When My Lungs Give (Cancer ) (Part 2)

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Jercy - - Oneshot #66

Everyone has a miracle.

Whether surviving a car crash, or making it to your 16th birthday when you were supposed to be going to die. (*looks at Percy*)

But, even though Percy felt he had used his only miracle, he wished for another one.

"How'd he doing?" He asked quickly, his eyes peering at Leo as he exited Jason's hospital room. They hadn't let him inside yet, no matter how hard he begged to go in. The nurses are invincible  to the puppy dog eyes.

"Is he okay?" Percy questioned, standing up shakily from his chair. Leo gave him no response, looking at Percy with his eyes. They were rimmed red, and his cheeks looked stained from tears.

"W-What's happening?" Percy whispered, not holding Leo's shoulders. "I need to know!" Percy urged, nearly in tears now. It was all too much. He felt overwhelmed.

"Jason might not be here after today. The doctors are saying that his lungs don't look good, and a ton of other stuff I didn't understand." Leo finally answered, not looking at Percy whatsoever.

"Leo." Percy whispered, Leo looked up. "Go in there, I'll take watch. I'll say une pamplemousse if anyone's coming." Leo told the son of Poseidon, Percy gave a small smile.

"Is that French?" He asked the Latino, Leo gave him a grin, "Just go and see your boy toy." he teased lightly.

"S-shut up!" Percy stammered before walking into Jason's hospital room with a deep breath.

"Hey Superman." He said, looking at Jason's body. Half of him was covered in a white, wool hospital blanket, and his shirt was off. Folded and put into a chair to Percy's right.

The walls were blinding, the same white that the whole bed was, and the same color of the soap they had supplied in the bathroom to the left hand corner of the room.

Jason's eyes were closed, and his skin was a sickly pale color.

Percy trembled as he looked at him, trying to blink back his tears as he checked the chart at the end of the bed.

The letters quickly rearranged themselves, like they were lost at wild sea.

"Stupid Dyslexia!" He muttered angrily as he looked at Jason sadly.

There was a knock on the door (it having been closed as soon as Percy entered the room) and it slowly opened.

"Hello, are you Perseus Jackson?" A young man asked, his blue eyes and golden blonde hair instantly letting Percy know who he was.

"Apollo, I know it's you." Percy quickly told him, looking at the god as he flashed a smile.

"You know me to well." Apollo commented, Percy gave out a forced laugh. "No, I just know what gods who like to ruin people's lives look like." He dryly shot back.

Apollo sighed, picking up the charts Percy had in his hands.

He muttered small words that Percy couldn't make out, his mouth moving at fast speeds as he continued looking through the charts.

"Says here that he has cancer?" Apollo questionably stated, Percy only nodded.

Apollo sighed, looking at the other blonde.

"Did he hide it?" He questioned, looking at Percy.

Percy gave a sigh, "Yeah." He whispered, "He did." He continued, looking at his feet.

"Look, Perce, I'm sorry—" Apollo was cut off by Percy.

"Listen 'oh mighty god of medicine' I don't care what you do, fix him. Don't pity me, or call me Perce. Just fix my boyfriend." He hissed, snapping at the sun god.

Apollo looked surprised for a split second, but nodded. "I'll try." He told his cousin.

Slowly, Apollo crept near Jason. "Let's see what we've got going on here." He muttered to himself, touching Jason's chest with his hands.

Apollo opened his mouth, but closed it. His eyes turned into pure golden light. . . Like he was possessed by Kronos.

Percy blinked back tears at unwanted memories, trying to focus on his boyfriend.

Jason's chest glowed, his hair lifting up slightly, and his body limp.

Apollo let out a sudden gasp, his eyes returning to its normal color. "What's wrong? What's happening?!" Percy demanded, dreading the answer as he noticed Jason's chest had stopped moving.

Then, the heart monitor let out a long beep.

"No, please, no!" Percy screamed, "He's flat lining!" Apollo exclaimed, practically pushing Percy out of the room.

The door slammed, and Percy could feel the tears come back.

Leo looked at him, his back to the wall, and his best friends boyfriend.

"He's flatlining." Percy whimpered, Leo gave him a sad smile. "I figured." He whispered, pulling Percy toward him.

"H-he better make it." Percy choked, a sob trying to escape.

"Shh. Shh, I know." Leo hushed, practically cradling Percy on the ground as the son of Poseidon fought tears.

"It's gonna be okay, Jason's a fighter." Leo whispered to Percy, rubbing his back.

A few tears escaped Percy's eyes, and the wait for Apollo to open the door seemed to go on forever.

Percy wished he had better news though.

"Jason flat lined 3 more times, I got him to stay with us for a good 5 minutes at most. Thanatos is waiting, so please make them quick." Apollo informed, sighing as he removed his white doctor coat he had on.

"Thanks." Leo replied, quickly letting themselves in the room.

"Percy." Jason rasped, looking worse than before.

"I'm here. Don't worry." Percy whispered.

"I love you."

The heart monitor started its flat lining again.

"Jason?" Percy asked, wishing for Jason to respond.

"Jason?!" He screamed, now panicked.

Leo had a few tears running down his face as he looked at Percy.

Thanatos smiled, quickly collecting Jason and leaving.

Jason. . .

Jason was dead.

I broke my promise. And I feel really bad!!! And I promise to finish this up quickly.

I love you guys, and the amount of support I'm receiving is amazing. The views are just a number, but your comments make my day.

I love you guys.




- Bridget

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