Picked by the Fates

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #82

Requested by @Originalolivia (Plus, HER OC PEARL!!!)

Sitting India style, Jason glanced at Percy. He then looked around at the group. Leo, Nico, Will, Connor Stoll, Pearl (Percy's sister), Piper, Annabeth, Frank, Hazel, Percy, and himself were all sitting in the circle. Leo smirking as he looked in the middle of them.

There lay a cup. Filled with slips of paper, each containing the name of somebody in the circle.

"I can't believe Hazel's doing this!" Leo teased, earning a small elbow from Piper. Leo ignored her, continuing to exclaim that Hazel was a "Cute cinnamon roll!" And "Such an innocent angel!" To be Frank, Jason was getting kind of tired with it. And by the looks of it, so was Percy. The son of Poseidon sat there, staring at the cup in front of him like it was a 4 page essay. His eyes held no excitement, and a frown graced his beautiful lips— his lips. A frown was on his lips.

Jason nearly smacked himself right then and there.

He did not need to be thinking about Percy and his lips right now. No matter how attractive— nice, how nice they were!

Coming out of his thoughts, Jason felt a tap on his shoulder.

"Your turn," Percy stated, picking up the cup and giving it to Jason. Jason blushed as their fingertips touched, his nerves acting up as he slowly reached into the cup. The feel of smooth paper greeted him. Calming him gently as he fumbled to get a slip.

His fingers tingled as he touched one. His gut telling him to pick it.

Picking it out of the cup, he unfolded the paper slip. His eyes widening, he looked around. His friends waited silently, interested to see who Jason had to go in the closet with. "Who is it?" Percy questioned, Piper nodding at him. Jason bit his lip, his fingers rubbing circles into his palm. He looked down at his feet. "You."

"Oh." Percy stated, then, realizing what was happening he stated "Oh!"

Jason looked at his eyes, meeting them for a split second. His eyes were unreadable. Biting his lip, Jason sighed.

"Do it." Leo shouted, making Hazel let out an innocent giggle.

Percy felt his stomach knot in nervousness, but he nodded. "How bad could it be?" He asked Jason, surprised that he didn't stammer. Jason sent him a small glance.

"Awe looks like Jason has a crush!" Pearl teased, Connor laughing by her side. "Which was totally hidden!" She sarcastically added.

Jason huffed in slight annoyance and punched her lightly. "Hey!" Pearl exclaimed, her green eyes glaring at him. "Just get into the closet! Perseus, get your man!" Annabeth snapped, growing impatient as she looked at the two teens. She nearly growled angrily as she looked at the look Percy gave Jason.

It was a sad, lovesick look. His lustful glance completely unseen by the son of Jupiter. For gods sake, they were so lovesick it made her want to back their heads together in hopes of creating a kiss between them. 

Percy, sending Annabeth a collected glare, nodded. "Let's get this over with." He stated, the two walking over to the closet door. A black-tie lay on its knob, almost making Percy laugh.

Jason shrugged, trying to contain his racing emotions. 

"Wait!" Connor yelled at them, standing up. 

"Hm?" Jason hummed, turning towards him. Connor quickly threw a box at Percy. Thankfully, he caught it before it hit Jason square in the face. Percy, looking at the box, went wide-eyed. "C-Connor Stoll!" He stammered, dropping the box like it was a bomb. "What is it?" Pearl asked, a smirk gracing her lips as she looked at her boyfriend.

Connor gave her an innocent look. "Oh, you know, only some basic sex items." He told her, his overly sweet tone making Percy shutter. 

Jason, looking at the box in disgust, pulled at Percy's arm. "Come on, let's get this over with." He told Percy, leading the two into the closet. 

Jason walked into the small area. The clothes neatly on their hangers, and the small area making him slightly claustrophobic. "Nice room." Percy commented dryly, trying to ignore the snickers from the outsiders.

Jason, deciding to be brave, questioned him.

"When Annabeth said to "get your man" what did she mean?" 

Percy froze, the door locking with a click behind him. Swallowing excess saliva, Percy decided to answer honestly. 

"I, u-um, I like you." He blurted out, this time, Jason froze. "What?" He asked, clearly shocked. Percy sighed and walked closer to his body. Without a second thought, he kissed Jason. Jason was surprised, but melted into the kiss. Letting out a small moan, Percy separated their lips.

"Does that answer your question?" He asked Jason, his glance staring at his feet. 

Jason placed his thumb under Percy's chin, bringing his face upwards. "Does this count as an answer?" 

And with that, the blond smashed their lips together. An awkward tooth collision soon ignored as it deepened. Letting out a soft noise, Percy wrapped his arms around Jason's broad shoulders. Pulling them closer as Jason tumbled to the ground.

On the ground, it barely stopped them. As soon as they landed, Jason reached up Percy,s shirt. His cold fingers running over Percy's chest and stomach. Percy let out a shiver, his tongue shoving its way into Jason's mouth.  

The outsiders were quiet, fully aware that the boys were. . . bonding.

Back inside, Percy took off his shirt in a hurry. The camp shirt quickly discarded to the corner of the stuffed closet. The clothes on their hangers soon fell onto them. stray hangers clicking to the ground. Their plastic echoing soundlessly. 

Percy's tongue circled the top of Jason's mouth, saliva mixing. And as Percy stopped kissing him, a trail of it from both of their mouths slowly went down their chins. "You're beautiful." Jason gasped, creating a small hickey on Percy's neck. Percy bit his lip to suppress a groan and started to fumble with the bottom of Jason's shirt. 

Panting, Jason also then discarded his shirt in the corner. Both boys now shirtless. Groping Percy's fine a*s, Jason started to kiss his chest. Creating larger and larger hickeys everywhere he touched. Meanwhile, Percy slid his hands down Jason's pants, slowly sliding them off to reveal Jason's grey boxers. Jason smiled, helping get the pants to his ankles as fast as possible. 

Chest to chest, Percy started to kiss Jason again. Resulting in Jason nearly deep throating his tongue as it tried to slide itself down his throat. Letting out a moan of pleasure, Jason but Percy's tongue softly. 

Then, there was a knock on the door, unlocking it as soon as the knob was turned. 

It was Pearl. 

"Listen up brother and Jason, times up. Seven minutes is all you were supposed to get, but we gave you 10. Now get out of the closet or go bang in the Zeus cabin." She told them, her voice unamused. 

Pearl remained unfazed by the lack of clothes and rolled her eyes. Leaving the doorway, she didn't bother to close the closet door. 

Connor peaked in. "Looks like you could have used my box after all!" He joked, making Hazel ask. "What was in the box?"

Hastily pulling up his pants, Jason looked at Percy. Percy eyes him back.

"Zeus cabin, ten minutes. I'll grab Connor's box." Percy stated, leaving Jason to sprint off to the Zeus cabin. The game of seven minutes in heaven long forgotten by the two.

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