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Jercy - Oneshot #14


"Jason?" Percy asked his boyfriend. "Yeah?" Jason replied, pretty occupied with fixing his glasses. Which an Ares kid broke, after Jason stabbed their hand with a pen. "Let's play 20 questions!" Percy exclaimed, Jason smiled.

"Percy. I'm as blind as a. . . Something. What questions could you possibly have in mind?" He asked, Percy laughed. "You'd be surprised where my mind goes at night." He answered simply, this concerned Jason. But, he sighed and nodded anyway, anything for Percy.

"Favorite food?" Percy asked, it was lame but could be telling so much about the person. "Your mom's cookies. They rock." He answered, Percy nodded- how could he disagree? "Okay, my turn. What do you like most in demigod life?" Jason asked him. Percy was surprised to say the least.

"Well, I guess family from all sides." Percy responded. "What do you mean?" Jason asked, he smiled slightly. "The family we get. For example, you and I get a 'prince of darkness' for a cousin, and we get our weirdo uncles that usually try to murder us. And finally we get these siblings- who are so unlike us we can't really tell people they're our siblings without them demanding a DNA test." Percy explained, Jason nodded.

"I love that about us. We have the craziest of families- yet we turn out pretty awesome. Minus the occasional nightmares, monster attacks, dangerous quests, and the now completely common PTSD." He muttered, Percy smiled a bit. "Good. I love that to Superman." He replied, after 20 minutes it was Jason's last turn.

"Okay. Who was your first kiss?" Jason asked, not expecting much of a reaction. Percy looked at him. "I don't want to answer this." He said, Jason was confused. "Percy, it's already pretty obvious! We all know your first kiss was AnnaBeth!" He said, Percy looked at him.

He remembered it. Clearly. No doubt in his mind that was his first of 2 things. First kiss, and first rape. Rape, such a horrid word. A word that rang in his mind constantly if he was reminded of him. Gabe. His step father. Him. That monster. Jason quickly pulled him out of those thoughts.

"Jason?" Percy whispered, Jason was alert, something was wrong. "Yeah?" He questioned, "My first kiss wasn't AnnaBeth." He paused, then started continuing. "It was Gabe." Percy whispered, Jason heard him clearly.

"W-who's Gabe?" Jason asked, probably surprised by Percy's answer. "My step-father. Don't worry, I killed him." He answered, "Okay?" Jason replied, wait. Step father. Kiss. Was he. . . Abused?

"Percy? Did he hurt you?" Jason asked him. He sighed, "Thankfully no." Percy lied, no way was he telling Jason that. "Then why was he your first kiss?" Jason asked him. "He tripped and I was about to kiss my mom. But I got him instead. Average accident." Percy lied again, "Then why'd you kill him?" Jason asked again.

"I accidentally gave him strawberries, he's allergic." Percy replied, "Okay." Jason said, finally satisfied.

Percy almost let out a sigh of relief. That was close! Maybe he'd tell Jason eventually. Just not right now. He's still trying to control his fears all together. And Jason didn't need more stress in his life.

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