Preschool Days

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Jercy - A/N that will be deleted afterwards!! +  (Oneshot that is probably crap because I have no ideas!!) - Oneshot #48!!

Hey guys!! Thanks for the 11K, really happy!!  Hope to get 12K in the future!! (Currently at school. . . who knew I could get on wattpad?! I nearly screamed in the middle of gym class.) Also, super sorry I just couldn't write A New World (Part 4). It's just really hard for me to get inspired right now. So, please, request something!!

Finally, well, this fanfiction will be going under some editing. Okay? I just need to edit these and maybe change some up. For example, someone posted a comment about Percy's last name (after marriage) being Percy Jercy. I probably should of thought that through more, so I may change that.

If you truly want to read this you can, and I'll change my words and things like that starting today (April 19th, 2017). Starting from Oneshot #1.

Just a heads up, I'm not changing so much! Following the same plot though. I'm not trying to make everything different, so bare with me here.

So. . . That's about it.

We good??

-Bridget (4/21/17)

"Are you sure you comin back mama?" 3 year old Percy asked, his large, sea green eyes looking at his mother (Sally). His mother gave him a warm smile, "I sure am sweetie, you'll be fine." Sally insisted, looking at her son, her face softened. "Mama? What if I makes no friend?" He asked, fighting a slight lisp. His mother quickly looked around the room, Percy's small hand in her own. "Well. . . How about that boy over there?" Sally asked him, pointing to a blonde boy who was alone, Percy looked up.

He saw a blonde boy in a green lantern Tee shirt, crying silently. "Mama, he sad, I wanna help." He whispered, "Well, you can go. I'll be back at 2:15, okay?" Sally told her son.

Percy, who had long forgotten about his mother, instead interested in the blonde boy, nodded and walked over to him. Sally just laughed tearfully, grabbed her keys from her purse, and walked out of the classroom.

"Hi." Percy whispered to the boy, who had hot tears running down his cheeks. "H-hi." He said, sniffling. "Are you 'kay?" He asked, looking at him in concern.

"Tha-tha weft me!" He exclaimed, crying harder, but he was still silent. Percy looked at him blankly. "Who's Tha-tha?" He asked, "My sissy, but I want her to be my mommy." Was the reply he received, Percy quickly scanned the room.

He needed a distraction!

"What's your name?" Percy asked the crying boy. "Jawson." The blonde– Jason – told him.

"Well Jason. . . Do you wike to colors?" Percy asked innocently, Jason nodded. Some tears still going down his cheeks. Percy gave him a shy smile.

"W-would you wike to be my colors buddy?" Percy asked, Jason stopped crying and gasped. "Really? You let me be your colors buddy?" He asked, shocked he was getting such a big honor from a stranger.

Percy's smile grew and he nodded at Jason.

"Come on Superman!" He replied, Jason looked at Percy confused. "Why Superman?" He asked.

"Cause you my color buddy and you look wike Bwonde Supermans!" Percy told him, grabbing a bucket of crayons and paper from a table by them.

"Hey!" Exclaimed a boy, his blue eyes intensifying on Percy.

"Oh, look a sharp crayon!" Percy said gleefully, passing Jason some paper and showing him the blue crayon.

Jason let out a small giggle, picking up a purple crayon. "I'm gonna draws a fishy!" Percy told him, Jason was no longer crying and looked up. "I'm gonna draw the pwayground!" Jason told Percy, placing his crayon carefully on the paper.

Percy nodded in agreement and held up his crayon. "It so pwetty." He murmured, looking at the blue crayons point.

"Don't steal my crayons!" A boy, who had said something earlier shouted. Snatching a craving from Percy's hand. "Hey! They not all yours!" Percy said, looking in horror as the boy broke the crayon in half.

"Stop it Octavian!" Jason demanded, Percy looked close to tears.

"Baby!" Octavian told Percy, then ran away to the pile of teddy bears in the corner of the classroom.

Percy's eyes filled with tears, "H-He took my crayon." He whimpered, "It okay, we find new crayon!" Jason encouraged.

"Okay, first, we need to get the dragon distracted." Jason whispered to Percy, pointing to the teacher. "Okay." Percy told Jason, his teary eyes filling with determination.

"On 3 we run!" Jason ordered, "1." Jason stated, "Fish." Percy continued, ignoring the looks around them. "87." Jason said, "3!" Percy yelled, both boys sprinting off to the door. "What are you boys doing?!" The teacher exclaimed, but all they heard was a series of roars.

Percy looked back, behind him there wasn't an elder lady who was running the place.

Instead, in her place was a scale-covered, red eyed, jagged clawed, dragon! "The dragon's after us!" Percy screamed, his voice quickly being washed out by the kids around them. "Percy, run fasterer!" Jason yelled, before tripping over a toy train. "Jason?" Percy asked, realizing the blonde was no longer behind him. 

"Jason? No!" He screamed in terror, seeing the boy being herded by the dragon. "You're in trouble young man." The teacher said, which the boys translated it to "I'm going to eat you." In dragon tongue.

"Jason." Percy whispered, seeing his color buddy being snatched up (carried off) by the dragon (teacher) to her cave (the Time-Out Chair). "Percy!" Jason yelled, "Young man that is enough." The teacher growled, making Jason whimper. 

"I will save you." Percy whispered to Jason, well aware he couldn't hear him. "First, I need a sword." He decided, scanning the playroom. "Sword, hm." He pondered, his eyes averting to a group of girls. They were playing dress up, forcing a few boys in knight costumes and giving them foam swords. "Ah ha!" Percy cried, quickly running over to the group.

"Excuse me." He asked, poking a brunette girl on her shoulder. She turned around. "Yes?" She asked, looking at Percy innocently. "May I have a sword. I have to save my friend from dragon." He explained, "Dragon?!" She nearly screamed, looking around in fear. "Yeah, she has him right now, and if I loose him. I-I'll loose my colors buddy!" He desperately explained, the girls eyes widened.

"He your colors buddy?" She asked softly, Percy nodded. "He important. Travis, give this boy your sword." The girl told a boy to the left of him. "Why?" Travis demanded, looking in her eyes. The girl scoffed, "He gonna loose his colors buddy without its!" She told him, the boy paled. 

Travis then, practically, shoved his sword in Percy's arms. "Take it, don't loose your colors buddy!" Travis replied frantically, "We'll help!" A girl told him, her dress not a princess dress, instead it was a native american costume, the beads swaying left in right as she walked to him.

"I'm Piper, I'll get Clarisse if you want. Then we can start an army and rescue your colors buddy!" She told Percy, "Weally?" He asked, touched by the gesture. Piper gave him a toothy grin, "Yeah!" Piper said happily, running across  the room to a bigger girl. Taller and beefier than every 3-4 year old in the room.

"So, what's going on?" The girl asked Percy, "Um, my color buddy was kidnappeded by a dragons!" He explained hurriedly. "Than what are we waiting for?! We will not leave a color buddy behind!" She ordered, immediately starting to gather kids from around the room.

"Now sweetie, you'll stay here for 10 minutes." The teacher commanded, forcing Jason onto the small, plastic chair. "Let me goes!" Jason said, squirming. "Stop it." The teacher demanded. Jason whimpered, but obeyed. 'I'm gonna dies.' He thought frantically.

"Charge!" Percy yelled, groups of kids running toward the dragon. Armor on, swords out, and crayons ready to be thrown at her. 

The dragon screamed in pain, no one coming to her aid as the knights attacked her. "Jason!" Percy screamed, swinging is sword at the dragon. She gave out a cry, "Percy!" Jason whispered, before running to his hero.

"Jason no!" Percy screamed, Jason was then hit. With a sword. In the neck.

Jason gave out a scream, falling to the ground. The battle had stopped seconds after. "We won!" A boy cheered, "Jason!" Percy yelled, running to him. "Pe. R. Cy?" Jason asked, laying on his back, breathing shallowly. There were tears in Percy's eyes as he looked at Jason, "Jason, don't leave me." Percy pleaded, "I've been hit." Jason stated, "I-I'll fix you." Percy said, desperately trying to save Jason.

"Please! Someone get a doctors! Jason been hits!" Percy yelled, gasps were heard and instantly 2 kids rushed over. "I'm Will Sowace, this Nico, my helpers. We fix him real good!" Will told Percy, who was holding Jason gingerly. "Okay, I wills use my powers to heals him!" Will exclaimed, touching Jason's forehead.

To outsiders, nothing seemed to happen. But for the kids? The kids saw a gold glow on Jason's head, instantly healing his 'bleeding' neck. Jason's eyes flew open.

"I was healed!" He yelled, "Jason!" Percy yelled, playfully tackling him in a hug. Jason giggled, "Glad we could help. Nico, how close was he to death?" Will asked casually, Nico stretched out his arms as far as they could go, not talking, and sticking his tongue out. By the time he was satisfied with his answer, he was on the tip of his toes, trembling slightly. 

Will gave him a smile, "That's great!" He encouraged, hugging him, Nico blushed. 

"Fank you! I gots my color buddy back!" Percy said gleefully, kissing Jason's cheek.

Jason stopped laughing, "Why'd you do that?" Jason asked, confused. Percy looked at him, "Aren't knights pose to kiss princess after saving them?" He asked, "Oh yeah." Jason said, "Well, thank you for saving my knight Percy!" He told Percy, kissing his cheek. Percy grinned, "No problem. Princess." He teased, "Hey!" Jason exclaimed. Both of them laughing.

"So, what did you do in Preschool today Percy?" Sally asked as she and her son walked hand in hand to the car. "I kissed a princess, and we defeated a dragon!" Percy told her innocently. Sally laughed, "Well aren't you a little knight in shining armor." She commented, just as a teen and the blonde boy from earlier walked by. "Princess!" Percy exclaimed, making the blonde turn around.

'Princess' was laughing, "Don't call me that hero!" The boy teased, Percy laughed along with him. "You going home now?" He asked, Percy nodded. "Bye." Percy whispered, kissing his cheek. "Bye Percy." The boy said, kissing Percy's cheek.

Sally was confused.

"Who was that?" Sally asked Percy when they were in the car. "He is Jason, he my princess, and I rescued him from dragon. That how things supposes to go." Percy stated, Sally just nodded. It was really sweet to her. "Do you love him?" Sally asked.

"Yeah!" Percy answered, Sally laughed. "Okay." She replied, then turned on the radio.

"Who was that Jason?" Thalia asked, slightly amused. Has her brother gotten a boyfriend in one day? And in Pre-K?

"He Percy. He rescue me from dragon lady." Jason answered simply. "Do you love him?" Thalia asked, smirking. "Yeah!" Jason answered, "Alright then." Thalia accepted, the rest of the walk home spent with Jason describing the 'battle' Percy had fought for him in with vivid details.

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