THE BIG 5-0 ONESHOT!!! - I Love You.

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Jercy - - Oneshot #50

Jason wasn't keen on spending the night in the attic of the Big House, but whatever. It kept Percy happy, confused Jason, but (still) it made his boyfriend (of only 2 months) happy. So why not?

And it was his birthday.

The party had been 2 days ago, so it wasn't like they hadn't celebrated it. . . As long as it was okay with Percy? Jason really was just confused. So he chose not to ask questions as they were being led up to the attic.

Percy made no noise as they walked. Percy seemed to be out of focus, away in a sort. His eyes looked blankly ahead, and Jason just followed him, trudging a backpack with crackers, water bottles, and a few pictures Percy said were important in it.

He coughed, dust clouds spreading in the boys faces as they entered.

Percy also coughed, but otherwise the dust didn't faze him. "Perce." Jason said, but was cut off by a few violent coughs, vibrating his chest and shaking him slightly.

Jason quickly composed himself, and Percy turned on a light— which was only a single lightbulb on the ceiling.

Percy let out a half-heated laugh. Jason looked at him, even more confused. "They haven't fixed it up since the last war." Percy commented, running his index and middle finger over a shelves top— careful not to knock down whatever was on it.

Jason hadn't really been in the Attic for long when he had the chance, and he most certainly only remembered the old Oracle's body. All. . . Dead.

He shivered, trying not to look where he had last seen the body.

Instead, Jason focused on Percy— who seemed to be gazing sadly at a knife. "What's that?" Jason asked softly, trying not to startle Percy, and breaking the silence that had formed over the two.

"It was Ethan's." Was Percy's only answer, his eyes still steadily looking at its blade. "Careful." Percy told Jason softly, just before he had a chance to touch it.

"It's poisoned." Percy informed, Jason looked at it. "How'd you touch it then?" He asked, "I can control blood, poison, and other liquids." Percy paused before going into more detail. "It's a Poseidon thing, I only do it when necessary." He said, placing the knife down.

'Ethan Nakamura's Poison Blade.' A tag read, just below the knife. The word 'poison' in bold lettering.

Percy seemed to walk further down the shelves. Stopping every so often, Jason soon following.

They saw pictures of Annabeth, Percy, and other demigods (and satyrs!). Percy always looked at them softly, as if they were the lasts thing he ever had. "Those were the days." He occasionally whispered, almost non-audible to Jason.

Jason chose not to ask what Percy meant by that.

Jason didn't say anything, but examined the reactions Percy had to different things. He usually strolled past the things that old heroes did, but seemed attracted to other things— things that Jason told belonged to dead people.

'Did Percy know these people?' Jason thought, slightly sad. He also chose not to think about that any longer.

"Can you get me the pictures?" Percy asked, Jason quickly got them out. Percy smiled, sending a thankful look toward Jason. Jason couldn't help but feel it wasn't put to him, but someone behind him— like he was somehow invisible.

Percy looked at the photos, smiling sadly, and grabbing stray nails.

He used the nails to pin up the pictures. Mainly of Percy and a few people, a blonde who looked like him and kind of like Octavian, a girl who resembled Nico slightly, and a picture of a couple cuddling. Jason couldn't help but wonder who they were and why Percy was so close to them.

Percy soon moved, leaving the pictures.

Percy's eyes seemed to water more, coming to a stop. A sword laid on the shelve, and a picture of a blonde. He resembled Jason slightly, but had a big scar going down his eye instead of a small scar in his (Jason's) lip.

'Blackbiter. Luke Castellan's sword. Can kill mortals, demigods, and immortal beings alike. Was used as Kronos' synth.' A paper read, messily written and tapped next to it with hot pink duck-tape.

Jason knew he'd regret this, or maybe he'd get no answer (?), but he couldn't help himself. "Who was Luke? No one really talked about him much." Jason asked, remembering how Annabeth stated "That's Luke. He's dead now." And stayed silent after.

"I loved Luke. He taught me to fight, he chose the wrong path but fixed it in the end." Percy said painfully, biting his lip.

"You know, this is the only sword I am afraid of." He admitted, looking at Blackbiter. "Luke was so lost." Percy whispered, pulling the sword gently closer. Percy almost cradled the sword.

While Jason stood there, unsure of how to react.

Percy took a deep breath, then shakily let it out. He then set the sword down, and walked away— pained.

Percy continued looking at the shelves, then stopped again.

This time, it was a bow and a Hunter's jacket. "Artemis let us have this, she said she might as well be remembered here— for Nico's sake." Percy said.

'Bianca Di Angelo's Bow + Zoë's Hunteress Jacket.' The tag read below the items. "Is that. . .?" Jason trailed off. "Yeah. That's Nico's sister's stuff. And Zoë's jacket." Percy said, his fingers brushing against the tag. "Are you okay?" Jason asked, Percy ignored him.

Jason noticed blood on the jacket, and the bow looked a little used. As if the person died before they could work it out. . . Jason regretted making the connection.

"I'm sorry." Percy whispered, making sure Jason didn't hear. Percy then trudged on, forcing himself not to look back.

He passed Aphrodite's scarf, Jason— again— was about to touch the scarf.

"Don't." Percy snapped, "Love magic." He explained, not bothering to look behind him at Jason.

This was hurting him almost as much as it did when he gathered the things and placed them here. Or when he wrote the tags.

Percy forced himself along. Jason following, worriedly, behind him.

Once again Percy stopped.

Jason looked over. 'Landon's claw. Luke Castellan.' It simply read, a little different than the others. The handwriting neater, and looked more professional. Minus the smudged part after, making it hard for Jason to read it.

Percy quickly walked forward within 3 seconds after saying 7 words. "That's how Luke got his scar." Percy stated. Jason stayed quiet.

Percy stopped a few more times, but Jason was to focused on him to pay attention to the items. Percy seemed just plain depressed when they came to something made by Breckendorf, and smiled sadly when he looked right next to it with something of Silena's.

Percy's final stop was in front of the old Oracle's corpse. Jason's eyes widened as Percy touched her neck.

The corpse stayed still, but Jason half expected her dead hand to grab Percy's wrist and kill both of them.

Percy stayed quiet, looking at her neck. A necklace laid there, seemingly untouched— well, until Percy touched it.

He unhooked it, being gentle to the corpse.

Jason had to stop himself from puking.

Percy looked at the small scroll that came with the necklace. Jason quickly averted his attention to that, trying not to look at the body much longer. Percy unscrewed the top, pulling out a piece of old paper.

He read it, frowning.

Jason had yet to see the words, but personally didn't want to.

"This partially ruined my life." Percy whispered, Jason listened closely. Percy let out a small sigh. "I read this, and war soon followed. It's about so many things, and reminds me of so many disasters." Percy commented, his voice dry, and eyes dulling.

"Why are you looking at this stuff?" Jason asked finally, noticing Percy's eyes had unshed tears in them. "Aren't you suppose to be happy on your birthday?" Jason questioned, Percy bit his lip, avoiding Jason's questions.

Instead of answering, Percy rolled up the paper, and put it back in the necklace. He carefully put the necklace back on the Oracle, and turned. "Percy. Answer me, please. Can't you trust me?" Jason asked, hurt.

He had dated him for 2 months, but he knew him for a good year!

Percy swallowed harshly.

"Percy." Jason said, "Percy please." He pleaded, his voice turning softer.

Percy looked up, a tear ran down his cheek. "I got them all killed." He croaked, sniffling and pulling Jason into a tight hug.

Jason was unsure of what to do again, but he still wrapped his arms around his boyfriend. "You didn't kill them." He whispered, Percy started to cry. "Yes I did." He said through tears. His voice muffled by Jason's shirt.

"You didn't kill them. Your to loyal, remember?" Jason said, trying to cheer him up. Percy just cried harder, "I-its all my fa-fault." Percy whispered, still crying.

Jason looked at Percy's back pityingly, running small, soothing, circles on his back. "It's okay." Jason said, after 15 minutes of Percy crying.

Percy sniffles again, nuzzling his face into Jason's neck. Jason smiled softly, "You want to sleep here?" He asked gently, trying not to make Percy cry again. He already felt guilty about the first time.

Percy gave him a nod, Jason gave him a nod back.

"Okay." He whispered, pulling out a draw labeled 'blankets, new!'

Jason laid out 3 blankets, and found pillows. The sun was setting, obviously showing through the small attic window, and it was getting cooler.

"Come on." Jason said, patting the space next to him.

Percy have Jason a tearful smile before laying down next to him. "I still hear Luke when I fight. Giving me directions." Percy whispered softly, his head on Jason's chest. Jason didn't reply, he just help Percy closer.

"We're all kids who just grew up way to fast. You know that Jase?" Percy whispered, growing more tired by the minute.

Jason felt his heart break slightly. "It's okay." He told Percy, Percy snuggled deeply into Jason. Jason put his arm on Percy's waist, his other arm under his head— Jason not bothered to use a pillow.

"Happy birthday." Jason whispered, Percy's eyes were closed, and they were both pretty beat.

"I love you." Was Percy's only reply.

Hey guys!! 50 Oneshots, 13.3K views! I AM SO FREAKING HAPPY!! Requests open. And still wondering about the sister written Oneshot. Yes or no? Comment, vote, and stay out of jail!

Don't do drugs,


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