Walkie Talkie Conversations

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Jercy -  - Oneshot #57

Face reveal, for random reasons!! (Even though you can just look at my profile picture)

Yeah, randomly took that. Enjoy my Oneshot!!

Jason Grace, only 3 years old, quickly bounced into his new room. His sister, mother, and cheating father had just moved. Giving Jason a new place to explore.

He giggled, but then tripped.

Salty tears filled up his eyes. "Ow." He whined quietly, cradling the wrist he had landed on.

"Dawson? Dawson do you reads?" A voice said.

Jason screamed.

Then, it (the voice) talked again.

"Hello? Are you here?" It whimpered.

Jason felt bad now.

He then, quickly, tried to locate the voice. Managing to find a walkie talkie in the corner.

"H-hi. I'm Jason. Just you can call me anything you want." He whispered into the walkie talkie, holding in the button.

"Hi. I'm Percy. Same goes." The voice said. Jason smiled. He had a friend now.

"Jelly. Jelly do you copy?" 6 year old Percy Jackson said quietly, it was now 2 years after they had become friends.

Covers over his back, his train pajamas on, and the walkie talkie gripped tightly in his small hands.

The device went static, but then 'Jelly' answered.

"I do copy. I repeat, Jelly does copy. What is it Pie? Over." 5 year old Jason asked, glancing at his sister.

Thalia— his sister— chuckled quietly. "Talking to your secret friend Jase?" She teased, Jason blushed, but nodded.

"Pie. STTM (Sister's Talking To Me), MMBC (Mom Might Be Coming), SYLB (See You Later Bro). Over." Jason said to the walkie talkie.

"Okay. See you later Jelly." Percy replied, placing the walkie talkie on his bedside table.

Percy, now 8, stood at his bed side. Tears in his eyes, his body trembling.

"Why did they insult my mom?" He asked himself, voice breaking.

Shakily, he picked up the walkie talkie.

"Jase?" He asked, holding in the button on the side.

The walkie talkie went static before Jason's voice started talking.

"Perce? What's wrong? You sounds sad." He stated, his 7 year old face frowning.

"T-they insulted me mom." He said, biting his lip. Tears slowly escaping his eyes.

Jason gasped.

"Don't worry. They just big stupid heads!" Jason defended, wishing he could see Percy.

Percy gave out a tearful laugh. "Y-yeah." He said, then sniffled.

"Percy?" Jason asked through his walkie talkie, now 13. "Yeah?" Percy replied almost instantly.

"What if I liked someone? But they weren't who you'd expect them to be?" Jason asked, Percy's eyebrows met, and he was confused.

"What do you mean?" He asked, Jason swallowed the lump in his throat.

"Percy. I-I like a guy." He said, making sure his mother (or any other family member) heard.

"Oh." Percy stated.



"Oh?" Jason finally asked, close to tears.

Percy then started to laugh.

"I-it's not a joke!" Jason whined, "Its okay. Sorry, it's just. I-I understand." Percy said back to him.

"But, aren't you with Annabeth?" Jason questioned.

Percy smiled.

"I'm bisexual. I'm attracted to boys and girls (A/n: Like me, no hate? And if you do hate, well, get out. Hating is not welcome here! And it's strange because you are reading a boyxboy fanfic, WHY ARE YOU READING IF YOU ARE HOMOPHOBIC?!?! Sorry, I get very defendant . . .). I assumed you knew." He shrugged.

"I didn't know that! As a best friend I have the right to know!" Jason said, Percy continued to smile.

"Well, now that we have that out of the way, who's the lucky guy?" Percy asked.

Jason, although Percy couldn't see it, blushed.

"That's for me to know, and for you to find out." He said, then put down the walkie talkie.

"Jassson." Percy said, he was now 18, Jason was 17.

"Hey." Jason replied, Percy smiled.

"What are you doing for prom?" He asked, Jason chuckled.

"Well, I wasn't quite sure. What do you think I should do?" He questioned.

"Hello! Ask the mystery dude you've had a crush on for, like since, the 6th grade!" Percy exclaimed.

Jason was quiet for a moment.

"Okay. I will." Jason said, Percy opened his mouth to say something.

"Tomorrow." He concluded.

Percy groaned.

"Hey Percy?" Jason asked, flopping himself down on the bed.

Percy took a minute, but soon he replied.


"I'm gonna do it." Jason said, "Wait. You're going to ask out your prom date to be. . . Hopefully?" Percy asked.

"Yep." Jason said, popping his 'p.'

"Go bro. I'll be there in spirit, and through the walkie talkie." Percy encouraged.

Jason smiled.

"Okay." He said.

"So," Jason began. "Percy, you've been with me through everything. Ever since we were like, 5. And I'd like to ask you something."  He continued.

Percy gasped, partially realizing what Jason meant.

"Percy. Will you go to prom with me?" Jason asked, "Yes you idiot." Percy said, not even skipping a beat.

"Cool." Was Jason's only reply. And then, they both left.

One of the last times Jason picked up the walkie talkie was when he was 23. Percy was about 24.

"Hey, isn't this a walkie talkie?" Jason joked, he heard Percy laugh at the other end.

"Do me a favor." He began, "Sure." Jason replied.

"Look out your window." Percy said.

Hesitantly, Jason peaked through his bedroom curtains. He gasped, nearly faking backwards.

Tears filled his eyes slowly, and he gaped at the sight.

In his backyard, was Annabeth, Piper, Leo Hazel, and Frank.

They all held up a sign.

Annabeth held up a white sign, and in red letters it read 'Jason, '

Piper held up a similar sign, but the letters were in purple. Reading the word 'you'

This continued, various colors on white signs, and Jason getting more and more emotional with each sign.

Together, the signs read, 'Jason, will you marry me?''

Jason, swallowing and running outside, then saw Percy.

He was in the middle, smiling.

In black dress pants, and a pastel dress shirt, he bended down.

"Jason. Will you marry me?" He asked, Jason let a few tears escape, and then nodded.


Jason stood in a suite, looking at Percy. He was wearing a crisp, white suite. Jason wore a midnight black set.

"The vows." The priest said.

Percy then fumbled at first, by took a device out of his pocket.

It was his walkie talkie!

"Jason. I love you, and I'd love to live my life with you for the rest of my time. I want to become Mr. Jason Grace." He said, tears sparkling in his eyes.

He chuckled tearfully before adding.


Hey! Yes, I am bisexual. No, I am not dating anyone. Anywaysss, that was just something because writers block is killing me. . . Bye!


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