The Fight (Updated)

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Hey guys, so I just realized that this chapter was missing a scene at the end and was filled grammar mistakes so I had to fix and repost it before I can post the next one. Sorry for the mix up, but now I hope you can properly enjoy it.


Lloyd's P.O.V.:

I was talking to my therapist at our regular appointment. Usually I about talk the normal stuff that bothers me like losing the baby and missing the kids, but this time I had something bigger to deal with.

"What's going on with you Lloyd?" Ava asked.

"I did something behind my wife's back and now I'm not sure if it was a good idea."

"What did you do?"

"Well, remember how I was telling you my friend Zane was getting closer to finding the kids?" I asked and she nodded. "He's going to send a drone to track their location and he said that we could write letters to the kids."

"Well that's nice."

"It would be if all this wasn't happening." I frowned.

"Did you guys tell them what happened?"

"All we said was that Kira had an accident and that she was fine now, but we didn't mention anything about the shooting or the baby we lost." I sighed. "That was until I grabbed the letter and wrote a message to my oldest on the back."

"Oh so that's the thing you did." Ava said.

"Yeah." I frowned.

"What exactly did the letter say?"

"I told him everything except about the baby and when my dad found me like he did."

"Was there a reason why you wanted him to know?" She asked me.

"I don't know, the only thing I was thinking about was protecting them. That man is still after my family and it's better if they know what's going on. Ryder is the leader so if he knows what's best for the team, he'll choose to wait for us to go get him instead of him finding a way back on his own."

"Do you not want them to come back?"

"Of course I do, but with that guy out there, that puts a target on their back too, and after what happened to Kira I can't imagine what he would do if he finds them."

"Did you discuss these concerns with her?"

"We did, but she wants the kids to find their own way home. In a way I want that too, but not right now. Not until we catch this guy."

"Well I think that's something you need to discuss with her." Ava said. "If it were my wife I'd want us to agree on that."

"You're right." I sighed. "I'll tell her. Thank you."

Kira's P.O.V.:

I was waiting for Lloyd to get out of his therapy session. Usually he lets me go in there with him, but this time he wanted to talk to her alone. He said he had a problem that he needed to work on alone and it was fine with me, I was just happy that he was getting help and it actually seemed to be working. I know he won't admit it, but I think he was actually enjoying therapy. He seemed a lot less depressed and more focused. This was really good for him.

As I was waiting, I saw a woman walk in with a baby in a stroller. It made me think about what it would have been like to have another baby, and the one that I lost. Ever since I found out I haven't stopped thinking about it. Every time I see a baby or pregnant woman, I can't help but think about what it would've been like if I was a mother again.

After Ethan got his powers and seeing how hard that was for him, Lloyd and I agreed not to have any more children, but I guess life had other ideas. We just didn't want anyone else to go through what he did, then again it would be nice to have one kid that got to have a normal childhood. Our kids were deprived from that because they were busy saving the world or saving each other or trying to keep their powers under control. They all had to grow up so fast and never really got to be kids. Lloyd and I never got to be kids either because he had to focus on being the green ninja and I had been raised by my grandmother who passed away when I was 12. Maybe Lloyd wants a child that could just be a regular kid? I guess I'll never know.

I saw Lloyd coming from the back and I tried my best to dry my tears and put on a smile for him. Usually he's a lot happier coming out than he is going in, but this time it seemed different.

"Hi Lloyd, ready to go?" I asked.

"Uhh yeah, ok." He nodded.

I grabbed my crutches and we went out to the car. He got in the drivers seat and started driving. I was looking out the window lost in my thoughts.

"Kira? Are you ok?" Lloyd asked.

"Oh, yeah just thinking." I answered.

"About what?"

"About the baby." I frowned. "I just can't stop thinking about what could've been."

"I think about it too." Lloyd frowned.

"I can't stop thinking about it. Every time I see people with their babies, all I can think about is how we lost ours."

"I know it stinks, but there's nothing we could've done. If I could've switched places with you so that I got shot instead I would've done it in a heartbeat."

"Lloyd, if he wanted me dead, I would be. He shot me in the leg and the shoulder, if he wanted to kill me he would've shot me in the head and chest."

"The only reason he did shoot you was because he couldn't find me, but now that I know there was a baby at risk I would've done anything to take your place."

"That's sweet, but I'm glad you're still here." I smiled.

We arrived at the building and made our way to the apartment. Wu and Garmadon were out getting groceries so it was just me and Lloyd there at the moment.

"Kira we need to talk about something." Lloyd looked at me.

"Ok. What's up?" I got comfortable on the couch.

"I did something that I'm not proud of and I feel kind of guilty."

"What did you do?"

"On the letters we sent, before we were done I grabbed it and wrote a letter to Ryder on the back telling him everything."

"Everything? What did you say?" I asked.

"I didn't say anything about the losing the baby, but I felt that it was better if we caught this guy before they came back so I told them that we would come pick them up after we caught him."

"Lloyd do you really think any of us are in a position to do that? For one thing we don't have a ship, and Zane's invention is a prototype, there's always a chance it won't work and if it doesn't we can't locate them."

"I know your mad but I can explain I..."

"Have you even thought of how Ryder's going to react? The second he knows something is wrong he's going to find a way to get back on his own and the others probably will too. They could get hurt or worse if they don't."

"Kira you're overthinking this. I was just trying to protect them and keep the same thing that happened to you from happening to them!" I yelled.

"I get that but what makes you think they're even safe on that island? What if they aren't? What if your letter told them to stay somewhere dangerous?"

"They are pretty resilient kids, I think they'll be fine."

"You don't know that, and now they're probably extra worried because you told them what happened. It will also distract them from their mission and Ethan and Ashley will freak out too and..."

"Kira, you're spiraling. Calm down." Lloyd said.

I took a few deep breaths, got my crutches and stood up. I headed for the door.

"Where are you going?" Lloyd asked.

"I... I just need some time. I'll be back soon I promise, but not right now."

"Kira please don't leave. I was only trying to protect them. You know that." Lloyd begged.

"Lloyd I don't want to leave, but I just can't be with you right now." I frowned. "This isn't a goodbye, just a see you later. Ok?"

"Ok." Lloyd frowned. "I love you."

"I love you too, I just need a little time." I frowned.

He nodded and turned away. I tried to open the door but with my crutches it was a challenge. Lloyd ran over and swooped in front of me, blocking my way.

"Kira wait!" He yelled.

"Lloyd, you're not going to talk me out of this. I've made my choice." I told him.

"I can't let you leave in this condition." Lloyd frowned. "If you need a break from me fine, I'll go to your treehouse and you can stay here until you're ready to see me again."

"Send you there alone? I don't think so." I said.

"I told you I'm not a danger to myself!"

"That's not what I'm worried about. That monster is still out there and I don't want him to find you."

"Look, last time you left you walked out the door and I didn't see you for 3 years. I can't lose you again."

"What's going on?" Wu came in the door with Garmadon behind him.

Lloyd and I looked at each other. We didn't know what to tell them.

"Is everything ok?" Garmadon asked.

Lloyd picked up his backpack, kissed my cheek and left the apartment without saying another word.

"What was that about?" Wu asked.

"Lloyd and I had a really bad fight and now I'm afraid he's going to do something he'll regret." I frowned.

"Garmadon, go catch up with him." Wu said.

Garmadon ran out the door. Wu stayed here with me.

"Don't worry, Garmadon will look out for him." Wu said.

"Thank you." I sighed and sat back down.

I hoped Lloyd would be alright.

Lloyd's P.O.V.:

I ran down to the parking lot and ran to my car, but before I pulled out my dad jumped on my windshield.

"AHH! Dad? What the heck are you doing?"

"I'm coming with you." He said.

He got off the car and I rolled down the window.

"I don't need you to come with me. I'm fine, Kira and I just need a break from each other." I said.

"Do you want this break?"

"Of course not, but if this is what it takes to get her to forgive me than I'm willing to give her the time she needs."

"Then why are you the one going away?"

"Because she's been in such bad shape and I didn't want her to put herself through more than she has to."

"You two always find a way to work it out."

"And we will, but not right now. Now can I please get on with it?"

"No, I told you I'm going with you."

"Why? Because you don't trust me? You think I'll try to hurt myself again?"

"Yes, exactly that." My father yelled. "You don't know what it was like to find you like that and I never want to go through that again. You would do anything to protect your kids, and I will do everything to protect mine."

"Fine, get in." I reluctantly unlocked the door.

He got in the car and I started the drive to Kira's treehouse in Hiroshi's labyrinth.

"And for the record, I never did that to myself, it was the ghost." I said.

"The ghost?" He said confused. "You were alone when I found you."

"There was an invisible person. He just made it look like I hurt myself but I never did." I said.

"I know you're embarrassed about it but you don't have to make excuses."

"I'm not making excuses! That's what happened, but everyone is so convinced that I did it."

"Because we're scared to believe you." My dad frowned. "If you're not telling the truth and you do it again, we will feel like idiots for ignoring the signs when we could have prevented it. I love you son, and I don't want anything to happen to you."

"I'm not lying Dad I..."

All of a sudden I saw a creature run out in front of us. I swerved out of the way to avoid it and I ended up crashing into a tree. I passed out...

Garmadon's P.O.V.:

The car had just crashed and I had hit my arm on the airbag but it didn't hurt too bad. I looked over at Lloyd and he was completely unconscious. I tried to open the door but it was stuck and the engine was on fire. I was trying my hardest to wake Lloyd up but he wouldn't budge.

"Lloyd come on, we have to go!" I yelled.

He still wouldn't move. I felt his neck and I felt his pulse. He was alive but completely out of it.

I saw out the window before they fogged up six people in bright colored ninja suits running towards us. Were some of them back?

"Help!" I yelled before I coughed.

Before they got to the car, I couldn't breath and I passed out...

Lloyd's P.O.V.:

"Lloyd? Lloyd wake up. Can you hear me?"

I slowly opened my eyes and I saw my dad in front of me. His arm was in a sling and he had a black eye. I tried to sit up but my side really hurt.

"Careful son, you're hurt." Dad said.

"I'm fine." I said holding my side and head. "Are you ok?"

"I hurt my arm but it's nothing too bad." He answered.

I looked around and we were in Kira's old tree house, but it looked different than usual. It was cleaner and covered in beanbag chairs and empty pizza boxes. Like someone had been living here.

"Look who's finally awake." Someone came up the ladder. I looked to see a girl in a silver ninja suit with green eyes and a long brown ponytail.

"Wait, Katie? Is that you?" I smiled.

"Hey Lloyd. How have you been?" Katie asked.

"I've been better honestly." I sighed and held my head again. "What are you doing here in my wife's treehouse?"

"More like what are you doing in our ninja base?"

"Ninja base? Our?" I asked.

I turned around and saw Maizy in a navy blue ninja suit, Cass in an aqua colored ninja suit and three others I didn't recognize.

"Lloyd, meet the junior ninja backup team." Katie smiled. "You've already met Maizy and Cass." Then she pointed to a girl with a short Brown hair in a crimson ninja suit. "...and this is Jazmine, daughter of Ronin." Then she pointed to a boy with long brown hair in a yellow ninja suit. "That's Oliver, son of Bolobo and master of nature." Then she pointed to the boy in the dark grey ninja suit with slick black hair and green eyes. "And this is Trip, son of Neuro and master of the mind."

"Wow, I had no idea there were more ninja." I smiled.

"Temporary ninja, until the others come back." Maizy said.

"Have you heard anything from Alex?" Cass asked eagerly.

"Yeah, or Ryder?" Katie asked.

"I'm sorry, we haven't heard from any of them." I frowned. "Zane has a few ideas on how to find them and I promise we will get them back."

"Oh, ok." Cass sadly nodded.

"I hope you don't mind we borrowed the treehouse." Maizy said. "We needed a place to set up the base and I remembered you guys always talked about this place."

"No worries, I love what you've done with the place." I said.

"Would you like some food from the garden?" Oliver offered holding a tray of grapes and strawberries.

"Sure." Dad said.

"Yes please." I said.

After my dad and I ate, I looked at my father.

"Dad? Can you text Kira and tell her we got here safely?"

"Sure, what happened with you two anyway?" Garmadon said.

"Wait, did you guys separate?" Katie asked.

"No, we just need a break from each other." I frowned. "We'll be ok."

"Sounds like a break up to me." Jazmine said.

"We're not breaking up, we're taking a break, there's a difference." I said.

"He's worried his marriage is falling apart." Trip said reading my mind.

"You're a lot like your father you know that?" I sighed.

"Yeah, I get that a lot." Trip said.

"Oh no. Is Llira breaking up?" Katie frowned.

"But you guys have a 98% on Perfect Match." Cass said.

"Kids, Kira just needs some time for herself to figure things out. We're fine." I told them.

I tried to stand up again but my side hurt like crazy and I had to sit back down.

"Ow!" I yelled.

"Lloyd are you sure you're ok?" My dad asked.

"Yeah, I think I just hurt my side in the wreck." I said.

Cass came over and did an X-ray on me. "Yeah you definitely cracked a few ribs and a slight concussion."

"I should really get you to the hospital." My dad said.

"No, Kira doesn't need to know. Besides, I've been through worse."

"I'm afraid this will need to be treated eventually." Cass said.

"And I will, but I don't need to do it right this second." I said.

Cass used her ice powers to soothe the pain of my ribs and it honestly felt kinda nice. I forgot she and Alex shared the powers now.

"So what exactly do you guys do?" I asked.

"We help people." Jasmine said.

"Yeah, we take over for the ninja when their out and tackle some of the smaller problems so the ninja have less to worry about." Oliver said.

"Who's idea was that?" I asked.

"Actually, this was all Ryder's idea." Maizy said.

"What do you mean? Ryder never told me about this." I frowned.

"He didn't want anyone to know." Katie said. "After defeating the Overlord, Ryder told me to create a backup team, to keep Ninjago safe in case something ever happened to the junior ninja team."

"That's... surprisingly responsible of him." I said. "He found all of you?"

"Katie and I did." Maizy said. "He entrusted us to pick the right group of masters for this team of ours."

"I may not be a true elemental master, but I say I'm pretty good at what I bring to the table." Jazmine said.

"I know your dad Jazmine, he's good at what he does, and I see that spark in you too." I smiled.

"Thanks Mr. Lloyd." Jazmine smiled.

"So who's training you?" My dad asked.

"We learned a lot from Ryder, but we also learn a lot from each other." Oliver said.

"Well if any of you want some extra training, you know where to find me." I offered.

"Thanks Mr. Lloyd." Katie smiled.

"What made you crash anyway?" Maizy asked.

"Something ran out in front of me, it looked like a man." I answered.

"That's impossible." Oliver said. "There's no one around this place for miles."

"Well something jumped in front of the car." I held my head again.

"We'll investigate the crash site and see if we can find anything." Maizy said. "You just stay here and rest."

"Ok, but be careful." I warned. "If this is the same guy we've been going after, he's very dangerous."

"It's ok, we are trained to handle anything." Katie said. "Come on guys."

They all left the treehouse to go investigate the crash site. I looked at my father and he was holding his arm.

"Dad are you ok?" I asked.

"I'm fine son, don't worry." He said.

"What did Kira say?" I asked.

"She was worried about you, but I said that you would be alright."

"Did that calm her down?"

"I think so. We were texting so it's hard to tell. It sounds like she really misses you."

"I miss her too, but she said she needed time and I'm willing to give her that."

"Time for what?"

"I took the letters and wrote a message to Ryder telling him everything." I frowned.

"Did you mention the miscarriage?"

"No, but I told him about the shooting and how the guy was after me and Kira."

"And you didn't run it by Kira first?"

"No, but that's not the worst part."

"What's the worst part?"

"That I told Ryder not to find a way back on his own and wait for us to come and get them."

"Lloyd! Do you know what he'll do when he reads that?" He yelled.

"The only thing on my mind at that moment was protecting the kids. If something were to happen to them like what happened to Kira, I wouldn't know what to do." I frowned. "I just think that it would be a good idea to wait until we catch him before they get back."

"I understand your intentions son, but you don't know what kind of dangers they are or aren't in." My dad said. "Who knows how long they have before they run out of food, or get overheated, or..."

"Dad I don't want to think about that." I frowned.

"It's possible Lloyd. If they can't get off the island it's very possible the elements will get to them first."

"I know that." I sighed. "But I can't let that guy find them, and if they stay on that island, they'll at least be safe from one problem."

"But they'll be in danger for everything else."

"I'd rather them take their chances with the elements than risk an encounter with that man."

"But remember that it's not just about your kids, all your friends have kids on that island too." Dad said.

What my dad was saying was true. I didn't consider any of that. I wanted to protect them, but all I did was put them in more danger.

"What have I done?" I frowned. "Now Ryder and the others are in more danger, and it's all my fault."

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