out. . . Mainly because Summer accidentally set an employee on fire. Accidents happen? Aaand Cayden threw up his ice cream on Ronald McDonald. Okay, also seeing that Oliver managed to sneak into the kitchen and almost be out in the friar.

Okay! okay! And finally when Percy and Jason nearly killed a few people looking for their kids. But they were kicked out together? Yeah. At least Amara didn't drink Percy's coke and Jason's Pepsi! Whoops. She did.

That night was pure Chaos.

Edited Wednesday, April 26th, 2017

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