Secret Santa

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A/n: thanks for the 106 views!!!!! Love you guys!

Jercy - Oneshot #9

"Okay guys! Time for secret Santa!" Leo yelled, literally jumping up and down. Nico rolled his eyes, smirked, then kissed Leo's cheek. Leo instantly calmed down. Percy had to admit they- surprisingly- worked well together. Relationship wise and demigod job wise.

Jason looked over, Leo handing out the first gift. Holding his breath as, at last, everyone could open their presents. He gently tore open his gift, eyeing Percy the whole time. "Obvious much?" Leo asked, sitting down next to Jason to open his.

Jason sighed, "I'm worried. That's all." Jaosn explained his plan to Leo. Leo grinned patting Jason's back. "Go for it dude!" He said, rubbing his own promise ring Nico had gotten him. (As did Leo to Nico- they had planned it at the same time.)

Percy tore open the gift, slower than usual. Glancing at Jason, who still hasn't opened his gift. The gift Percy had received was small, and light. Making Percy slightly more excited. He opened the box, which reminded of him of a necklace case. Inside, was a ring, held in styrofoam- explaining the necklace case. The ring was beautiful, a golden band twisting around a sea glass pearl- the pearl was a transparent looking blue. The pearl was small, almost like it was engraved in the band, but he could see the slight pop out. He gasped, looking at the ring in more detail. Percy had seen a engraved word in the ring. 'Aquaman' it read, Percy smiled.

Jason looked up, hearing Percy's gasp. This was his cue, he looked at Leo and Piper. They smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Jason took a deep breath and walked up to Percy. "Percy." He took a deep breath, gently taking the ring out of Percy's hands. "I've loved you since the Argo Incident. A-and I just wanted to know." He swore Percy was tearing up, no one could make Percy tear up- unless they talked about lost heroes- and even then it was hard. "That I love the feeling of your warm breath colliding with mine in the morning. The feel of your morning touch, and how you can make me smile within a few seconds. I love you and only you. So Percy. I have a question. Will you- Perseus Jackson. Make me the happiest person in the entire Greek and Roman Mythology 'myths'. And marry me?" He asked, seeing a few stray tears fall from Percy's eyes.

A few tears slipped down Percy's face, Jason was kneeling down. Holding the promise ring to Percy's arms. For once, he felt speechless. Percy managed to nod, and Jason smiled widely. He slid the ring on Percy's ring finger. AnnaBeth, Piper, Hazel, Frank, and Tyson cheered and clapped. Leo was smirking like a mad man and cheering like there was no tomorrow. Nico blushed as Leo swung his arm over his, but clapped for a few minutes- silently.

Jason chuckled and kissed Percy. Percy kissed back. "I love you. Fiancée." Percy whispered, Jason smiled. "I love you more future husband." He whispered back. "Impossible." Jason heard Percy whisper to him. Then Leo ruined the moment. "Now you guys can get married and start having kids!" He yelled. "Through adoption!" Nico added, his voice much calmer than his boyfriends.

"Congratulations Seaweed Brain. Seems you've got yourself a good man." AnnaBeth commented, Piper snaking her arm around AnnaBeth a waist. Piper pecked her cheek. "Good job Blonde Superman. Proud of you." Piper said calmly. The couple laughed as the girls walked off, hearing snippets of their weird conversations- "Banana!" "Polar Bears!" And "Canadian Potatoes!" Where heard various times. "Thanks!" Percy said, and noticed Hazel was in front of them.

Jason looked at Hazel. Hazel looked directly at Percy. After a few seconds she buried him in a hug. Percy smiled gratefully. "H-Hazel. Can't. Breathe." Percy exclaimed, frank tapped hazels shoulder. Hazel stopped hugging Percy, and went to Jason. Frank quickly stopped her, thankfully before she choked Jason.

"Love you." Percy said to Jason. Percy saw Jason smile. "Love you to." He said, "Now. What about the last name?" Percy asked, Jason groaned. "This is gonna be hard." He said, Percy sighed and nodded. "You know what. Ship name is out last name!" Jason declared, Percy chuckled. "Okay Superman, so we're now the future Mr.Graceson's?" He asked, Jason smirked and nodded. Percy kissed his cheek. "I love it." He whispered, smiling.


THANKS FOR THE MORE THAN 100 VIEWS!!!! Peace and Crackers!!


Edited Thursday, April 20th, 2017
Shout out to Melody_Chant for helping me with their last name!!!

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