Past Invaders!

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Jercy - - Oneshot #51

"So, how's it been Aquaman?" Jason asked, sliding into the spot next to him at the Poseidon table. Percy gave him a playful glare, "Ha ha, I could really not have had a better day. Superman." Percy said teasingly. Jason gave out a small laugh, then took a sip of his drink— which Percy had yet to identify.

"Amara!" A girls voice rang out, countless thuds soon heard after. Everyone looked up, alarmed. The quiet Dinner Pavilion had now erupted into chatter.

Percy caught some of the conversations.

"Are those kids?!"

"Did they just fall from the freaking sky?"

"Did Zeus do it again, Silvy?"

"Adriana. . . (The girl sighed) I'm choosing not to comment."

"Are they hurt?!"

"When's taco night?"

"Leo. Kids just fell from the sky."

"Yeah. And kids like freaking tacos!"

"You're impossible!"


"Holy Hera there's a baby!"

"You idiot! She's at least 3!"

"Shut up Patrica!"

Was only some of the many voices he heard. "Um. Jason, what's happening?" Percy asked his boyfriend cautiously.

"I-I don't know." Jason stammered quietly, trying to take a look over other demigods' heads.

Percy then grabbed onto Jason, forcing himself on his back.

"What are you doing?!" Jason exclaimed, slightly panicked.

Percy sighed, "Fly. We'll both get a view." He simple replied. Jason sighed, but the slowly rose off the ground.

Percy's grip got tighter as they went up. He always hated heights, Zeus was bound to get him someday.

The couple soon caught glimpse of 5 kids.

"Jason–" Percy began, but was interrupted. "Yeah, yeah, I know. Fly to the kids." Jason said, still confused.

Percy just nodded, and placed his chin on Jason's left shoulder. "Perce, your chin's boney!" Jason complained, landing on the ground in front of the kids.

"Dad, Papa!" A girl smiled, she looked the eldest out of the group. Her black hair matched Percy's, and Amber eyes somehow popped out against her tan face. "What?" Jason questioned, "Daddy!" Another girl screeched, right before lunging at Percy.

Percy yelped as the little girl attacked his leg with. . . Hugs?

Okay, now Percy was confused.

"Guys–" the eldest began, "Summer, its daddy and papa!" A boy said gleefully. Running up to Jason's leg and repeating the action of the little girl hanging onto Percy.

A small toddler looked up tearfully. "Dada!" She said, giggling, then attempted to stumble (walk) over to him.

She almost made it, but before she could make it to Percy– the eldest (Percy assumed she was Sunny? Sammy? Summer? Something like that.) scooped her up in her arms.

"Summer!" The small child complained, but still was giggling madly.

"Where's Aunt Piper and Aunt Annabeth? Wait, what's about Uncle Leo and Uncle Frank? Did Uncle Nico get married to Uncle Will yet?" A small boy asked, his navy blue eyes scanning the area. "Guys." Summer said, realizing no one hear her she decided to amp the volume.

"Guys!" Summer screamed, her siblings looked up, and the chatter from the demigods stopped. Even Mr.D was quiet.

"What year is it?" She asked, "It 2036!" The little girl attached to Percy's leg spoke. "No way little girl! It's freaking 2017!" A rude voice from the crowd yelled.

"Be nice!" The boy who had asked about Will, Nico, Frank, Leo, Piper, and Annabeth yelled. The voice was silent.

The boy's brown hair was messy, tangled, and shooting out in all different directions. His lip was slightly out, like he was pouting, and his eyes had a few tears in them.

"A-are you okay?" Percy found himself saying, before trying to walk to him.

"No daddy! Stay!" The little girl demanded, Percy looked down. The girl had dark brown eyes, and her hair was a nest of wild, red curls— kind of similar to Rachel's.

"Who are you?" Percy couldn't stop himself from asking. He glanced over at Jason, who was attempting to comfort the brunette. "Marea." The girl whispered, "Summy? Why doesn't Daddy and Papa remember us? Did they get their memories wiped again?" The little girl— Marea— asked.

Summer then paled. "Guys, the spell Hera told us to do. I-it worked too much." She stammered, Amara looked up at the ceiling— amused at the flies as they buzzed by. "What do you mean?" Marea asked, "Sis, we went back in time too far. We weren't even born yet." Summer tried to calmly explain.

Immediately, the youngest boy looked up at them, eyeing Jason as he clung to his leg. "Papa, do you remember me? It's Oliver." The boy— okay, Oliver— whimpered.

"Oliver." Summer began, "I'm sorry, but, um, I don't remember you." Jason said softly, not trying to hurt his (future) son.

Percy heard the trample of hooves. "I heard that some campers–" "Kids!" Someone corrected Chiron, Chiron only nodded. "Yes, kids. Fell from the sky and had said something about Hera. Please explain." He demanded calmly.

"We don't know what's going on you old fart!" A voice shouted, "Be nice!" Percy's future son shouted again, Percy had yet to learn his name.

"What's your name?" He asked, breaking the silence forming rapidly in the atmosphere.

"Cayden." He answered, slightly shy. "Hi." Jason said, giving him a gentle smile, Cayden smiled back.

"So you don't remember us?" He asked, his navy eyes darkening with fear, grief, and just a hurricane of raw emotions. "I-I'm sorry, I really am, we don't even know you." Jason said, immediately regretting his words as he saw Cayden's eyes water intensify, and his lip was quivering slightly.

"Guys. Maybe we should go, well, try and go." Summer suggested, looking at her siblings. "Where?" Oliver asked, his green eyes looking up at Summer. She groaned, "The future— well, these people's futures Ollie." Summer reminded him.

Olivers dirty blonde hair was greasy, and he looked at her, "Can't we stay? They haves to member us!" He exclaimed, "They not gonna idiot!" Marea shot back.

Oliver stuck out his tongue and Marea was about to say something. "Woah! Kids, no fighting!" Percy said, Marea in attaching herself from his leg, giving Percy the ability to move toward the kids.

"Diddy!" Amara babbled, reaching out to Percy.

"Excuse me, tell me what's happened!" Chiron demanded, "Horsey!" Amara squealed, abandoning her mission to get to Percy, and making it her mission to ride Chiron.

She managed to shimmy herself up in his back. "Yay!" She screamed, Summers eyes widened.

Cayden and Marea stated laughing. Oliver started to cling to Jason's shirt.

Other than that, it was quiet. No one made a sound— other than the kids— as Chiron had been toppled over.

"My wittle ponies!" Amara screamed, hugging his tail. "Um, little girl." He said, blushing slightly.

"My Chiron!" She shouted, clutching onto his tail like a security blanket. "Please. Get off." He said, trying to be calm.

Right then, Amara burst into tears. "C-Chiron don't like me!" She cried, flinging herself into Percy's arms. "Woah!" He exclaimed, surprised, but caught the child.

"Who are you guys?!" A voice screamed— thankfully not the voice from before.

"Graceson's! Intro Time!" Summer screamed, taking Amara from Percy's grasp.

All the kids scrambled to get into a line, going from Summer (Cayden, Marea, Oliver) to Amara.

"Summer Maya Graceson, eldest adopted daughter of Percy and Jason Graceson!" Summer said loudly, looking at Jason and Percy. Her eyes were a bit misty, but she did a good job of hiding her sadness, and her huge amount of fear that was trying to claw its way up from her heart to her brain.

Cayden stepped up, "Cayden!" He screamed, "Full name Cay, don't forget title." Summer reminded him. Cayden looked at her. "Do I have to?" He whined, Summer rolled her eyes and ruffled his hair. He stuck out his tongue before continuing.

"Cayden Victor Graceson! Adopted son of Da— Percy and Jason!" He screamed, Percy glanced at the kids.

They were all so different, yet so much alike.

"Okay, next!" Summer said, Marea raised her hand enthusiastically.

"Marea Anemone Graceson! Adopted daughter of Daddy and Pap— I mean Jason and Percy Graceson." She said, her voice turning soft as she tried not to cry.

"Ollie." Summer said, he looked up. He shot his (everyone assumed to be) parents a shy glance. "Oliver Mason Graceson. 'popted son of Jason and Percy Graceson." He said, even more shy than Marea.

"Me Amara!" The girl who was in Percy's arms earlier said. She gave a small smile, her black eyes sparkled like gems. Jason was debating whether the auburn haired little girl was bi-polar.

"There's my papa and daddy! They don'ts member us." She mentioned, her voice wavering.

"How are we your parents? I-I'm with Piper. And Percy's with Annabeth." Jason stammered, looking at his, supposedly, kids in confusion.

"Aunt Piper is with A–" "Guys. You're giving away the future." Summer interrupted Oliver. He looked at her, "We in the future?" He asked in awe.

Summer sighed, placing a hand on her forehead.

Face palming, she nodded, Oliver looked up. "Where we than?" He asked.

Then his eyes filled with tears.

"We died!" He wailed in conclusion, Cayden smirked, looking amusedly at his little brother.

Suddenly, 2 more figures fell from the sky.

The kids screamed, scrambling from their zig-zag line.

"Ow!" A voice yelled, landing face first into the ground. Soon followed by a groan from the other person who fell on him.

"Daddy!" "Papa!" The kids yelled, Summer smiled widely, tackling Jason's (future) back. "Hey kids." He said, straining himself and smiling.

"Are they dead too?!" Oliver cried, and started to cry all over again.

"What?" The voice said, Percy looked up and saw. . . Poseidon?

"Percy. Your past self is looking at you." Future Jason remarked. Ignoring the awed stares sent to him by the other Jason.

"Hello my sunny season, hello my navy boat, hello my mini archer, hello my fierce little angel, and hello my little huntress." The future Percy said, kissing each of the kids on their foreheads.

"That's me?!" Percy screamed, "You look a lot like your dad Perce!" Leo yelled, laughing. Percy sent a glare to the— now dramatically smaller— crowd. Which to be fair was only the rest of the seven, Nico, Will, a few Athena kids, and a small Hecate kid.

"Wait, how far back are we?" The older Jason asked, their younger selves stayed quiet.

"2017. It's 2017." The small Hecate camper told him. "Thanks Little Jinnah." The older Jason replied. "H-how you know my name?" She asked, "You're the counselor in the Hecate cabin." He replied, his husband smacked him over the head. "Jason, we can't give away the future!" He hissed.

"It's too late!" Jason announced, the past Jason still shocked.

"I managed to live long enough to be old?!" He exclaimed, the future Percy burst out laughing. He shot the past him a dirty look. "I am only in my 30s." He muttered.

"Why do I look so much like my dad?" The other Percy asked, "Cause you just do. Now if you excuse us, we're all pretty late to Leo and Frank's wedding." The future Percy said, grabbing Jason's hand, and the kids linked arms, they all disappeared with a flash of light.

It was all quiet, then Percy slowly started to tear up. Percy sniffled.

"Percy?" Jason asked, "They were such great kids!" He wailed, hugging Jason's tightly.

He smiled softly, "The best part is, their ours." He whispered, making sure no one else heard him.

"Wait." Leo said, pausing.

"I got married to Frank?! How'd that happen?!" He yelled, Frank turned into an ostrich. Then started galloping away, screeching.

Leo pouted, "I am so offended!" He cried dramatically, following he ostrich that managed to find a war helmet. (ToA, chapter 15-17 ish, anyone?)

The rest of the started laughing. "So, how'd you think they got together?" Annabeth asked teasingly. "Oh! I know!" Piper exclaimed.

"They. . . Realized they were gay for each other after dramatically getting their hearts broken, then trying to mend their hearts— they start talking late at night. Soon, Leo developed feelings, and tries to do what he did at the first stage of his break up. Build. Put himself into his works. However Frank soon catches on, and forces Leo outside at night again. They hang, then the fireflies come out. 'Leo, I have to tell you something.' Frank will admit, his voice soft and shy. Almost resembling Hazel's. Leo will look up, 'Yeah. I have to too.' He will admit, 'How about I show you?' Frank will suggest. Before Leo can protest, Frank smashes their lips together. Forcing them into a gentle kiss. Leo— scared of getting his heart broken again, breaks them apart. Before Frank can say anything, Leo runs off to Bunker 9. Frank stands there, devastated. Soon, both of them slowly break down again, their feelings of passion and love quickly turning into their weaknesses. Finally, Hazel and Calypso— who had gotten together— force them into the same room. They get stuck for days in end, refusing to say anything. Finally, Leo cracks. 'I'm sorry.' He will say, looking down. 'I-I was just so scared to get my heart broken again.' He would whisper, Frank would look at him in awe. 'All because people can hurt you, doesn't mean they will.' He states, and before Leo can say anything. History repeats itself. They kiss. And then they date. And finally they get married!" Piper said excitedly, her eyes holding a dreamy look.

"Piper? Your Aphrodite side came out." Hazel said, surprisingly sounding polite.

Piper blushed.

"That was very. . . Vivid." Nico said, Will's chin resting in his head.

"What? I ship it." Piper defended, "I'm not gonna ask." Jason said.

"Best not to." Was Piper's only reply.


Hey people! Almost to 14K!!! I am super happy with that! Anyways. . . Um, requests still open?

And um. Please read: 

I really need ideas, I'm really sorry I haven't updated as often, and I feel really bad. Maybe suggest AUs? Anything will help. 

Love you guys!

- Bridget

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