A Story Told By Nightwing

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As all of the League members came in, Flash was first to comment on both Red Hood's and Nightwing's presences.

"Should we be worried?" He asked, confused.

Batman noticed who Flash was talking about. "What are you doing here?" He asked Jason, a little coldly.

"Relax, I was only wanted answers." He replied, looking expectedly at Dick.

Everyone soon turned to Nightwing, who was staring at the stars outside one of the windows.

"You want to know why I left in the first? Then, sit. It's a long story." He explained.

As everyone sat down, Dick started.

Since the day Nightwing had quit, he knew it was going to be a while before he could go back.

It wasn't long before he got into some trouble he shouldn't have gotten in.

One night, he got cornered with nowhere to go. There was no way out.

Then, she came. An anti-hero, one Nightwing hadn't know about. She introduced herself, after helping him as a 'hero'. Because to her, she was a hero.

"Long story short, she got me into more trouble then she had gotten me out of." Nightwing finished, still staring out of the window.

Everyone was silent.

Red Arrow leaned forward, frowning. "Then, why is Jason here? It's not because of that." He asked.

"No. Jason's worried because-"

"Because you made a deal with Black Frost." Jason cut off Dick.

Gasps sounded.

"When?" Batman demanded, looking slightly angry.

Dick was hesitant. He sighed and answered, not looking away from the stars. "Who did you think got me out of the more trouble?" Was his quiet reply.

"Why?" Barbara asked, tears coming to her eyes.

Dick looked at her, confused. "You make it sound like I betrayed you. The deal I made with Black Frost is a personal one." He looked back out of the window. "I keep her secrets, she keeps mine." He finished, softly.

"What secrets of Black Frost's?" Wonder Woman asked.

"She's not what you think she is. Yes, her family is...rough. And, her-" Dick sighed, and reached for his comm. "What?" He asked, getting annoyed at the amount of calls.

Wally could see Dick's frown get deeper as he listened to someone on the other end of his comm.

Yes, Wally was worried for his best friend. But, he trusts Dick's judgment. Plus, what secrets did he know of a criminal mastermind/assassin?

"Alright. I'll be there." Pause. "Fine." Another pause. "It'll be fine. Don't worry. How many times have we done this?" Dick smiled, reassuring the person on the other end.

As he disconnected the call, he found many raised eyebrows. "It wasn't Black Frost, if that's what you're thinking." He commented. "I have to go. A friend's helping me with something." He walked towards the zeta tube.

"And, the friend isn't Black Frost?" Miss Martian asked.

Dick turned and smiled. "No. Someone Black Frost is protecting."

He left, leaving everyone wondering more about Black Frost than ever.

Done. Getting closer to the end!

Though, don't worry there's more to come!


Published: April 27, 2016.

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