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Jercy - - Oneshot #42

Might be Triggers!!! Do not read if faced or facing suicidal thoughts or have had suicidal thoughts! Please. YOU PEOPLE ARE WORTH EVERYTHING TO ME!!! Even if I don't know you personally. . . I know your worth it!

Aaand there may be a small heavy make out scene. . . You've been warned!!

"Percy, you ready?" Nico asked, he gave him a silent nod. "Okay. Meet me in the car." He told the raven haired boy. Leaving Percy behind, still in the house.

Percy sat up, and put down the picture he was holding. Tears stung his eyes.


Annabeth was in that picture. It was when they went to Athens, Greece,  together. Right before the accident.

The accident.

Those 2 words were failing to explain what had happened. Failing to explain why he woke up screaming. Failing to explain anything really.

Nevertheless, he put the picture down. Ignoring the 2 smiling faces. He forced himself to not look at Annabeth. He could remember her. Hear her even.

He can practically see her blonde curls, tied up in a sloppy, yet manageable, ponytail. He could see her grey eyes, sparkling in the sunlight. And he could see her smile.

He loved that smile.

He felt his cheeks go wet. His sight was blurry, and he nearly ran into the wall. He shook his head, stopping. He then leaned against the wall, deciding to ignore Nico's shouts. He ran his fingers through his hair, well he tried, it was knotted badly after not brushing it.

He hadn't cared about himself for months. All because he didn't need to. It was his fault. He doesn't deserve to be well cared to, right?

He didn't do much. Everything caused him pain. So even living was terrible.

He was punishing himself, and so was the universe. Because he had killed her! He was the cause of her death.

She was dead.

All because of him and his stupid, stupid mistakes!

He found it funny.

He found it so funny. How it hurt to even talk. Hade– no. She always said that. She always cursed in Greek terms, or even the language. Everyone he knew did.

"Annabeth." He croaked, his mouth dry. It tasted like sandpaper, and it burned. His lungs ached from exhaling all that air, and his head was hurting worse than before.

Lack of sleep? No. More like night terrors.

That one word brought him to more tears. It was the first word he had spoken in months! Her name. The name of who he was going to a therapist for.

He didn't even mean to. He just. . . Conveniently found ways to end the torture. You know. Cutting his wrists, thighs, chest, and even his lower back. Anything really. Except if it was visible. No cuts were suppose to be visible!

Notice to word suppose.

Seeing that he did pass out in the bathroom. Right when Nico got home. Although, he wasn't suppose to be alive still. Again. The word suppose.

He had also stabbed himself in the stomach 6 times. Out of anger really. Self hatred. Depression. Tiredness. Tired of living without her!

He had also tried to cut off his fingers. He got really creative with his punishment.

"Percy?" Nico called out, opening the door. There he saw Percy. "Percy." He whispered, slowly making his way over to him.

Percy was crying, yet he was silent. His sea green eyes looked dull, and he was shaking. Percy looked at him.

Percy hugged Nico tightly. He couldn't do this. Annabeth. She was gone. It hurt.


"I'm sorry." He thought. Over and over it replayed in his mind.

Over and over it went, though all the car ride to the therapist. And even in the hall. Nico and Percy quietly waiting for the therapist.

The dark oak door opened, and a stern women walked out with a boy. Broad nose, with a mole on the side, hard eyes, and a sour mouth. She was wearing a floral dressing gown, and looked sourly at the boy next to her. He was short, like an elf. He had curly dark, chocolate brown hair. It was nearly black, nearly matching his dark coffee eyes. His eyes also held a certain glint to them, as if he was going to prank someone at any moment.

He avoided her eyes, smiling at something in his hands. A few paper clips, a rubber band, and it seemed to be a screw driver. He was fiddling with them, wielding them into a miniature helicopter within seconds. 

The boy looked up for a split second. His smile widened. "Hey Neeks!" He happily exclaimed, the women looked appalled. Nico gave the boy a small smile. "Hey Leo." He answered the boy– Leo.

"Don't talk to that boy! You'll give him your devil powers!" She scolded, grabbing the boys elf-like ear. The boy winced. "Sorry Aunt Rosa." He said, but gave Nico a quick wink when she wasn't looking.

Nico rolled his eyes but put his fingers to his lips. He then picked up his cell and held it up to his ear. Nico finally winked at Leo. Leo gave him a nod and a grin. Then. Leo was pulled away by his aunt.

"Please come on in." A voice said, the 2 boys walked inside the room. "Hello!" A raven haired girl said grimly. She was younger, Percy would give him that.

She looked around his age in fact! The girl gave a small smile, and Percy caught a glimpse at her name tag. 'Thalia Grace.' The tag read, "Hi." Nico answered, looking at Percy.

Percy didn't utter a word. As usual.

"Well hello. I'm Thalia. . .Grace." She told him, saying her last name like venom. "You're new therapist. But you can call me by Thals if you'd like." She continued, Nico had left.

"Sit down and we can talk. Cool?" She questioned, Percy didn't say anything. He didn't move. She raised her eyebrows. "So you're one of those kids, huh?" She asked herself, Percy had trouble resisting to blush.

"Well. Sit down. Guessing you're Percy. Your friend Nico told me what happened. Dude, glad you're alive." She said calmly, as if it was natural to talk about. . . This.

Percy sat on the cot. A blue sheet covered it, and Thalia sat at her desk.

Her chair spun around. Facing Percy as he sat on the cot.

"So. You gonna talk or what? Not like I'm a gossiper." She told him, her electric blue eyes eyeing his.

Percy quickly looked at his feet. Noticing that the 'therapist' had on black, spiked boots. Biker boots? Hiking boots? Percy wasn't sure. But he had a feeling she wasn't a therapist.

Thalia sighed. "Listen. Kid, I know you don't want to talk. I get it. I've been there. A-and. Maybe your really sad. But trust me. Trust me, okay? There is nothing you can say to me in here that I'll say to anyone." She promised him, touching his shoulder lightly.

He flinched, but looked up at her. "Annabeth." He said, spitting the word out. His eyes fresh with tears, and Thalia smiled. "There's a start." She whispered, and Percy brushed the tears away with his hand.

The brushing didn't help, and soon he was crying.


It had been a few months. A few months since Thalia had started out with him. He felt a little better.

He talked, ate, and slept. But the aching in his body remained. His mind still reminded of the accident. 

Percy took a deep breath, letting it out shakily. Today was his last day, well sort of.

Today was the last day he'd have a private session with Thalia. Tomorrow's the day he'd have a public session.

Along with a few of the other kids. Leo— the boy he met in the hall his first day, Piper— the girl who had nearly hit Percy with a stolen BMW, which she claimed to have 'borrowed' from the cars salesman, Hazel— who he had met while she spilled some sort of weird juice on him, and after she apologized she had managed to accidentally give him her step-mother's wedding ring (Don't ask.), Frank— who he had met the same day as Hazel, when he had to ask for the wedding ring (Hazel was to embarrassed to do it herself), Tyson— who he had an instant connection to since Tyson had hugged him, thinking he was his dad who got killed in action when in Iraq, Travis— who he found crying in the bathroom because he had lost his little brother Connor, and finally Jason.

He had never met Jason. He didn't know much about him either, other than he was Thalia's brother, and he was coping with the loss of her other 'patient.' In reality she was his girlfriend, Reyna.

"You ready?" Nico asked him, grabbing his black backpack. Percy gave him a small smile and a nod.


The session went quickly. The hour went by like seconds, and Percy didn't even care if all they talked about weren't all one subject.

"You ready for tomorrow?" Thalia asked him almost immediately as he entered her 'office.'

"Yeah." He said softly, Thalia smiled. "Cheer up! You'll make friends!" She told him, Percy sat on the cot.

"Anything new?" She asked, the office got quiet. "Not really. But, I-I've managed to take a step forward." He told her, and laid down on the cot.

It was cold. Just how he liked it.

"Oh really?" She questioned, making it in a terrible British accent. Percy laughed, "Yeah." He answered. "I-I managed to move Anna– her. I've managed to move her stuff. I even looked through some pictures." He told her sadly.

Thalia looked at him, her eyes nearly softened. "You go little bro." She joked, but she had a serious look in her eyes. "Thanks. I wanted to call you, but–" "You couldn't manage to break away from those memories?" She interrupted.

"Yeah. I swear you know me better than I do." He told her, yawning. "Tired?" She asked, he nodded. "That's okay. I am to. Listened to Green Day all night, and read fanfiction." She told him.

Percy raised his eyebrows. "Which ship this time Thals?" He asked her. Thalia blushed, "Peyton and Lucy (GENDERBENT PEECY JACKSON PARODY!!!!). It was good okay!" She defended, hearing Percy's silence.

"I miss my leg." He said suddenly, rubbing his left thigh. He had lost his left leg in the accident that took away his Wise Girl. "Well. You have a prosthetic?" Thalia said, unsure of how to answer.

Percy stayed quiet. Thalia noticed.

"What's wrong?" She asked, "I miss her." He whispered, "Oh Percy." Thalia whispered, Percy got up and hugged her.

Tears slowly seeping onto, and soaking, her Green Day T-shirt. He cried for the rest of the session.


It was quiet. Let's just say that. It wasn't a warm and comforting silence, it was more awkward than anything.

Leo was sitting on the cot, next to Travis, Piper, and Hazel. Frank was sitting in a chair, and next to him was Tyson. Tyson chose to sit on the floor, Percy decided to join him. And Jason— at least who he thought to be Jason— was leaning against the wall.

Thalia was sitting in her regular seat. Not saying anything to the group of teens.

Leo took a deep breath. "So. Big guy, what are you in here for?" He asked, pointing to Frank. Frank blushed. "Me?" He questioned, Thalia smiled. "Yeah you. It's fine to tell. We're all broken here. On the cliff of recovery. But still, not quite there." He said.

"That was so poetic." Piper muttered. Frank gave a sigh. "I'm here only because of my grandma. See. My mom died a year ago, and I picked up some nasty habits. Then, after a few attempted suicides, she put me here. Hasn't talked to me since." Frank explained, Leo patted his back. The others silent, watching the boys.

"Been there bud. My mom died to. I lived in the streets. But then was taken to my aunt by the government. Soon, she got abusive and stuff. So I was put here. With her. To 'work out my problems.' As if she had no problems herself!" He said, Percy let out a small laugh.

Everyone but Thalia looked at him. "What's so funny? Are you laughing because their moms are gone?! Or is it because they have been here longer than you?! What's with the laughing jerk!" Piper exclaimed. "First of all. I'm laughing because it's funny. It's funny how we don't know each other, yet we're like a family. A small. Broken family." He took a breath.

"And second. I've probably been here longer. Just not with this therapist. I've been switching around therapists ever since I was 5! My step fathers gambling made me have 3! Moms death, there's 2 more! Then there was my biological father drama which made 2 more! Oh yeah! Then there's my best friend got cancer and died therapists! Those 2 were so helpful!" He said sarcastically, getting angry.

And before he could stop himself from saying more. He couldn't control what he was about to say. "And my fiancé's d-death. T-there's another." He whispered, anger quickly fading. Sadness and sorrow taking its place.

Piper was quiet. "I-I'm sorry." She finally whispered. "It's fine. We're all strangers here Piper." He said, she glanced at him.

"How do you know my name?" She asked, "I know all your names. Not to be creepy, but we've all met. You people just don't stick around long enough to ask my name. Or even to remember me." He answered bluntly.

"You're the boy I gave my step-mother's wedding ring to!" Hazel realized, Percy laughed. "Finally found me eh?" He joked, Hazel laughed.

"Why are you here?" Leo asked, the laughing stopped. Leo took notice. "Sorry." He apologized, blushing.

"Don't be. Might as well get it off my chest. See, I had suffered amnesia a few years back. Didn't know what anything was. My mom cursed at me. Called me names, and threatened to sell this gold I found as a child." She chuckled.

"You found gold?!" Piper exclaimed, Hazel smiled at the girl. Her look darkened instantly. "Yeah. But my father said it was cursed. So I never sold it. Silly, I know. But I still believe it. Soon, I was bullied by kids in my new school. And I couldn't take it. So I might have freaked out." She paused, looking at Thalia.

She gently urged the girl on. "I was brought here. And given in the custody of my dad. They said I was wacky in the head, haven't seen my mom since. And personally? I don't want to." She admitted, "Understandable." Piper told her.

Percy got a little ticked. "Hey Princess." He said, "If you have so much to say about our stories, why not tell us your own. Comments like that hurt you know, you can't just agree and pretend you know our feelings." He said, Piper glared at him. Her eyes a sea of ever-changing colors.




Facing him, Piper's eyes hardened. "Fine. My name is Piper McLean. The daughter of Tristan McLean. And ever since I was maybe 7? Yeah 7. I've been with my grandfather." Percy already could tell where this was going.

"And I loved him. But, last June. Last June he died. Heart attack, silly really, he always insisted that he was healthy. But I quickly learned that he was smoking when I wasn't around. And he did other things." She took a deep breath.

"And I got angry one night. Decided to take after him. I decided to take some of his drugs from the safe he kept them in. Don't ask how, but I managed to get the safe unlocked." She looked at Thalia.

"Soon." She paused, biting her lip. "Soon I was out of control. And I called my dad. I explained every little thing I did. Every cut, self inflicted pain method, and even how I once stabbed myself with a sewing needle. Trying to aim for my eye. I explained all these voices I heard in my head. And soon, he was there with me." She looked at the others.

"He admitted me here in early August. Deciding I needed help somewhere other than home." He stopped there. "How bad did it get?" A voice said, Percy looked up.

Travis had finally spoke. "I mean. If your comfortable talking about it." He added quickly. Piper gave him a soft smile. "I never did anything other than a few cuts on my wrists, and the sewing needle thing." She told him. He nodded, "Good. You're to pretty to be harmed. You deserve better." He whispered.

"I got further. Started at my wrists, moved to my thighs by a few months." Leo admitted, lightly rolling up his long black shirt sleeves.

His wrist held various red cuts, not yet healed. "Got as far as wrists to chest." Frank said, pulling down his purple shirt collar. It revealed small, white cuts.

Hazel blushed. "Never cut. Got a few bruises, nothing major." She said, lifting up her shirt. Her stomach covered in small, green and purple bruises. "Why are they so fresh?" Percy asked, reaching out to her stomach. "The bullies never stopped." She said softly. Percy nodded, taking his hand back to his side.

Soon, it was a little game. Seeing how far 'you've gone.'

It was a sad game.

A really sad game.

But he had to admit, it earned them respect.

Travis had revealed his scars, showing a few he had made on his stomach. They were thin, white scars. Almost like Frank's, but they were thinner. There wasn't as much either. Never lifted up his shirt, though it looked way to large on him.

But Travis also showed some bruises, he had inflected them to himself. By, gracefully, throwing himself down the stairs one day.

"Why don't put injuries ever go away?" He asked, "Because were ice. We've created our cold shells, and ice never heals. We are no longer water. We are the frozen, shattered version." Tyson said.

People were shocked to say the least. It was the first time he had spoken for the last 2 hours.

"How far have you gone?" Leo asked Percy. As in cue, Percy lifted off his shirt. His whole chest was covered in scars, big scars from Gabe. The small we're self conflicted. Almost no inch of skin was left untouched. He showed them his thighs, then his lower back. He even pointed out his 6 self inflicted stab wounds.

"Dude." "I loved her." He interrupted Frank, his voice wavering. "Anything else?" Leo asked hesitantly. Thalia was even a little surprised. Guess she didn't expect his scars to be so. . . Big in numbers.

Percy nodded, and to everyone's surprise, took off his left leg!

Hazel, alarmed, screamed. She even nearly fainted. "Chill Hazel! It's just a prosthetic leg!" He said, "You have a prosthetic leg?" She whispered.

"Yeah. I got it when Annabeth. I meant my fiancé and I were kidnapped. They tortured us to no end, called themselves Camp Half Blood and sometimes they called themselves Tartarus. It all depended. The drugged us, and they hit us. For fun! They took my leg, and A-Annabeth died when I fell asleep on accident. Me and my stupid m-mistakes!" Percy stammered, he saw Jason look at him.

Thalia looked at him to. He never told Thalia this. Well, not the whole story. And he never intended to really tell anyone!

It was just this thing that brought back bad memories. And those memories usually led to remembering those nights.


With his only friend.

The blade.

"Percy!" Piper screamed, quickly snapping him out of his thoughts. "Y-yeah?" He asked, alarmed.

"Sorry. You. You were just staring out in space. So blankly. It scared me." She said, he nodded. "Thanks. I was remembering some. . . Not so cheerful nights alone." He said.

"It's fine. I sometimes have those moments to." Travis said, Percy gave him a smile.

"So. Is that everyone's story?" Leo asked, kind of surprised. Percy shook his head. "We still got Tyson's, and Mr. To-Cool-To-Be-In-Therapy over there." Percy told him, pointing to Jason.

Jason gave him a harsh glare. Percy had to admit. It was hot.

"I was a little kid. Loved with dad. No mom. Dad moved. Died in war. Became delusional. Was declared in need of help and sent here. Done." Tyson said, staring at his feet.

"Do you ever miss your dad?" Hazel asked, Tyson nodded. "Everyday." He told her, looking into her golden eyes.

"Ever do anything?" Leo questioned. "Burned my skin. Just a little. Felt nice. But made myself stop when I had vision in only one eye." Tyson explained, showing his face. There were terrible burns over his right eye, making it unusable.

Percy was surprised his bangs covered the burns so well.

"Starved yourself anyone?" Travis managed to joke weakly. Showing his stomach. Ribs stuck out, and his stomach was sunken in.

"Tried. Collapsed within a few days. Cousin force fed me." Percy admitted, he remembered that week to well!

"Do any of you have a boyfriend or girlfriend?" Piper asked, after a few minutes of silence. "I had a girlfriend. But she broke up with me shortly after I showed her my scars." Leo said sadly, this time Frank pat his back.

"Tried. Had a potential boyfriend, but was moved to step-mother's and never saw him again." Hazel explained, "That sucks." Frank stated. Hazel shrugged, "Its not like it was going to last anyway. He was a cheater." She admitted.

"Had a boyfriend. Nice guy. But we kinda drifted away. So we broke up on good terms eventually." Frank said, everyone looked at him.

"What? I'm pan." He stated, Leo grinned. "Bi." He told Frank.

"I'm Asexual." Piper admitted, "Bi." Percy told them. First time he had told anyone other than Annabeth that.

"I'm not sure. I have no clue what those mean. But. I really kind of like girls. I'm just looking for a boyfriend to fit in." Hazel said, "Then you're considered a lesbian. Well, on theses terms. You could be bi. Pan. Or anything else, but lets not go into complex details right now." Piper explained.

Hazel shrugged and nodded. "Okay. I'm a lesbian." She stated, Travis smiled at her. "Cool. I'm personally as straight as a circle." He told her, she looked at him confused.

"I'm gay." He told her. She nodded, pretending to know what that was.

"Asexual." Tyson had stated softly, looking at his feet.

Jason hadn't spoke the whole time.

"Hey Silent Night, what's with the no talking? Judging us?" Percy asked, breaking out of the sexuality conversation.

Jason looked up. His eyes were like Thalia's, an electric blue. The similarities ended there.

He had neat blonde hair, and a scar on his lip. Glasses framed his face perfectly, and his lips were soft. Percy could see a small amount of pain in his eyes. Percy slowly looked to his throat, a small tattoo was there. It was a lightning bolt, no bigger than Percy's index finger nail.

"What's it to you?" Jason asked, almost politely. As if that was possible.

Percy looked over him. He wore some blue jeans, holes on the knees. Then he wore a simple, dark purple T-shirt. Nothing seemed to bad, if you exclude the tattoo on his wrist.

It was a date.


"What's the date on your wrist for?" Percy asked, he had no filter!

Jason glanced at his wrist. "It's the date my girlfriend died." He told Percy, everyone was quiet. Including Thalia, she was intensely watching the 2 boys.

"Okay. So. What's the story of Jason Grave? Why you here with us?" He asked him calmly. Jason blushed, seeing all eyes on him.

Percy couldn't help but find it cute.

"Grace. It's Jason Grace." He paused before continuing. "When I was younger. I was raised by my sister. My dad cheated so much it was normal. And my mom drank like she was so kind of immortal being. Eventually, I got depressed." He said, pausing to look at Percy.

"I eventually got to Therapy. Sadly, my sister was my therapist. Luckily, she is a whole different person to me in this office. And so I explained all the suicidal things I've thought." He said, "Even some I've done." He said.

Thalia was no longer looking at Jason, now it was more at Percy. Jason showed Percy his scars. They were at his waist line. Thin, white and red scars, at least 20.

"Dude. Good work. Patched em up well." He said, noticing that there was a fresh layer of cream on a few. Even a few bandages.

He pulled his shirt helm down, and Thalia looked at them both again.


Soon after it ended, Percy had to go to the bathroom. Nico had yet to arrive, so he decided to do it before his bladder exploded.

He walked into the public bathroom. Paper towels and toilet paper covered the floor, most wet and soggy. Percy rolled his eyes at the mess. He walked in, the mirrors dirty with grim, and the stalls had words written in sharpie.

Percy quickly peed, and pulled up his pants. He took the decency to wash his hands. And even clean a mirror. It didn't help much.

There was a noise. "Hello?" He asked, his voice echoed on the walls. "Just me." He heard, it was Jason. He walked out a stall and began washing his hands.

"Hey. I never did hear your sexual preference." Percy said dumbly. Jason smirked and let out a chuckle. "Don't know. Always thought guys were hot. But likes Reyna. So, I'd at least say I'm bi. Just swinging a little closer to the boys." He told Percy.

"Oh really?" He mused, "Yeah." He told him. "Like what boys?" Percy asked curiously.

"Hot boys. Honest boys. Raven haired, sea green eyed boys." Jason said casually. "Wait wha-" Before Percy could finish he felt something crash against his lips.

It tasted like cherry. He admitted that he liked it.

Then Percy realized something.

They were Jason's lips!

He was kind of surprised, but Percy eventually kissed back. Jason wrapped on arm around the boys waist, and the other around his neck.

Pulling the kiss deeper. Percy let out a soft moan. Jason opened his mouth more, and Percy let his tongue slip in.

They circled each other's. Saliva mixing, and Percy stumbled into a stall. Jason pressed the boy onto a toilet seat.

Percy's arms were around Jason's neck. Desperately pulling the boy closer. Jason bit Percy's bottom lip softly, and slid the hand around Percy's waist lower. Percy's legs were now on the seat, squatting.

Jason was holding him. Pressing the boy against the wall. Percy's fingers ran through Jason's blonde hair.

Jason broke the kiss, but gave Percy a small peach on the lips. Breathing heavily Jason said, "I want to make you mine Percy Jackson." Before kissing his neck.

Percy's head was against the wall, his back arched, and hair a mess. "Really?" He asked, moaning slightly. Jason gave out a chuckle.

"Hades yeah." He told him. Whispering.

"Do it." Percy whispered back.

Jason gave him a smirk. His hands quickly at Percy's shirt bottom. He lifted the shirt off quickly, and Percy removed his. Percy gazed at Jason's tan stomach. He was clearly muscular. He gently touched the scars on his waist line.

"Sorry." He whispered to him. But then did something Jason didn't expect. He grabbed Jason's waist, and kneeled down. He kissed each scar. Saying something like 'Beautiful' or 'Amazing.'

Jason blushed, and he felt Percy warm breath by his pants. Percy's head was raised, and looked up at Jason. He stood up. "Take me. Grace." He said, Jason gave a playful growl before attacking the boy.

He roughly pushed him against the wall again. Kissing the boy deeply, and pressing Percy's hands to his sides. He stopped for only a few seconds, giving Percy a chance to breath.

Then, Jason went in again. Percy moaned and Jason kissed deeper. By now, both of them basically had each other's tongues down their throats. And their hands searched desperately for each other.

Jason had managed to have his left hand on Percy's butt, and his left arm pulled Percy closer. Ending up on his lower back.

Percy had swum one arm around Jason's neck, pulling him closer to. And then his left arm was put around Jason's right leg, holding it to his waist.

The stall door was creaking, not bothered to be closed. Both of them were moaning, weak to their knees.

"I think I love you." Percy whispered between a kiss. Jason kissed his quickly, but deeper, "I think I love you to." He said breathlessly.

Percy planted small kissed up and down the blondes neck. "I need you." He whispered huskily, face red and sweating. Jason turned redder than before, but he managed to answer. "As do I." And with those words Percy slipped off his boxers.

Jason looked at Percy. Biting his lip, he took his pants off to. This revealed red boxers, they were plain compared to Percy's plaid blue boxers.

"Percy?! Stranger–hot–guy?!" A voice shouted in shock.


Percy and Jason instantly separated. Percy was blushing like crazy, trying to regain his breath. He saw Nico, at the front of the stall. He was looking at the boys with wide eyes, shock, but never horror.

"You never told me you likes guys?!" He exclaimed, pointing to Jason. He blushed and quickly tried to put back on his jeans. But he found himself trying to put in Percy's.

"Jason. Those are my jeans." He commented, looking at the blonde. This made him blush harder.

"What in my father's name are you doing with this piece of boy-candy?!" He said, staring at the two boys still.

Percy sighed. "I met him in therapy." Percy told him. "Oh don't tell me you do the same to Thalia!" He said, Percy sighed. "Nico. Just don't talk about it okay? Forget it." Percy said calmly.

Nico looked at Percy. "Not until you cover your boxers and chest!" He told him. He could practically see the steam coming out of the boys ears. Nico's face was red with anger. Okay, this might be a bad time. . .


It had been a few weeks since Nico and Percy talked. Nico had started avoiding him, and Percy never called. What was the point?

Nico finally abandoned Percy, like he was destined to. Or at least that's how Percy saw it.

This, unfortunately, set him a couple steps back.

Which included the part about trying to "be clean."

He had cut his chest, only 5 times, closer to the heart. He didn't stab himself, but he satisfied the urge that ate him alive for about a day. Given he had also stopped eating as much.

He still talked, mainly to Thalia, and the therapy people. They were nice. They all even had a group chat. Called it 'The Demigods.'

Fun. It was fun.

Thalia had even set up another "community therapy."

But he wasn't planning on going. It would be to awkward to see Jason again.

So instead, on Monday, he fell asleep and didn't set his alarm.
Instead, he planned to sleep in.

If only the dreams let him sleep. . .

"Percy." A voice called, Percy knew that voice!

He turned quickly, his breath caught in his throat. Eyes filled with tear as, and his body shivered.

"Annabeth." He whispered, a tear trickling down his left cheek. It looked like her.

Same blonde curls, same grey eyes, and same tan skin.

But she was different. Her eyes were darker, and she shimmered. As if she was covered in white glitter. He tried to hug her, touch her at the least. His heart sank at the results. Her image rippled.

"Percy. I'm here in spirit." She whispered to him. He heard hushed voices all around, whispers of people.

"Go to the therapy, please. I-I can't bare to see you like this Seaweed Brain!" She said, a shimmering tear fell down her face.

"O-okay." Percy said, his voice wavered.

"Percy. Promise me, remember? If you promise me we'll be bounded by the oath." She whispered to him, Percy looked at her. She held out her hand.

"Promise me!" She screamed, the whispers were getting louder by the second. He could recognize the voices now.




Charlie (Breckendorf).


He screamed, covering his ears up with his hands. They were wet, and sticky. He removed one, blood.

"Promise me!" Annabeth screamed at him. Percy was crying, "I-I promise!" He screamed, and it stopped.

All the voices. Everything.

It all stopped, and Annabeth stood before him.

She gave him a small laugh.

"Date Jason, he's a good guy."

She told him, Percy was in to much shock to talk.

"That's all I ever wanted Seaweed Brain." She told him softly. Before he had time to answer, she let out a small breath. Her breath turning into mist, and the room around him was pitch black.

He felt goosebumps appear in his skin. His breath slowly turned into mist to. But, it wasn't like hers.

As soon as she let out the breath, the mist started crystallizing. It zoomed over her like frost, until she was just a delicate statue.

"Annabeth?" He asked, scared to touch her almost. She looked so beautiful, yet, she looked so fragile.

He took a deep breath and touched her fingers lightly. She exploded, literally.

Shards of ice flew everywhere, and Percy flew back. He let out a scream, and landed roughly on the floor. "Ow." He muttered, he looked around, slowly getting onto his feet.

It was darkness.

Pitch black.

Then he heard her voice.

"That's all I ever wanted for you Seaweed Brain. It was for you to be happy." He heard Annabeth whisper.


Percy woke up drenched in sweat. His blankets covering him in a warm cocoon, and his phone at his bedside table. He quickly checked the time, his heart was pounding.

5:34 AM he read. He let out a sigh, he needed someone. It didn't have to be Nico, maybe Thalia?

Well, she was his therapist! But, he didn't. Instead he called a new contact. It really didn't have a real name, just a nickname. And to be honest he didn't have any clue who this person was.

But, when his fingers hovered over the name, he blushed, his fingers tingled, and he bite his lip. All in a good way.

The phone rang for a few minutes before the person picked up. "Are you Blonde Superman? I-I had you in my contacts. . . And, I'm having a rough night. Could you possibly, just, let me talk? Then talk back. I'm sorry." Percy started to whisper.

"Hi, you're Kelp Head aren't you? My sister said I should answer you. No matter what. Something about health? No that was grandma Juno. . . Well. I'm suppose to be there for you. Spill." The man demanded, sleepily, Percy sniffed.

He told Blonde Superman a lot. Mainly about his dream, and how therapy went. He listened, for the first time since the first community therapy session— Percy felt happy!


The happiness he had when texting or calling 'Blonde Superman' quickly ended. There was a therapy session on Friday. Percy was forcing himself to go.

He had no problem with Thalia alone, neither the people he held this therapy session with, it just hurt. Thinking about his promise made him go back to that night. . .


"So. Any changes with you people?" Leo asked, the silence turning into a conversation, he had that affect on people.

"Yeah." Piper answered, twirling her long braid that ran through her hair in her finger. "Really? Spill Beauty Queen." Leo joked, she blushed.

"I was clean." She stated, "I was clean for a solid month!" She said happily. "No way!" Hazel said happily. Tyson started to clap. Percy smirked, "Knew you had it in you." He commented, looking around the room.

A voice felt missing. He looked at an empty seat.

"Where's Travis?" Percy asked, slightly confused. "I was about to ask that to." Frank admitted, glancing at the place Travis sat.

"Guys." Thalia said softly. "I need to tell you something." She continued, everyone was looking at her. Except Jason, he was leaning against the wall. Avoiding everyone again.

Jason stayed silent, Percy looked at him for a split second. His eyes were glassy. Tears.

But why'd he have tears in his eyes.

It hit him.

"He didn't." He said, Thalia looked at Percy. "He did." She said before she sighed, "Guys, Travis Stoll is no longer part of the system. The police found him dead in his apartment 2 days ago. They said it was suicide." Thalia told the group of teens.

"What?!" Hazel screamed, she was the first to react. "B-but. No, no, no! He promised me!" She said, before shaking violently with sobs. Piper bit her lip to stop the tears and held Hazel.

"I know this comes out as a sh-" Before Thalia could finish, Leo interrupted her.

"Hades yeah it is! He's gone Thalia! Gone." He whispered angrily, that anger quickly fading. Grief took its place.

"How'd he. . ." Frank trailed off. "Kill himself? Well, Frank, he first slit his throat. And then he stabbed himself in the stomach 6 times. But, he wasn't like Percy." She told him gently.

Frank gulped, and held back tears. Tyson sat there, motionless.

And Percy had no clue what to feel. . .


Soon, the crying stopped, and a dull silence filled the room.

"You said you stopped. And that you were clean." Percy heard a voice say, he looked up. Jason had gotten up and walked to Piper. "I'm proud of you." He told her before going back to the wall.

"Anything else?" Percy choked out. "I'm dating someone." Frank suggested. "Okay, what their name?" Leo asked, Frank smiled.

"His name is Henry. Nice guy. He's tan, big brown eyes, a mop of brown hair, and he has freckles that dance across the bridge of his nose." Frank explained, "Height?" Piper asked, "5'8." Frank responded.

"Got any dirty pics?" Leo joked, Frank smirked. "Maybe." He said, Leo's eyes went wide. Frank gave out a laugh.

Tyson hummed the tune of Yankee Doodle, and Hazel stayed quiet.

"What about you Hazel?" Frank questioned, Hazel gave a sad smile.

"I managed to talk to my brother for the first time in months. His names Nico. Told me he had to take care of a friend for a few months, it was definitely longer. He's been angry and lashes out at dad but he's still nice. And, I've, I've successfully gotten to school for weeks without bullies!" She state proudly.

"Oh really?" Piper said, raising her eyebrows jokingly. Hazel gave out a giggle and nodded.

"So, that's about everyone. Well, everyone who'll say anything. So time to play victim. Percy. Anything new?" Piper asked evily.

Percy could practically see her new green skin, warts, and her hat. "I don't want to talk about it." He muttered, "What? Did you take a step back or something?" Leo asked, not seeing Jason pale.

"I took 3 steps back." Percy whispered, just loud enough for them to hear. "Okay, and we will help you through it. Because we are the ice that lie upon Mt. Everest." Hazel declared, looking at the raven haired boy.

"I- I made a few more cuts, deeper than needed, didn't eat as much, and I started talking to someone I don't know. He just randomly appeared in my contacts one night after a nightmare. I couldn't help myself." He grimly replied.

The others stayed quiet, and he eventually explained everything. Thalia was scribbling away at her notebook, her black boots on her desk.

She licked her lips and nodded. She already knew what to do. After 6 months of theses, she knew who could get out of therapy, and who had to stay. Hazel, Frank, Leo, and Jason could go. Piper was on the waiting list, and Percy was put a step back.

"Gods hope they can get through this." She whispered to herself. After all, it had been maybe 6 months, and they had done 4 sessions. This group was the only group that had 'groupie friends.'


Soon, the therapy ended. Percy had no ride, as usual. Someone had stolen his bike that he used to get there, and he was basically stuck.

Thalia offered him a ride, but she wasn't done with work until 3 hours.

This left Percy alone. No noises to distract him, and he had managed to sneak into the bathroom. He looked on the floor, it was clean.

The mirrors sparkled, and the toilets looked new! "Wow." He whispered, comparing it to the old bathrooms— it was practically heaven on Earth!

"Hey." Percy jumped, Jason walked up behind him. "You must be Kelp Head." Jason stated, like it was normal.

"You must by Blonde Superman than." Percy concluded, Jason gave him a smirk. "Found me." Jason had stated, it was almost in a playful matter.

"So. Whatcha gonna do?" Jason asked him, Percy turned around. He quickly grabbed Jason's waist, pulling it closer to him.

He used his free arm to place the boys lips on his, pulling his neck in. This made the kiss deeper.

This time Jason was the first to moan.

Percy felt warm hands go under his shirt and on his back. His back arched, making both boys tumble toward a sink.

Percy sat down on the sink, and Jason pressed his tongue against his lips. Percy gratefully let him have entrance and moaned as Jason slipped his tongue in.

The boys tongues battled, and both had to stop a few times to regain their breath.

"How about. I ask you on a date." Percy said breathlessly. Jason smiled at him. "I'll say yes if you kiss me again." He bribed.

"So be it." He told him, smashing his lips into Jason's.


Hey guys!!! Longest writing yet!!! 7115 words!!! So happy! YAYYY FOR 6K!!! Sorry I have t updated in a week. Made this to make up for it. Hope you liked it!


Update 6/8/2020 - lmao. Wrote this claiming I had a stable mental health back in 2017,,, guess who is depressed nowwwww??? its me yo. fml


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