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Jercy -  - Oneshot #37

July 1st

Yuri 💙: Jason?

Yuri 💙: Are you okay?

Yuri 💙: People have told me things. . .

Yuri 💙: Telling me you've died.

Yuri 💙: I know your lying.

Yuri 💙: Right?

Yuri 💙: Oh. By the way.

Yuri 💙: Happy Birthday!

July 8th

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: Will you ever answer?

Yuri 💙: I have news!

Yuri 💙: I nearly destroyed camp today. . .

Yuri 💙: I'm a monster.

Yuri 💙: So tell me.

Yuri 💙: Why aren't you in my arms again?

July 15th

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙:This is hard!

Yuri 💙: Everyone has been so different.

Yuri 💙: Around me at least.

Yuri 💙: They treat me like I'm glass.

Yuri 💙: Just bound to break in seconds.

Yuri 💙: I need you!!

July 22nd

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: You're dead.

Yuri 💙: Aren't you?

Yuri 💙: Don't worry, you know 1 thing at least.

Yuri 💙: I love you. And I will try to live without you.

Yuri 💙: No matter how much my heart hurts.

August 2nd

Yuri 💙: Its been a while. . .

Yuri 💙: All I can say is.

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: I can't do it. . .

Yuri 💙: I'm so sorry.

September 3rd

Yuri 💙: Annabeth found me today.

Yuri 💙: Crying my eyes out.

Yuri 💙: I know I shouldn't do this.

Yuri 💙: After all, I am the leader of Camp.

Yuri 💙: But it hurts Jason.

Yuri 💙: It hurts so badly!

Yuri 💙: I need you Superman!

September 8th

Yuri 💙: Today.

Yuri 💙: Things happened.

Yuri 💙: I went to the infirmary.

Yuri 💙: Will insisted.

Yuri 💙: And they said I was depressed.

Yuri 💙: Like it wasn't obvious. . .

Yuri 💙: I'm barely hanging on Jase.

Yuri 💙: Why'd you leave me?!

September 22nd

Yuri 💙: Today Leo came in.

Yuri 💙: He looked at me for a split second.

Yuri 💙: Just before crying in my lap.

Yuri 💙: He told me he couldn't bare to see me this way.

Yuri 💙: He wants me to get better.

Yuri 💙: Do you know what I said?

Yuri 💙: I said nothing. And just stared at him blankly.

Yuri 💙: I do that a lot now a days. . .

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: I WANT YOU HERE!!!!

September 25th

Yuri 💙: Hey Jason.

Yuri 💙: Will made me eat today.

Yuri 💙: It was blue pancakes.

Yuri 💙: Just like the ones you used to make me.

Yuri 💙: I cried on his shoulder.

Yuri 💙: Then Nico came in.

Yuri 💙: You'd be proud of him. . .

Yuri 💙: He was smiling, and even tried to help me.

Yuri 💙: I know I need help.

Yuri 💙: But Jason.

Yuri 💙: I still can't do this without you!

October 1st

Yuri 💙: Jase.

Yuri 💙: I miss you.

Yuri 💙: Half the time I cry.

Yuri 💙: And the rest of the time.

Yuri 💙: Well.

Yuri 💙: Actually. Scratch that.

Yuri 💙: I feel like all I do is cry!

Yuri 💙: Why did you have to die?!?!

Yuri 💙: Greek 'Mythology' took your life away. AND my happiness.

October 8th

Yuri 💙: Today I took back sword fighting class.

Yuri 💙: I didn't last long.

Yuri 💙: Clarisse said 'let's fight future Mr. Jercy!'

Yuri 💙: She must have forgotten.

Yuri 💙: I will never be 'Future Mr. Jercy'

Yuri 💙: Not with you being gone.

Yuri 💙: She said this while we were doing an example fight.

Yuri 💙: I cried, screamed, and stabbed her arm.

Yuri 💙: She looked at me.

Yuri 💙: And she just walked to the infirmary.

Yuri 💙: The kids looked at me.

Yuri 💙: They were scared.

Yuri 💙: Jase.

Yuri 💙: I can barely do this anymore!

October 13th

Yuri 💙: My mom came today.

Yuri 💙: Well.

Yuri 💙: Technically I was 'sent' to her.

Yuri 💙: Will said it would be good for me to get away from camp.

Yuri 💙: Away from. . .

Yuri 💙: Memories.

Yuri 💙: He got Nico to shadow travel me to my mom's.

Yuri 💙: She took one look at me and asked:

Yuri 💙: "What did the gods do to you?"

Yuri 💙: She sounded so sad.

Yuri 💙: Jason. Don't be sad.

Yuri 💙: I'm sort of happy.

Yuri 💙: Even if without you I want to die.

Yuri 💙: And how my heart hurts everyday.

Yuri 💙: The emptiness I feel is getting better.

Yuri 💙: At least.

Yuri 💙: That's what Will is saying.

October 21st

Yuri 💙: Hey Jase.

Yuri 💙: I broke down in front of Paul and my mom today.

Yuri 💙: Paul mentioned you.

Yuri 💙: I thought my mom had told him.

Yuri 💙: Or maybe, Chiron never told them.

Yuri 💙: Because then my mom questioned me on why I wasn't wearing a ring.

Yuri 💙: I couldn't take it anymore.

Yuri 💙: I hadn't cried at all.

Yuri 💙: I didn't eat as much (I doubt they noticed)

Yuri 💙: And I.

Yuri 💙: I even plastered fake smiles.

Yuri 💙: I told mom everything.

Yuri 💙: Paul sat there.

Yuri 💙: He didn't know what to do.

Yuri 💙: They haven't looked me in the eyes yet.

Yuri 💙: Its been 3 days. . .

October 30th

Yuri 💙: Jase.

Yuri 💙: I ran out of my home.

Yuri 💙: I even managed to get to Camp.

Yuri 💙: I saw Piper.

Yuri 💙: She looked at me, and laughed sadly.

Yuri 💙: We talked.

Yuri 💙: Mainly about you.

Yuri 💙: And get this.

Yuri 💙: We both cried!

Yuri 💙: I didn't think she'd cry.

Yuri 💙: And I didn't think that for hours we'd be comforting each other.

Yuri 💙: She made me promise something.

Yuri 💙: She told me about your plan.

Yuri 💙: You know. The one where you take me to Rome.

Yuri 💙: It made me cry harder.

Yuri 💙: Piper laughed.

Yuri 💙: I learned she laughed through pain.

Yuri 💙: I tried it.

Yuri 💙: Its not working.

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: Its Yuri. And I'm looking for Victor.

November 5th

Yuri 💙: Will told me bad news today.

Yuri 💙: He told me I had to stay longer than he expected.

Yuri 💙: I knew that already.

Yuri 💙: After all.

Yuri 💙: My heads been talking to me.

Yuri 💙: Telling me things.

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: I need help.

November 10th

Yuri 💙: Hi.

Yuri 💙: Will made me eat again.

Yuri 💙: I've gotten worse.

Yuri 💙: Because now.

Yuri 💙: I can't even keep food down.

Yuri 💙: Nico's worried.

Yuri 💙: Leo's worried.

Yuri 💙: Piper, Annabeth, Chiron, and even Clarisse are worried.

Yuri 💙: I'm trying.

Yuri 💙: But my heart still burns.

Yuri 💙: And the voices are getting louder.

Yuri 💙: I'm tempted to listen. . .

Yuri 💙: I'm going crazy?

Yuri 💙: I'm going crazy without you!

November 15th

Yuri 💙: Jason.

Yuri 💙: I punched a mirror today.

Yuri 💙: Blood was running down my knuckles.

Yuri 💙: And.

Yuri 💙: Will took me away.

Yuri 💙: I'm in a new room.

Yuri 💙: A room without glass.

Yuri 💙: I feel like a prisoner.

Yuri 💙: The voices had got to me.

Yuri 💙: That's why I did it.

Yuri 💙: Just if you were wondering. . .

Yuri 💙: I miss you so much. Holy Hera, I can't even use words to describe it anymore.

November 28th

Yuri 💙: I'm done.

Yuri 💙: Will made me eat. As you know.

Yuri 💙: Wait.

Yuri 💙: You can't know. . . You're dead.

Yuri 💙: But.

Yuri 💙: We sat at my table.

Yuri 💙: My eyes stung with tears as I looked over to where you used to sit.

Yuri 💙: Will tried to distract me.

Yuri 💙: From your place. Or the whispers.

Yuri 💙: I couldn't tell.

Yuri 💙: But Jason.

Yuri 💙: I heard whispers.

Yuri 💙: About me.

Yuri 💙: 'The Hero who Broke' or 'The one who Stayed' and even 'Percy, the heartbroken survivor'

Yuri 💙: I can't take it.

Yuri 💙: ahdo ahdoei skfiio

Yuri 💙: Sorry.

Yuri 💙: That was me wiping the tears off the screen.

Yuri 💙: I can't take this much.

Yuri 💙: Why'd you leave me?!

December 8th

Yuri 💙: How'd it feel to die?

Yuri 💙: Sorry.

Yuri 💙: I was just wondering.

Yuri 💙: The voices have been telling me to find out.

Yuri 💙: But. We all know I can't listen to them.

Yuri 💙: After all.

Yuri 💙: Nico's making me promise not to.

Yuri 💙: And I've broken to many promises to him.

Yuri 💙: Jason. Listen to me.

Yuri 💙: I love you.


Hey guys! I was in tears! Haha, I just love to torture myself!! Anyways. Um. 3.65K, SUPER PROUD!!! Anddddddd. Sorry for the heart breaks. This was actually requested by my dad. Of course he doesn't read this. He probably just told me this to shut up! Byeeeee!

- Bridget Di Angelo

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