Riptide's Parting (PART 2!!!!)

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Jercy - Oneshot #30

Percy didn't remember him. He didn't remember anyone– that Jason knew of. Yet, he saw that Percy had tears in his eyes. Why? Maybe he was hurting? Jason barely knew what was going on. And so did Percy, it was strange really, to both boys. It just felt, wrong, right, but different all at the same time. Well, at least that's how they'd explain it.

13 Hours Earlier. . .

Percy was confused, he felt like something was missing. As if he was suppose to know what was happening. Or as if he had his heart ripped out, placed back in, and it started to beat in his brain. His mind began spinning, never staying in one place. He could slowly feel himself ripping his heart in half, and hurting himself as he tried to keep the pain out. He was feeling as if his limbs were being torn from the ground.

For the past months— days— years? Percy hadn't known himself, but he had been tied to the ground. The rope tightened, cutting off his circulation in his arms, feet, and torso. The rope was starting to burn, and soon it felt like lava. Percy almost screamed, but his voice was to horse from crying out in pain as the rope acted up from earlier. Let's just say, no matter how many times he'd been burned by lava, it never got less painful.

Finally, the burning faded, and Percy could smell burning flesh. But the feeling of anti-gravity was still there. His gut jolted, and his closed eyes opened. Vapor clouds were darkening the environment, and glass chips pierced his skin, which still stung. He inhaled sharply, cautiously pulling a long shard of glass out of his hip. The air was like venom, and Percy found it harder to breathe as he looked at the new. . . place.

His mind instantly went into panic mode, he felt like he should run away. Beg the gods to save him, or even cry. He didn't know why though, after all this was just a place in the Underworld. But not to his brain, and because he decided to listen to his head. He screamed, he wanted to close his eyes. This was a strange nightmare, but then words resurfaced in his mind. Almost as if someone was saying them, it was like a voice. Or a really dad-like conscious.

'Run. Hades will save you from this horrid place. Just find the Doors Of Death again son.'

What'd had that voice meant by again? All he knew was that he was panicking and that his fingers were inching closer to his pocket. His mind seemed to be in command, and it seemed his body just knew what to do. Because what happened next- nearly made him fall over. His fingers wrapped around a ball point pen, Percy felt the urge to uncap it. So naturally he did, and it sprung into a full blown sword. A small bit of blood on it, which concerned him, but other than that it was pretty cool.

Then, he hear a hiss. As if on instinct, he turned and slashed his sword in that direction. And that was when Percy's journey through Tartarus? It felt right to him to call it that. But that was when his journey started. . .

Percy was sweaty, bloody, and is entire body ached. He saw it, the Doors of Death, and there a man was. Surrounded by shadows, and the souls that seemed to surround his joined in. Screaming, and his whole aura seemed like death. Percy came closer cautiously, and looked into his dark, black, eyes. "Perseus." Percy tried to bite his tongue, but he couldn't help himself.

"It's Percy." He told the god of the Underworld, Hades smiled slightly. Then, his face instantly turned back to stone cold. "I'm here to take you here, I have even gotten a few of my assistant managers-" "You've got assistant managers? Cool! Can I have some pizza or something. I haven't eaten in a long time." Percy interrupted, Hades sighed. "I forgot how talkative you were. Or as your father said 'sassy.' Although, I could leave you here. Zeus never told me I had to take you out of here. Just talk and offer help." He trialed off, Percy's eyes widened. "No! No, please, take me out of here." He said, his voice getting desperation in it's tone.

Hades sighed, "Of course. Hold on." He held out his arm, Percy grabbed on, taking a last look at this pit of darkness and horror.

Within a few minutes of Percy feeling as if he was on a really crazy roller coaster, he ended up in front of thrones. Zeus, to Percy's guess, was sitting above him. Looking down on him, it kind of made him want to start a 'sass war' to be honest. "Perseus Jackson!" He thundered, "Percy. For the last time call me Percy." He told him bluntly, he swore Zeus cracked a smile.

"Listen, we know who you are. And we're sending you to your other life. Soooooo, brace yourself." Apollo told him, at least, Percy was pretty sure he was Apollo. "Um. Thank you?" He said, not really understanding what the Hades he meant, why'd he say that?

"Listen. Dear, do you know who you are? And, if I may, what you are?" A lady asked, she had long blonde hair, electric blue eyes, and a small scar.


The name came out of nowhere, and he felt his stomach warm. His heart was pounding, and he was suddenly nervous. What was with that name that made him like this?

"No Aphrodite." Percy answered, Aphrodite smiled and giggled. Did it really take that long for him to answer? "Who do you see dear?" She asked, her teeth were white, and her hair was slowly beginning to shorten. "I see blonde hair. And blue eyes, a scar. And whenever I look at you I have a name in mind." He told her truthfully.

Aphrodite smiled gently, "I'll keep that name to only your knowledge. But dear, to answer your much needed to know questions. You are Percy Jackson. You're a demigod. And your father's right over there." She said, pointing to a throne with a black haired man– or god– looked a lot like him. Same sea green eyes, same messy hair, and same smile. Percy had no doubt he was his father.

"Hello Percy." Poseidon said, Percy nearly gasped. That was the voice. "I know he's my father. I've heard him before. Father, you're message was loud and clear." Percy said, Poseidon looked surprised. "I didn't think that worked." He muttered, but quickly gave his son a smile.

"I shall inform Chiron, we shall show up at dinner." Athena told the gods, and Percy. They all nodded, Percy looked around. He guessed this was his family. Was it wrong to have the urge to call Zeus 'The Drama King?'

Time Skip:

A few hours later, Artemis told Percy it was time to get going. He wasn't doing much, just trying to get his memories. Or at least, remember his old life. Like his favorite food, or even what his least favorite shirt color was. Even if he had a favorite color! That would have let him be done wondering and staring at a ceiling!

"Yes Artemis." He told her, and within 20 minutes, he was flashed into a camp. The scent of strawberries filled his nose, and Hades was in front of him. Only Poseidon, Zeus, Hades, Hestia, and Athena had made it to Camp.

He didn't pay attention to anything, until Hades stepped away. Revealing him to a crowd of demigods. . .? Then, he saw a boy with blonde hair, blue eyes, and a small scar on his lip. Percy's heart started to pound. "Percy?!" The boy screamed. And without thinking Percy responded: "Well I'm not a Giant Evil Relative Who Just Happens To Be Our Relative, or am I demigod?" His eyes swelled up with tears. He didn't even know why.

He looked at him confused. Percy stared back, "Percy?" A girl with princess curls asked softly, he decided that she looked like Athena. And just mentally called her princess. Percy glanced at her. "Do you remember anything?" She asked, Percy sighed. And he shook his head.

"No young daughter of. . . Athena? No I don't." He said. The others muttered and instantly started to talk amongst themselves.

Percy looked at his feet, his armor was polished— curtesy of Aphrodite, and he felt like Apollo's cattle. Everyone here knew him didn't they? But he didn't know himself. He decided he really hated amnesia.



-Bridget Di Angelo

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