The things they don't tell you about love

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #100 YAYAYAyAYYAYAYyAyAyayAYAayY

There was a lot of things that his mother (and Disney movies) hadn't told Percy about love. They hadn't taught him how to find love, keep love, or identify love. What his mother and movies taught him was only how to project "love". 

That being said, he used cliche phrases when describing Annabeth, he played with her hair and gave her goofy grins, he did what he felt was loving. The movies and advice never taught him how to love, but just to clutch onto it no matter where it came from. That's why he stayed with Annabeth, his best friend. He teased her and kissed her forehead when she stayed up late designing blueprints for her college courses. But he loved her. Just... not the way she had wanted him to. Not that he knew that, or he wouldn't admit to not knowing it.

The moment Annabeth and he broke up was unexpected. However, he in no way expected her to leave when he couldn't answer her questions, that of which, surprised him.

"You're not upset?" She asked, expecting him to yell, run out of the room, anything but sigh in relief. Percy licked his lips and looked down. Annabeth's hands were clenched in fists, pressing against her upper thighs as she stared at him. Her grey eyes intense, searching for answers. Her (now ex) boyfriend had just learned she had kissed another guy while under the influence of 3 glasses of wine. He had a right to be upset with her, but he wasn't. Annabeth was confused.

He smiled and shook his head.

"No, not really. I-uh," He stammered. The next question Annabeth asked him made him freeze.

"Do you know what love is, Seaweed Brain? Not the platonic, friends and family love, but the love of a spouse... or a lover?" She sounded choked up, eye brimming with tears. Her cheeks were flushed and she still looked a bit tipsy. Percy remained quiet and stared at her long, blonde hair.

She left when he didn't answer. She packed her bags with a few tears in her eyes. Leaving her empty coffee mug on the table of their little apartment. Her clothes were out of the closet, but she left her lemon scented shampoo in the shower, and her towel next to his.

Percy glanced to the closed bathroom door. He was sitting in the living area, miserably trying to read a book assigned by Paul. The letters swarmed the page and seemed to be on skateboards. They jumped and taunted him before he gave up. Closing the book and placing it on the table, Percy groaned.

She was everywhere, but he wasn't sad about it. He wished she was there, but merely to keep him company. To sigh at his lame jokes and call him sea related nicknames while he procrastinated.

His demigod-phone was on the table, courtesy of Leo. 

He picked it up and looked at his messages.


Dude, coming over 2 ur place in 10. Be prepared 4 cuddles.

Percy huffed with a small smile. Despite being a grammar Nazi while speaking to people, he text-talked. The text was sent five minutes ago. It had taken 2 minutes for Percy to type his, well-worded, reply.



The phone was placed on top of the closed book as he heard Jason open the door. His blonde hair was messy and he was wearing pajama pants. Percy was sitting on the leather couch he had purchased when he first moved in.

"I demand a sacrifice to the Jason cuddles cult!" Jason stated as he walked in. He stumbled as he kicked off his shoes. They flew into the corner as Percy grinned. Jason lifted up his shirt and then proceeded to tackle Percy where he sat.

Jason's nose pressed to the side of Percy, his warm breath ticking his hip. Percy took his own shirt off and pushed Jason off.

"How much is demanded?" He asked cockily.

Jason giggled, snorting as he slipped off his glasses. He tossed them lightly and the glasses landed on the table with a thump. He tapped his chin with his finger, pretending to think. Percy shifted his position on the couch. He laid back, arms loosely draped over the couch. Jason was at his feet, practically sitting on his toes.

"I demand 2 donations." Jason decided, looking quiet pleased with himself. Percy cocked an eyebrow. 

"Oh really?"

Jason nodded.

"One hour of cuddles, and before that I require a very large donation to the cult." 

Percy felt his heart in his throat. He ignored the warming in his heart. He resisted the urge to blush and looked at Jason innocently. Jason had gotten on his hands and knees. He graciously climbed over Percy's legs and his body rubbed against Percy's bare skin.

Jason got closer.

His forehead pressed against Percy's. Their noses touching and Percy could feel Jason's breath on his lips.

"A kiss," Jason murmured before crashing their lips together.

The kiss was passionate and fierce, but there were no sparks. No fireworks went off. Instead, Percy felt safe. He felt wanted. He felt listened to. 

When they separated, Jason was still straddling Percy's bare chest. Running his hands over Percy's broad shoulders. Percy kissed his jaw, causing Jason to gasp. Percy's hands fit perfectly on Jason's hips. His fingers running under his underwear and jeans to better clutch onto his hip bones. They were defined and oh-so-beautiful, Percy noticed. 

Jason was shaking, trembling as he lowered himself to Percy. Their chests touched and their noses clashed lightly. 

"I think I'm in love with you, Jason Grace." He heard himself whisper. 

This time, he knew what it meant.

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