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Jercy - Oneshot #3

"Percy!" Jason screamed, his eyes full of terror as he saw Percy's sword drop. Tartarus' shadow spear pierced his chest. It killed Percy instantly- and he swore he could feel the burning in his chest still. His eyes closed, before the swords impact- making him look as if he was sleeping. Sleeping, just covered in blood, and not breathing.

Percy's eyes opened slightly, sunlight poured through the hospital room window. That's right hospital, or so he guessed. The room smelled terribly with the scent of poor hand soap, rubber elastic gloves, and cement? Percy wasn't sure, and even if he did, he couldn't focus. His head buzzed, and his eyes felt like sandbags. His head ached, scratch that, everything ached! He groaned, trying to sit up. But his limbs felt just like his eyes, it was almost as if he had been sleeping for 2,000 years. "M-mom?" He said, his eyes tried to widen. His voice! It was deeper, and he could feel a slight tingle in his chest. He heard a gasp, it was quiet and then a full on scream. He wanted to block his ears with his hands, but surprisingly- he actually did it. He tried opening his eyes again, he gasped, and his eyes snapped open. Instantly he saw a women with streaks of purple hair in her messy bun of black hair- hovering over him. "Doctor Apollo!" She yelled, it seemed so real. His heart was pounding so hard he could hear it in his ears, the woman was in scrubs, had a name tag, and was carrying a clip board. She was most likely a nurse? A doctor maybe? Percy shook himself out of his thoughts, trying to focus on what the tag said. "Hasar?" He said, slightly confused. What a terrible name. "Sarah." The woman- Sarah, whispered. He heard foot steps, and turned. There in the door way was Apollo! Percy's eyes widened. "Apollo. I-I need to speak with Hades. Or Hermes. It's urgent!" He spit out, his throats felt like Tartarus again. Apollo looked confused. 'Maybe he isn't the actual God? A kids maybe?' Percy thought, same sky blue eyes, golden blonde hair, and same surfer, lauded back, bro type of aura. "Call me Dr.Apollo. And Percy isn't it?" He asked, the nurse nodded silently. "Well Percy, I have no idea what you mean by Hades and Hermes? But you probably imagined them." He said, Percy managed to shake his head. "No. no no no. I couldn't imagine that!" He whispered, whimpering soon after. "Excuse me? Can you speak up?" Sarah asked, even though Percy felt like Hades- he needed to get up. He tried to lift himself by his arms, no luck. Then he remembered. The tattoo! He looked at his arm, then the other arm, nothing. No tattoo, no Hades and Hermes, and, maybe, even no Jason. Percy's eyes strung with salty tears, he refused to believe that! Suddenly as if magic, someone shoved Apollo to the ground. Apollo fell, "Hey!" He shouted, Sarah tried to contain the mysterious person. "Percy!" The boy yelled, Percy knew that voice. It was smooth, but it was rough near the end. Full of emotions. Percy saw the boy. He had the recognizable blonde hair, electric blue eyes. And he had a white scar on his lip. "Jason." Percy whispered, tears fell from his eyes, and his heart was beating rapidly. Just like when they had first kissed. "Percy." Jason whispered again, his shirt was tattered, pants ripped, and his weapon stalled away. Tears where falling both sides of each boy's face. Sarah was helping Apollo up. And the boys kissed. Sarah saw this. And dropped Apollo's arm. Making him fall again. It wasn't just a dream.


Hey guys! Sorry it's short- didn't know how to end. But here it is!


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