When My Lungs Give (Part 1)

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Jercy - Onehsot #24

Jason coughed, his lungs burned and his hand was covered in a wet substance. Jason coughed again, and the wetness in his hand worsened in a way. Jason out in his glasses, and turned on the light. It was 3:00 am, Percy wouldn't be home from work until another hour.

Jason looked at his hand, his chest vibrated as he held in a cough. His tongue takes metal, iron most likely. That was confusing Jason, until he looked at his hand. There was blood.

He nearly screamed, he was coughing blood! This wasn't normal, even for demigod standards. He got out of bed, but coughed his way backwards. Blood splattered on his blanket as he coughed again. His head and eyes hurt- due to lack of sleep, and he was having a little trouble breathing.

Jason shook this off, and exited the house. He reached for his phone, "Leo." He croaked, calling him.

"Jason? Jason what's going on?" Leo asked, yawning. "Help." He said- his voice hoarse, coughing again. Blood was splattered on his shirt and porch. "Jason? Jason?!" Leo said, he could hear the desperation in his voice. Jason's head was pounding, spinning, and trying to keep calm all at the same time.

"Blood." He managed to get out, the phone was shaking in his hands. "Jason?! Where are you!" Leo cried, "House." He said, his lungs burned. Jason's eyes were dropping, he could feel his heart pounding in his ears. Then, everything was black.


Hey peeps! Did some research online- so it may be false. Anywaysssssss. Anyone have any guesses? Well, you're about to find out. After like a feeeeeeee emojis.




Jason woke up, a blinding light shun without warning. And his nose filled with the smell of doctor soap, elastic gloves, and pine needles? Jason squinted, and eventually the light faded. "Jason?" Leo asked, his voice was hushed, and Jason almost thought he was an imposter. "Hey Leo." He said, his head still pounding.

"Let me get the doctor." He said, getting the small remote from Jason's bed and pressing the 'call nurse' button. After a few more minutes of Jason in misery- a doctor came in.

He had black hair, and his eyes were a deep Hazel. His eyes looked as if he had just told a different patient what he was going to tell Jason.

"Jason Grace? Is that right?" He asked, Jason nodded. He cleared his throat, and Leo looked at him. "We have discovered that you. You have stage 2 Lung Cancer." He told him, Jason looked at Leo.

Leo looked shocked, and Jason couldn't even say a response. Cancer. Lung cancer. Stage 2. It seemed bad, and he knew he couldn't tell Percy. Not right now anyway.

"We are planning to start you on chemo and hope that it will work. If not- we'll find another way." He said, Jason nodded. He seemed to have lost his voice. He tried to speak, but all that came were rough and hard coughs. Shaking his body, and getting blood on his hands.

7 months later:

The cancer had spread fast. And Percy was working double shifts now. Jason had never told him about his cancer- which was now an alarming Stage 4, and didn't know really when to do it. After all, how could he also tell him that it had spread to his

Percy and Jason's relationship was slowly becoming dull, but still exciting. He still got that same feeling when their hands intertwined, or when they kissed. So their relationship was still safe.

Jason groaned, his head pounding again. He was currently amped out in the bathroom, at 5 in the morning. He gaged before vomiting in the toilet, "Jason?" Percy asked sleepily, yawning as he stumbled into the bathroom.

"You okay?" He asked, running his eyes. He was slowly waking up. "Y-yeah." Jason said, coughing. "You've coughed a lot recently. Are you okay? I'm serious." Percy said, Jason looked at him.

"My arms hurt, my bones ache, my arms and legs have swelled, and my chemo has left me weak and picking my guts out. Im sure am fine!" Jason thought out loud, "What do you mean chemo?" He asked, Jason paled.

He felt as if he could puke at any moment, so he did. Percy (When I typed this it changed to sexy. My phone knows its stuff) as instantly at Jason's side. "Chemo. A-as in cancer?" "Small cell lung cancer." Jason said, his chest felt heavy. It became harder to breath almost.

"Is that blood?" Percy asked softly, looking in the toilet. Jason nodded, "I'm sorry." Jason said, "For what?" Percy asked him, still concerned about the blood.

"Call Leo. Please." Jason said, his lungs burned. Percy was confused, but nodded. He dialed Leo's number quickly, with Jason's phone he found on the sink. "Jason?! Jason what's wrong?! It's 5 am!" Leo said, his voice was panicked, "Its Percy. He's coughing up blood, and throwing up, a-and. Leo. He has cancer." He whispered, he heard Leo's breath stop.

"Get him to a hospital. Now!" He yelled in the phone. Percy heard a groan, but he could care less right now. He had to get him to the hospital!

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