Chapter 3 🌷

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Pixal already got the roses from Ronin and headed back to her home. On her way, many villagers started to whispered stuff about her causing Pixal to think that her older brother is behind all of this.

Being the kindness girl in the village, many people don't know why she's always kind. First of all, she always think positive all day. Second, she always believed that there is kindness inside people's heart. Third, she always helped out everyone even those who are rude to her.

Her heart isn't that cold but is full of love. Pixal always remember what her mother always tell her. "Show the world that kindness is stronger than hatred". Pixal always remember that even her mother's gone, she is always in her heart.

Cryptor used to be good until when their mother passed away due to sickness. He started to do things that he wanted to do like attention, hatred, and girls. Pixal always remember good memories of Cryptor before he changed.

Being the youngest, Pixal usually loves going on adventures more than anyone does and one day she will experience the best adventure ever.

Pixal spotted a girl with a book in her hands and she walked up to her. "Hello, young girl, I'm-" "Pixal! Yeah, I know who you are" "Are you reading Sleeping Beauty?" "Yeah, I am" "I love that book when I was a young girl. Want me read it to you?" "Yeah, I would love someone to read this book to me like you" The girl give her the book and Pixal started reading it to her.

Many villagers spotted Pixal reading a book to a girl and started to whispered stuff about her. A group of guys 'accidentally' pushed the basket of roses on the ground and many villagers 'accidentally' stepped on them attracting Pixal's attention to it.

"Wait! Stop! Those are the last roses for my garden" Pixal said and the villagers stopped stepping the roses and walked 4 feet away from Pixal. "Miss Kindness girl! Last roses from the garden you're making? That's stupid!" A guy said and Nadakhan and Ronin helped Pixal picked up the broken roses. "Hey! Stop it! Pixal's kinder than you which doesn't give you the right to bully her!" Nadakhan yelled and many people started to laughed at him. "There is no way Pixal's ever going to changed a cold-hearted person to be kind!" A woman said and many people started to talk bad about Pixal.

Pixal looked at the girl who was about to cry and run away from her. "Whoa! Whoa! What's going on?" Cryptor said and spotted his younger sister sitting on the ground expressing that she's about to cry. "Your younger sister's reading a book to a girl! It's a disgraceful thing your sister did in her life" A old woman said and Pixal got mad.

"That girl needed someone to read that book to her! I can't believe you all are picking on me because of my kindness! I will changed a cold-hearted person to be kind like me! I'm tired of bring Miss. Nice Girl in the village! I wanted to go on an adventure that I would experienced in my whole entire life! I hated the fact you villagers are rude to me and it's not funny to pick on those who's kinder than you!" Pixal said in a mad/sad tone and she walked away from the villagers.

Ronin and Nadakhan were shocked that Pixal finally stand up herself. They never seen her mad before. "I'll go comfort my sister" Cryptor said to the two guys and he walked in his home that he and Pixal lived in with their father.

"Yo, Pix, are you okay?" Cryptor said and Pixal was outside watering some vines that were dried 3 days ago. "Nope, I'm not okay" Pixal said and she fill up the water bucket in a small pond of their home. "Look, Pix, those guys can be jerks to you but you are not that tough" Cryptor said making Pixal triggered and dropped the water bucket. "Me tough? Brother, I want to stand up for myself against those freaks" Pixal said and Cryptor opened the gate and walked in to help Pixal.  "If you want to stand up for yourself, you need to think of what you say first of all. Second, you looked at whoever's in the eye. Third, don't dare punch or kick when you stand up for yourself" Cryptor said.

"Hmm, nice tips but I want to stand up for myself in my way" Pixal said and Cryptor started to grabbed a bucket of water and splashed it at his sister. Pixal laughed and she grabbed the water bucket and splashed at Cryptor. The siblings laughed and they walked inside to get themselves dried.

It was night and Cryus went on Buttercup, his own horse who's fur is tan and blond hair. "I'll be back by tomorrow, kids" Cyrus said. "Oh, dad, we'll miss you" Pixal said and looked at the ground with a sad face. "Dear, Pix, what do you want me to give you tomorrow?" Cyrus asked his daughter. "I would love some roses since the ones I got were apparently were crushed by villagers" Pixal explained to her father. "I'll give it to you, Pix, I promise" Cyrus said and hugged his daughter one more time. "Take good care of her, Cryptor" Cyrus said. "I will, dad" Cryptor said and Cyrus kicked Buttercup for her to go on a far trail.

Pixal looked at her father as he fade away in the trail he's taking. She started to miss her father and worried if something bad happened to him.

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-Sunnyninja13 out!!!!!!

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