This is Totally 'Highschool!'

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #96

"Highschool freakshows!" Leo screeched as he opened the doors to the gates of hell. "Freakshows? Really, Leo?" Piper said with a short laugh. Annabeth nudged her shoulder, "He isn't wrong about those two." Annabeth said as she pointed to two strangers. They were freakishly tall and seemed to have beards going to their knees.

"Hm. Jerry and Bob really did grow up this summer." Percy commented, "Think they'll be in our home room?" Jason asked innocently. Percy swung an arm around Jason's waist and pulled him closer, their hips bumping together softly as he shrugged in response.

"Ready for Highschool?" Leo asked the group as he held the door open with his foot.

Percy, Jason, Annabeth, Nico, and Piper walking through quickly before sitting down on the benches placed in the first "room" of the school (You can't enter the school instantly, you walk through the doors, there's a rest area, and then there's a second set to enter the actual building).

"I'm about as ready as I was to enter this personal hellhole as I was when we entered the health class leading to a gay marriage." Nico answered, his confidence had grown– the shy demeanor of the boy fading away by the middle of eighth grade. The middle of eighth grade also lead to the pale Italian wearing all black and growing out his hair.

It drove his dad crazy. But, Leo loved it.

"Are we going to bring out the cheesy puns?" Leo suggested, shooting a hopeful glance at Piper. Piper gave him a light punch on the shoulder. Her choppy hair was tied up in two French braids, feathers at the tips. "No. Not again." She said with a laugh, a grin taking up her figured as she looked around.

"Highschool," Annabeth stated. "The ultimate mating den for demons." A voice finished, making the group stare behind the prideful teen. Annabeth gasped, "Thalia!" She said, her voice going high and slightly static as she quickly tackled Thalia. The raven haired punk seemingly unfazed by the girl's behavior.

"Hey Annie!" Annabeth blushed and groaned. "Don't call me Annie!" Annabeth told her as she slowly got off. Thalia just grinned and ruffled her hair. Piper stepped up, her body tense as she stared at Thalia.

"Who're you?" She asked, trying not to sound as jealous as she strangely was. "Thalia." Thalia answered shortly. "Hey little bro." Thalia exclaimed with a small wave.

Jason gave a shy wave. "Hey."

A person came up behind Thalia and wrapped their hands around their shoulders. Chin resting in the crook of her neck. "Hey babe." Thalia greeted without a thought.

"Luke's waiting for us." Reyna mused as she played with the spiky tips of Thalia's black hair, "So's Frank." She then added.

Thalia rolled her eyes with a soft smile.

"Luke's here too?! I thought he graduated last year?" Annabeth's face lit up. She looked like she had just married Piper. "Wrong, he's a senior. Just a year off." Thalia explained as Luke jogged over.

He gave Annabeth a side hug and punched Thalia in the stomach. "Ah! Um, ow!" She gave Luke an annoyed look, Reyna detaching herself from Thalia's neck.

"You told Ethan I like him?!"

The group of Freshmen (excluding Reyna) slowly backed out. Piper grabbing Annabeth's hand and dragging her into the school.

The halls were thin and long.

"Jeez. Look at these long, thin walls." Percy commented dryly. Jason nodded, the group falling into an awkward silence. "So who do you think Frank is?" Annabeth asked, recalling the name Reyna had mentioned in their brief meeting. "He's a tall, buff dude who is literally a shy, Canadian mess," Nico answered her without hesitation.

Annabeth shot him a look. "You know him?" She further questioned. Nico raised his fingers, making his hand lay flat horizontally before teetering them. "Kinda. He used to date my sister."

"Bianca?! I thought she was with Zoë since like... the second grade? They took a pinkie promise and flower bracelet swear! Those two were my goals for love!" Nico gave a short laugh. "Hazel, my half-sister. She's from my dad's side of the family. She's really nice. As for Bianca and Zoë, you very well know they took their pinkie promise, flower bracelets, and secret sharing until the end." A somber silence took over Nico as Percy had a follow up question. "If he dated Hazel, why didn't we hear about you being the crap out of him when they broke up?" Nico shook his head, "I wouldn't do that! Well, anymore. Plus, Hazel broke up with him." He explained. "Why?" Jason asked, clearly curious. "She realized she was aromatic and asexual and needed time to find herself? At least that's what she told me."

"I still think Bianca and Zoë are goals." Percy decided, Nico growing quiet as Leo quickly took the cue and changed the subject.

"Dude, you need different goals for love. You have a boyfriend, and you are surrounded by fellow gays. Is that not goals worthy?" Leo squeezes Nico's hand tightly in his own, Nico scooting closer to him.

"One, not all of us are gay. Two, Percy and Jason are anything but goals for love." Piper intervened. Jason rolled his eyes.

"Okay, firstly–"

"Transition words are strong today, my dear." Percy cut in.

"Firstly, Percy and I aren't goals for love, we are goals for eternal soulmates and eternal happiness." Jason paused to take a breath. "And more than half the time we use gay as an umbrella term." He pointed out, making a few in the group nod.

"Sexuality call off?" Annabeth suggested. "On the first day?" Nico asked, starting to socialize once more. "Yeah! It gives us luck!" Piper insisted, Leo agreeing quickly.

"Jercy!" Annabeth started.

"Gay." Jason answered, "Super demisexual." Percy said with a crooked grin. "Never been prouder!" Leo exclaimed as he dramatically wiped a few "tears" from his face.

Nico smiles softly.

"Pipabeth!" Percy shouted, causing a few off stares.

Piper wrapped her arm around Annabeth's shoulder. "A bisexual." Piper answered sweetly. Glancing at Annabeth, the blonde spoke. "Asexual lesbian." She gave an exaggerated smile.

Jason and Annabeth pointed at Leo and Nico. "Valdangelo." They spoke in perfect sync. Leo chuckled and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand. "Well... as long as it's being sha— oh who am I kidding, I'm pansexual and proud."

Nico did a small cheer and kissed his cheek. Leo shoved him lightly, still holding onto his hand. "Gay." Was Nico's only replies to the expectant stares.

"Now that that's out of the way; I see nothing has changed since last year." Jason stated. "Mhm." Annabeth hummed, last year (in the eighth grade) she had come out as asexual just as Leo had come out as pansexual. It had been an emotional time and they were both accepted fully.

But, every now and then, the group of friends wanted to make sure everything was okay (read: not feeling ashamed and not being called the wrong sexuality or the wrong pronouns).

"Pronoun changes?" Percy asked the group. "Same as ever?" Leo followed up, earning nods. "Cool."

"Got your schedules?" Jason asked, already starting his act as the helicopter mom. Annabeth did a small eye roll and Percy gave a groan.

"What if we aren't in the same classes?" Nico's sudden question made everyone quiet. "I don't want to repeat the 4th grade again." He added, Leo frowning as he remembered just how bad 4th grade was without Nico at his side.

"That won't happen." He said, unsure if it was to calm himself or his panic-y boyfriend. "Yeah, and–" Jason but his lip. "Even if it does, we won't let you be bullied again." Piper nodded in agreement. "I'll skin them alive and replace the feathers in my hair with their teeth." She growled protectively.

"Well, that was dark."

"Roses are read, homophobia is icky, might I say this escalated quickly." Leo joined in. Nico cracking a smile and nodding. "M'kay."

"Still, schedule check."

"Robins for first period. Geometry, red and black days." Annabeth started. "Robins on red days for Geometry and black days." Piper said, smiling. "Same." Leo said with a grin.

"Algebra with Torres." Nico broke the chain. "Torres." Percy said, throwing Nico a smile. "I gotcha, little bro." He teased, Nico blushed but shot back at him.

"I'm older!" He defended.

"By what?"

"7 months and 10 days!"

"Knock it off!" Jason dismissed. Looking at his schedule and cursing. Percy was instantly alert. "Pre-calc. I got Sloan." Annabeth bit her lip, thinking for a moment. "I think you have him the same time Thalia does." Jason looked slightly relieved.

"White days?" Leo questioned.

"English." They all said in sync. "Teacher?" Leo's voice sounded hopeful. "Ashildr." They all answered, much to their enjoyment.

The rest of their scheduling went through quickly. Each of the group members had at least 3 classes with one of the others. "So, Nico, how did you dad react to your man bun this morning?" Leo asked as the two leaned against a wall. "Threatened to cut it off with a chainsaw." Nico answered casually, running his fingers through his (now loose) bun. "Should I dye my hair?" Leo questioned, making Nico shrug. "I mean, you'd look hot with blue or red, but I'd still prefer your natural hair color." Nico said, Percy leaning on the wall next to them.

"Come on you guys, we need to find our classes."

"Now we just need to find our lockers and the rooms!" Piper declared with a nod as she gripped the straps to her teal colored backpack. "Today's a white day, right?" Percy asked Leo. Leo nodded as he looked at his schedule again. The paper crinkled from being in his back pocket.

"So we have English in room 154." Annabeth informed them, Nico scanning the halls. "Second staircase, third to the left." He pointed out, easily finding their classroom. "Wow, good work Neeks." Leo landed a kiss in his hair and the 6 traveled to the room. "Do we even need lockers?" Percy asked once they had seated themselves and let their backpacks fall to their feet.

"Nah. All Highschoolers will end up with back braces in the future anyway." Piper dismissed. The bell rang and students started to pile in the room. Voices and strange noises growing increasingly louder. 

"Well, guess we're in Highschool." Annabeth said, looking apprehensively at the teacher. 

"Welcome Freshmen!"


Hey guys! So I made a (kind of) part two. Same ships, same group, etc. I really liked writing this and was wondering how you guys would feel if I continued this as a separate fanfiction. Why another fanfiction entirely, well. . .  You all know how Arranged to Her?!?! turned out (what part am I on? 11? 12? I don't even know at this point!). I mentioned this in oneshot #95, but I'm asking again. Mainly because I think half of the people who opened it didn't read it once they realized it was from my little sister's skills as a writer. She mainly writes IT fanfiction (to the joy of my older sister). I tried to explain things to her the best I could (Percy and the water bit) but she just wrote whatever she felt like. She told me to tell you guys she wants feedback? I'm not sure if she meant on the oneshot she created here of on her IT fanfiction, but anyway. . . 

Sorry this oneshot was so long. I just couldn't stop writing! I stopped at around 4 (AM). . . but stayed up until 6 just wondering and brainstorming. And I couldn't seem to get Nico the way I wanted to portray him. I'll try more attempts later on (most likely) and might even turn these oneshots into a small series (but not publish, just a private draft for me to go to when in need of writing comfort). Anyway, I have to go. Until next time!

- Bridget

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