Soulmate AU (PART 1)

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #40

Percy looked at the timer on his wrist. '0 days.' It read, he looked over.

'0 hours.' Percy was holding his breath.

He looked at the minutes on his wrist.





Percy's eyes widened, the watch had hit zero! He had waited years for this! Years, and finally he was going to meet his soulmate.

Percy smiled softly, "Looks like your wrist timer clock thingie a ma bobber thing hit zero. Just like mine!" Jason exclaimed, grabbing Percy's wrist. Percy's arm tensed. "Sorry." Jason paused, "Have you found her?" He questions instantly, looking at Percy's wrist.

"Jason. I haven't found my soulmate. It was probably like yours! And for the love of Athena can I have my arm back?!" Percy asked, slightly disappointed.

"Well that sucks. (Autocorrect changed it to dicks. Wow. Just wow.) Bro. If I was your soulmate I would totally marry you." Jason admitted, Percy smiled at his friend. "Yeah. I would to Bro. To bad that soulmates can't be gay or lesbian couples. Instead we are forced to be heterosexual!" Percy said, shrugging his shoulders.

"It doesn't force us! We just. . ." Jason trailed off. Not knowing what to tell Percy. "Well. We are either blind. Or suck at the soulmate game." Percy replied, Jason laughed.

"You suck Aquaman. Meanwhile I kick butt!" Jason said, referring to hide and seek. "All because I can't count to twenty thousand repetitively and hide very well doesn't mean I suck at hide and go seek!" Percy said loudly. "Well. Still does!" Jason said, running off to Piper and Annabeth .

Percy groaned but ran after Jason.

"Woah!" Piper screamed, Jason crashed into her. Making Piper fall from behind, smashing into Annabeth. Both girls fell on each other, meanwhile Jason gave the floor a big hug! By the face. Resulting in a bloody nose.

"Jason!" Annabeth shouted angrily. She was about to kill him. That was until Percy came toward them. "Jason!" He yelled, alarmed and scared.

What if Jason's hurt?!

That question rang in his mind. Then. He saw the blood.

"Oh my gods what did you do?!" He said, not caring if he was full on screaming now. Then, Piper's clock ticked. Piper looked at her timer, wide eyed. Annabeth's timer clicked.

"Seaweed Brain." She whispered, in that moment, both girls knew who their soulmate was. "Jason." Piper whispered, Annabeth got up. She slowly walked to Percy.

"Annabeth what ar-" Annabeth cut him off. By kissing him!

Percy froze, he hesitated, but he managed to kiss back. Her lip balm tasted sour, lemony, mixing with beer. Percy hated it.

Annabeth pressed her tongue against his lips, Percy kept them shut. His eyes looked at Jason, who was being held by the collar of his shirt. His neck held by Piper's hand, and it seemed that she had forced her tongue down his throat.

Percy couldn't take it much longer, he needed air! And a few breath mints.

So, he naturally cut off the kiss by pressing his hands against her shoulders. Annabeth pulled away, a look of hurt flashed across her face.

"Seaweed Brain? What's wrong?" She asked softly, her voice seemed to waver. Tears glittered in her eyes. "Oh." Percy replied, he was blushing, he felt guilty, embarrassed almost.

"I'm just not big on PDA. That's all Wise Girl. If it means that much, you can come to my place next weekend, my mom won't be home." Percy said, remembering that was what Chris said to Clarisse. It didn't work, but Percy gave it a shot.

Annabeth thought for a moment. "Okay." She told him, before walking away. Piper had stopped choking Jason with her tongue and followed her. She was never to far from that girl!

"So. Piper huh?" Percy said, the whole situation was awkward. Jason was very red, "Yeah." Jason said simply. A silence filled their conversation. "So. You still on for tonight?" Percy asked, he started to smile.

"Bro. I would never miss any sleep over with blue cookies you have!" Jason exclaimed, the volume of the stereo became higher. "All because I don't share my room. Or cookies doesn't mean you have to have every sleep over taken seriously!" Percy joked. Wincing at the volume of the music. It was increasing violently, Jason started to feel slightly dizzy.

He frowned, "Jason. Are you okay?" Percy asked him, concerned. "Oh gods, um, I am feeling bad. Let's just head home!" Jason squeaked, his stomach erupting with a scream. Twisting and turning. Jason felt it. Vomit rising up his throat, and he tried his hardest to swallow it.

Why'd he drink the beer. Dakota brought it! (Who brings beer that after you throw up your finally drunk. Not fun!)

This happened 3 times before he finally let it out. Onto Percy's new leather seats.

Yeah. Not his best move.

"Woah Superman! You need a bucket? Nah? Yeah? Speak now!" Percy had said, looking at the back of the car for a split second. "Keep you eyes on the road!" Jason shouted, before the beer took effect again.

He vomited again, Percy winced. With light red, Percy decided to check again.

"Jason? You okay?" He asked him, calling out quietly. He hadn't felt the need to be loud.

Jason groaned, looking at the vomit covered seats. "I'm sorry." He managed to croak. His throat was dry.

Percy bit his lip, the light turned green. He sighed, then pulled over. "This is why you don't drink." He muttered, stopping the car. He walked out, getting a small grocery bag from the trunk.

"Not bad." He said to himself, the bag being plastic, large, and pretty sturdy. It was his best substitute for a bucket.

He shrugged to himself, opening the back door to his car. "Jase. I got you a bag to deposit all your lunch in. Use it well." Percy said gently, handing Jason the bag. Jason didn't look good.

He was pale from vomiting. His hands shaking slightly, and he was sweating terribly.

It seemed to take forever to get home. For Jason and Percy! Percy was relieved for Jason, and Jason was relived for Percy's car.

"We're home!" Percy said, faking enthusiasm. Jason managed a chuckle. "Now come on Superman." "If I'm Superman. Does that mean you're a princess?" Jason asked, it felt like he was flying. Sort of.

The beer must be finally setting its affect. He was getting drunk! Percy laughed. "Sure Jason." He told the drunk teen.

"I lurve you than Princess!" Jason yelled, Percy winced. "Love you to Superman." Percy told Jason, helping him the the bathroom.

"Hey. Hey Princess." Jason said, before puking in the toilet. Percy frowned, rubbing Jason's back. "Yeah?" He questioned, "I have a big secret!" He exclaimed, yelling in Percy's ear.

Percy winced, "Okay. Can you tell me?" He asked softly, hoping that Jason wouldn't yell again.

Jason laughed, nodded, and smiled. "Don't tell Percy!" Jason exclaimed, poking Percy's chest. "Okay! I promise not to tell him!" Percy lied, seeing he was Percy. He was a little curious.

"I found out that at my work. You know the soulmate unit? Well we can do it by blood. So I took a test. And my match came up! You know who it was?" Jason asked, eyes dropping. Jason yawned, Percy was confused.

"Who?" He asked the drunk and sleepy Jason. "Perseus Jackson!" Jason muttered before curling up in the bathroom floor to sleep.

'What the Hades!?' Percy thought, staring at the boy. Because he knew, all Jason said was true. He didn't lie when he drank.


Hey guys!!!!! 5.18K!!!! I screamed. Thanks!!!!! Anyways, requests open. Um. Parenting Challenge #2 or Arranged to Her?! Part 5? Comment for Arranged to Her?! Vote for Parenting Challenge #2. Or just comment preference. Cool? Cool!

Off topic note:
Since my birthday is on the 7th, I might not update. So if I don't update then you know why. Sorry for not updating for so long!!!!

Peace out Readers!!

- Bridget Di Angelo

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