Riptide's Parting (PART 1!!!!!)

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #28

Jason gripped the pen tightly in his hand. His shirt clung to him, and sweat slid down his forehead. His muscles ached, and his lungs seemed to scream. He let out a deep breath, it was over. The war was won.

No one had died, at least, no one Jason knew of. He quickly did a head count– Geez, that made him sound like a worried mother– and slowly counted off. Piper? Check. Leo? Check. Frank? Check.

Hazel? Check. AnnaBeth? Check. Percy? No. "Where's Percy?!" AnnaBeth asked, her eyes looking at Jason. Jason held the pen. "J-Jason. That's riptide!" she stammered, rushing toward him. Jason grew nervous, where was Percy?

"Yeah? Point here?" He asked, Hazel looked at Nico. Wait. Nico.

He was carrying someone. "He's gone." He told Hazel, tears running down his pale skin. "Who?" Leo asked, looking at the pale Italian. Nico looked into Leo's eyes, his cold brown meeting Leo's warmer brown.

"Make a shrine. For the son of Poseidon." He said, glancing at AnnaBeth. "Seaweed Brain?" She gasped, looking at the body. Jason was unsure, but soon enough all of the seven crowded around Percy's body. Or should he say, the last six surrounded Percy's body.

Percy was covered in blood, a spear in his side, 2 arrows in the head, and cuts of all sizes spread over his body. His sea green eyes glossed over. The playfully, child like glint long gone, a dull moss green in its place. His hair was tinted red, and crusting as the blood dried. Jason bit his lip, and tears stung his eyes.

Percy Jackson. He was dead. And Riptide was in Jason's hands. This wasn't right. Blood covered his Camp shirt, and Percy's lips had a smile. Why was he smiling?!

Hazel was crying, and Frank was guilty of shedding a few tears himself. Leo looked like he was trying to hold them back, meanwhile Piper had them streaming down her face. AnnaBeth looked at the body, and even knelt down. 

Her blonde curls blocked her face, she put a curl behind her ear. Tears trickled down her face. She laughed softly, sniffing as she said. "Oh Seaweed Brain. I always knew you'd be killed because of that loyalty." She whispered, barely audible to the others.

By now, other campers were gathering. Wondering what was happening. Jason heard gasps. Even choked sobs from half-bloods, he ignored them. He felt nothing.

He was numb, but yet his eyes still stung. Was that possible? To feel numb, yet pain is only located in your eyes and heart. He swallowed, and even some romans were there now.

Everyone was gathered around Percy's body. His lifeless, cold, dead body. To which Riptide would never return to. Where Jason felt the pen hit his head. He should of helped.

But he didn't, instead he chopped up a tree. Which was accidental, but still, he should have known Percy was in danger. This 'pen' is his sword! His sword that he used, for battles!

Jason tossed a glance at Nico, a blonde teens' arm was around him. Looking at the body before saying. "He was injured terribly. Most of his eternal organs are bleeding, and the blood loss managed to finally take him. He gave up a fight. Just like the Percy we all. We all knew." The teens didn't continue, voice cracking as he tried not to cry.

Jason noticed Chiron, Mr.D, and maybe even a few gods in human form were there. Chiron looked down sadly, Mr.D looked at the body throughly. As if he had seen a million of them before, and he was unfazed.

Jason found himself looking at the body again. Percy's hands weren't clenched, and his hair was a usual mess. His armor did almost nothing to protect him, seeing that the left strap had been cut. Making the (surprisingly) oversized armor fall to his waist.

Blood dribbled from his mouth, Jason pleaded for a sign. Just a breath. He knew he'd be wasting something doing this. But he prayed. He actually prayed, to Juno, the goddess that took him away from his mom. And put them all in this mess.

"The war is over. We have won. The earth goddess was out to sleep by Perseus Jackson. Forever May this hero live in peace in the Elysium!" Chiron said, his horse legs bent. Kneeling down to his corpse. "Long live Perseus Jackson!" Campers echoed, the romans joined in, this lasted for a few minutes. And Jason had this numb feeling still weighing in his emotions.


Jason still felt numb. Like he had been dumped into a bucket of frozen water from Alaska.

The pain targeted his heart, and his head. His mind swarmed, and eyes burned.

Nightmares. That's all he had. Always nightmares, every night since Percy had died Jason didn't get sleep.

AnnaBeth and Nico bonded, and rumor had it they were dating. But Jason knew the truth, not that he was going to tell people that the boy was gay. He wasn't that kind of person.

"Jason?" Leo called out, opening the door to Percy's cabin. Jason hadn't moved, well, since last night. He stayed in Percy's cabin at least once a week, at max it was 6 times. The other nights he spent at the beach. Just looking.

Looking at the stars. Looking at the calm, and almost sad ocean. It just gave off that aura now. Like it had lost all the. . . Wonder?

Jason sat on Percy's bed, looking at pictures. Jason remembered that Percy took pictures of everyone and almost everything in the ARGO II. Like it was a memory game for him. Jason never knew why he took so many of the both of them though, that remained a mystery. It turns out that Piper had managed to print them out.

A tear trickled down his face, and he could feel other tears trying to resurface.
"Jason. The dinner horn rung like 20 minutes ago. And remember what Chiron said this morning. Wait. You weren't there. . . " Leo trailed off, Jason ignored him. His eyes fixed surely on a photo of Percy putting his arm around Jason.

Jason felt his heart flutter just thinking about it, before it plunged rink eternal pain and numbness again.

Leo managed to drag Jason to the Dinning Pavilion, and made him sit at his own table. Unlike every other time he ate, which he ate at the Poseidon table. It was strange really, well to Leo, who he thought was Jason somehow was grieving for Percy. . . Specially?

'The Big 3' stood in front of them, along with Athena, and Hestia. "Today. We mark a great award. Given to both, the deceased, and the currently living." Zeus boomed. Jason looked confused, what's Zeus doing?

Then, Hades moved. And behind him. Was a teen with raven hair. Messy and adorable. A vibrant sea green orbs was actually their eyes. Armor golden, even polished. And Jason felt Riptide get out of his grip. Which was impossible, unless he was actually.

"Percy?!" He screamed, Percy looked at h tearfully. Percy gave him a small smile. "Well I'm not a Giant Evil Relative Who Just Happens To Be Our Relative, or am I demigod?" He asked sarcastically.

Jason looked at him confused. Percy stared back, "Percy?" AnnaBeth asked softly, Percy glanced at her. "Do you remember anything?" She asked, Percy sighed. And he shook his head.

"No young daughter of. . . Athena? No I don't." He said, Jason's heart then sank to his stomach. 'He doesn't remember us.' He thought in terror.

Percy. He was gone. And an empty, confused, shell of the hero was in his place.

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