Part 5 of Arranged To Her?!?(Royalty and Arranged Marriage AU))

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Jercy - Oneshot #47

Princess Annabeth sighed, her long blonde hair spilling over her shoulders, she looked out her bedroom window. The wooden shutters tied back, and her dress off. The elegant gown lying on her bed, meanwhile she wore a grey shirt— her father's (the ex-king's) shirt and a pair of white underpants.

"What am I going to do?" She asked herself, watching a lightning bug fly past her. Her crown was gone, in reality with her gown, carelessly thrown on the bed.

"I need to run." She whispered to herself, glancing back at her iron door.

'It's for you're protection.' Her mother's voice rang, her cruel, bitter words lingering. Even after all these years. "As if." She whispered hastily to herself, glaring at the door. She was so deep in thought, when a knock was heard at the door, she nearly fell out the window. "C-Come in!" She stammered.

Annabeth heard the chains being moved, and in a single 'click' the lock was undone. "Princess Annabeth, it's Malcolm, just here to supple you with another gown, and take the old gown. The old routine here Misstress." Malcolm (Her servant, and secret brother, but Athena only needs daughters. Something about pride, it was complicated.) said, opening the door.

"Wait! I don't have pants!" She exclaimed, "It's nothing I haven't seen before Annabeth, remember that I was cleaning that underwear!" He pointed out, coming into her room. Annabeth blushed profusely, "S-shut up." She muttered, avoiding his eyes.

Malcolm's eyes were the nearly the same grey, maybe darker, but still nearly identical except for the  small– usually unnoticed– details.

"I laid out the gown you are to wear for the ceremony tonight, good luck sis—Princess Annabeth." Malcolm said, pulling his left hand away from her head. Annabeth glanced at him, she felt like crying.

Why couldn't she just be a peasant? Seriously, it would mean she'd be able to stay with Malcolm, her dad (okay not so much), and maybe she'd actually have a bond with her mom. Tears started to sting the back of her eyes, threatening to surface.

Annabeth quickly blinked them back, Malcolm noticed her silence. "Are you okay?" He asked her, "Yes, I am fine, tell moth- Athena, that, just tell her. . . That I'll be late." Annabeth informed him.

'By like forever!' She thought to herself. Malcolm sighed, but nodded, holding her clothes in his right arm. "Of course. . . Princess." He told her, walking out.

Forgetting to lock the door behind him. . .


Malcolm smiled, "Go free sis." He whispered, leaving the door unlocked, a bag at her bed, and her 'gown' (really just a pair of black pants of his).

"Rebel." He whispered, waking toward the kitchen— the only path directly to the laundry room from Annabeth's room.


"Okay, time to escape. . . Well, plan my escape."
Annabeth muttered to herself, her eyes glancing toward her bed. "Strange." She muttered, picking up the bag. 'It wasn't there before. Was it?' Annabeth thought, opening it.

"Clothes, hm, Malcolm." She realized, seeing it was a few of his shirts. She smiled, grabbed the bag, and walked toward the window. She quickly grabbed a pair of black pants Malcolm (supposedly to her understanding) had put on the bed, she slipped the pants on and looked out the window.

"Will I break my neck?" She wondered out loud. She shrugged, "Better than living with mom." She decided, swinging a leg over the ledge.

She then swung her self over, holding on to the ledge of the window, now dangling my her bare hands.

Her foot got caught in some vines that cascaded down the walls to her left. "Bingo." She muttered, making sure she was securely stuck, she let go.

She yelped, her back hitting the cold, hard stone. Her head erupted in pain. "I'll be free. No longer a princess." She reminded herself, trying it to cry from the pain of the hard stone and her skin. Tears stung her eyes but she ignored them, starting to reach her hand over her head. She grabbed on tightly to a green vine, attempting to pull herself up.

"Ah!" She exclaimed, the vines holding her breaking, releasing her leg. Her hand slipped, grabbing at nothing other than air, and she tumbled toward the ground. She closed her eyes, waiting for impact. However that didn't happen.

Instead, she was caught by a set of strong arms. "What the Hades?!" The mystery-catcher-of-princesses exclaimed. Annabeth's eyes shot open, instantly looking at a raven haired teen. His face was dirty, and by his side was a blonde teen. The blonde limping and looking at Annabeth in confusion.

"Did you just jump out that castle window?!" The raven haired teen exclaimed, Annabeth, embarrassed to have fallen but at the same time proud of herself for getting out, nodded. "Yes. . ." She answered cautiously.

"Are you okay?!" The blonde asked, Annabeth glanced at his ankle. "Probably more than you are." She spoke, resulting in him blushing.

"So, why are you here at the kingdom of Elio?" "What's you name? I have no intentions on giving my information away without knowing your names." Annabeth demanded, the blonde nudged the raven.

He sighed, "I'm Percy. That's Jason." The raven haired– Percy– answered. "Now what are you doing going out king," Percy shuttered, "Apollo's castles window?" He asked, Annabeth looked at him. "One, this my kingdom, well suppose to be future kingdom. Kinda trying to escape it right now. And two? This is the Athens kingdom you idiot." Annabeth answered, frowning.

Percy cursed, "Percy! I told you we went the wrong way!" Jason said, Annabeth tried to wiggle out of Percy's arms. "Well sorry! I, unlike some people, are too busy running after their partner!" He said loudly, Jason blushed. "I-It was against my will!" He pointed out, "You ran when you saw a chicken! That is just sad Jason!" Percy protested. Annabeth sighed, this was going to be a long few hours. . . Assuming she'd stay with the idiots!


"Okay, so let me get this straight. You're running away, only after being disowned, just so you can go to the Elio kingdom?" Annabeth asked, Percy had set her down on the ground. "Yeah, pretty much." Jason answered, shrugging his shoulders.

Annabeth sighed, "Well, come on, we're going to Lundi then." She declared, "What?" Jason asked, Percy glanced at her. "Why would you help us anyway?" He asked, eyeing her blonde curls. She sighed again, "Its not like I'll kill you! Lady Artemis and her Hunters will probably kill you on site anyway, so yeah." Annabeth answered before continuing. "I am also like you, with a few exceptions. Basically, I'm trying to run away too." She told them, her bags handle slung over her shoulder.

Percy looked at her. "What's in it for us if we take you?" He asked, Annabeth rolled her eyes. "Pu-lease! I am helping you! Without me you managed to make it to the Athens kingdom, which is at least a few days travel away from Lundi. And Elio!" She pointed out, Percy sighed.

"Not my fault." Jason muttered, looking at his feet. "What was that?" Annabeth challenged, Jason stayed silent.

"You guys are idiots." She muttered, Percy, overhearing this glared at her. "Listen here, I don't care if your the sister of Annabeth Chase, heir of Athens, even if you were her, you do not call Jason an idiot. You call me an idiot, it's okay, Jason? Well, let's just say, even if you were related to my fiancé I wouldn't spare your life." Percy growled, grabbing Jason's hand firmly.

"Percy, it's okay." Jason whispered, a few people looking their way. It had been like this ever since they left and walked to the town.

"What's your name anyway?" Percy asked, "Whose your fiancé?" Annabeth questioned, "You ask too many things." Percy commented, "And your head is full of kelp, blocking all the knowledge thrown at it. Your point?" She replied sassily, Percy's face burned red, avoiding her eyes he answered.

"Annabeth Chase. Heir of the kingdom of Athens. Daughter of queen Athena." He muttered, loud enough for both of them to hear.

"Now what's your name?" Percy demanded, Annabeth paused. Panic had set, she couldn't tell him! She just can't!

'Okay, calm down. Make up a name.' She decided within a few seconds. Her mind wondered for a few minutes, trying to find a name. "-llo? Hello? You there?" Percy asked, Jason snapped his fingers in front of her face.

Annabeth jumped, "Oh, um, yeah. My name just brings back memories of my sister." Annabeth lied— she never got the chance to have a sister.

"Anyway." She cleared her throat. "My name's Loraine." Annabeth lied, quickly picking a name of her servants. "Loraine? Okay, anything you'd like is to call you?" Jason asked casually, Annabeth thought for a moment.

"My middle name is Annabeth, like Percy's fiancé, so you can call me Anna." She told them, 'close enough.' Annabeth thought.

"Okay. Hi Anna, I'm Jason." Jason replied, Annabeth rolled her eyes. She smiled, "We've already met." She told him, "Well, this is my loving partner Percy. So no making any moves on me." He joked, all of them laughing.

Jason looked up, "Night, the moon's coming out." He said suddenly, the towns people slowly heading home, and the wind blowing. Temperatures cooling, lightning bugs flying. Even if it was cold, the cicadas were buzzing.

"It's going to get colder. We have to set up camp." Percy concluded, taking Jason's hand. "I'm walking with you too and I'm not gonna hold you hand." Annabeth remarked, trudging down a path into the woods.

"Where are you going?" Percy asked, "Come on, I've lived here my whole life– I know a few routes we can take." Annabeth said, snapping a tree branch in half. "Follow me." She demanded, the boys shrugged, they didn't know anything so it was better to just listen to her.


They had set up camp, a fire, and a wall made of sticks by the time nights cold air really set in. The Athens kingdom was always cold, so Annabeth was used to it.

Percy and Jason?

Not so much.

"Quite your whining, we've got a fire!" Annabeth told them, "B-but it's not he-helping." Jason said, teeth chattering as he shivered violently. "Here babe." Percy whispered, taking a shirt from his bag, wrapping it around Jason. It was warm, Jason gratefully took it.

"Thanks." Jason replied, nuzzling his chilled nose into Percy's neck as they sat in front of the fire. Annabeth looked at them, sitting by the stick wall. They had managed to make a bed out of line needles, leaves, and grass— it was soft enough to sleep on without serious discomfort.

"I'm going to bed guys." She called out to the couple. "Okay." Percy answered, "Night Anna!" Jason told her, Annabeth smiled. "Night." She told him, laying down on the huge pile. She placed her hands together, putting the back of her hand to her ear.

Closing her eyes, she focused in the beat of the wind. Seemingly in a continuous pattern. Her breathing soon evened out, letting her dream of what had happened just before she was at that window.

Annabeth looked at Athena, her mother's lips in a small frown and her grey eyes looking at her (Annabeth)— Annabeth sighed in boredom, placing a hand below her chin. Using it to support her head. "Yes mother?" She asked her, sighing.

Athena looked at her daughter, her silver grey crown sparkling in the early morning sun. "Stop that. I have to tell you something." She ordered, annabeth nodded, sitting up straighter and adjusting her crown. Athena cleared her throat, eyeing her daughter emotionlessly.

"Annabeth, I have arranged you to be married." She stated simply, emotion drained out of her voice.

"But, surely I cannot do this?! I-I am not of age!"
Annabeth quickly defended, Athena's eyes hardened. "Annabeth, you are the only heir of my kingdom–" "Yeah because all of your other kids died from your stupid death games you make us compete in!" Annabeth screamed, her hands flying up.

Athena grabbed her daughters wrists, "Listen. I don't care if you're too young, so is your fiancé." Athena answered, "Who is my fiancé, you know what? I don't care. Because I am not marring him!" She told her mother firmly.

Yanking her wrists away in fury, annabeth marched out of the room. "You're getting married, we will announce it at dinner!" Athena yelled at her, "You can't control me!" Annabeth screamed back.

"Yes I can!" Athena yelled, "I am the queen!" She stated, "Yeah? Well guess what? You're an old hag! That's what you are!" Annabeth screamed at her mother, furiously letting tears of anger fall.

Athena sighed, "If only you knew child." She replied coldly. That's what set Annabeth on edge. She paused, "Knew what?" She asked hesitantly, her anger temporarily forgotten.

Athena looked at her surprised, "Nothing Annabeth." The queen replied, and Annabeth suddenly fell into a black pit. Bottomless and horrifying. The pit holding all these nightmares from her childhood.

"I love you." A voice whispered.

It was Percy's voice.


"No!" She screamed, letting out a scream.

A/n: Hey guys!!! Happy Easter. . . Well late Easter. And 10K??


Um, should I try having a schedule?

Nah. . .

Requests still open and I'm still wondering about the 50th one shot. (Where my sister wants to write it.)


-Bridget Di Angelo

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