When They Hit Puberty

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Your child is now 13 years old and is in grade 8.

Thank you tmntfangirl15 and FlareFrozenriverClay for this request.

The picture above is what your child might look like anime style.


In the past few months, you've noticed that Phoenix has been getting more muscular. He's also been less hot-headed... Well, a little bit...

You and Kai are sitting in the living room while Phoenix is in the training room practicing his punches.

You're very startled when you hear a high-pitched scream come from the training room, you're even more startled when you learn that it came from your son.

"Mo-M, Dad! wha-T'S HAP-pening TO my voi-CE?!?!" He screams and runs to you guys

You look to Kai, he looks to Phoenix

"Congratulations Phoenix, you're becoming a man." Kai pats Phoenix on the back

"HoW loNG Is this gOiNg to lASt?" He asks, his voice cracking all the while

"A few days, maybe a week." Kai shrugs his shoulders

"{sigh} ca-N I stay HOM-e from sch-OOL?" He asks. A smile tugs at the corners of your mouth

"No, you've got to go to school. Sorry Phoenix." You can't hold back a small laugh

"Don't la-UGH A-t M-ee!" He yells, only making you laugh harder

"Da-D, MAK-e he-R sto-PP!!" He gets louder, Kai stifles a laugh with his hand

"I'm sorry Phoenix." You take a few deep breathes. He crosses his arms, an angry look on his face.


Fawn has been complaining about her stomach hurting a lot for the past month or two. You've been on edge about the whole thing and are just waiting for the day...

Fawn is in the kitchen doing her homework. You and Zane are sitting in your room. You're folding laundry while he reads. You drop the shirt you were folding when Fawn screams from the kitchen

"Mom, dad, come quick!!" She screams. You grab a towel, having a gut feeling about what's going on.

You and Zane run to the kitchen to find Fawn staring in horror at a bloody chair, blood still running down her leg and covering her skirt

"Fawn, sweetie, here." You hand her the towel. She takes it and wraps it around her waist, cleaning her legs up a bit

"Thanks mom... But, what's happening to me..? Am I dying..?" She asks, tears beginning to form in her eyes as she looks to you

"No honey, you aren't dying. You're becoming a smart, beautiful woman." You touch her cheek

"Mom, it looks like someone was murdered on that chair. Nothing about this is beautiful!" Fawn raises her voice slightly

"Now, she never said that the process is beautiful, she said that you are beautiful, which you are." Fawn smiles at Zane's words

"Thanks dad."

"Alright Fawn, go take a shower and I'll help you after." She nods and runs off to the bathroom. You sigh, your little girl is becoming a woman.


You and Lloyd have been noticing that Asher has been getting a lot taller lately, and, not only that, but he's also been acting less childish.

Asher and the others are sitting on the bus, riding home from school. Asher's voice started cracking in class today and they've been bugging him about it ever since

"C'mon Asher, talk, Phoenix wants to hear." Nixon nudges Asher's shoulder, he just shakes his head. Asher spends the rest of his bus ride getting poked and teased, yet he still refuses to speak in front of the others.

As soon as he's home, Asher pushes you and Lloyd into his room, closing the door behind himself

"Wh-AT I-s hapPEning to m-Y VOI-ce?!" He asks, looking to Lloyd, Lloyd just looks at you

"Uh, Y/N, care to answer his question?" Lloyd asks

That's right, Lloyd didn't have to go through puberty, seeing as he got older via magic tea.

"You're becoming a man, Asher." You answer his question

"O-h, so this IS W-hat be-ING A man FEE-ls lik-E?" He questions, you and Lloyd nod

"Well, it SUCK-s!" He raises his voice

"Calm down Asher, from what I've heard, this should only last a few days, maybe a week." Lloyd shrugs

"A w-EE-k?!".


Much like Asher, Eclipse has also been growing. Her emotions are usually unpredictable, and she has a hard time controlling them.

Earlier today, you got a phone call from the school asking you to come and pick Eclipse up. You and Cole got to the school as fast as you could

You rush into the principals office and see Eclipse sitting on a plastic school chair, a dark towel is rapped around her waist. The secretary waves you over to the front desk

"Hello, Mrs. Brookstone, your daughter has told us that she was cut on her inner thy, yet refuses to tell us how. There does seem to be quite a lot of blood, so I would suggest taking her to the doctors." You nod at her words, signing Eclipse out as she speaks

"Thank you." Eclipse follows you out of the building silently. You get into the passengers seat and she climbs into the back seat. Cole pulls out of the driveway and you're on your way back to the monastery

"Spill it Eclipse." You turn in your seat to look at her

"Okay, the truth is... I didn't get cut on my leg... During math class I started bleeding from my... My, you know..." You nod and she looks down "I didn't know what to do, so I made up a story so they would call you guys..."

"Sweetie, you're becoming a woman. A strong, beautiful woman." You smile at her, lifting her chin up with your fingertips

"You really think so?" She asks, meeting your eyes

"Of course."

"You're going to be an amazing woman Eclipse, just like your mother." Cole smiles at the two of you in the mirror

"Thanks dad."

"Thanks, babe."


Lately, Nixon has been acting different then usual. He'll take mood swings and not come out of his room for hours.

You and Jay are enjoying yourselves in the gaming room, playing against each other in (favourite console video game). So far, you're winning, but Jay seems determined to beat you at this game.

Nixon walks into the room, you pause the game and look to him

"Mom, can I go out to town with the oth-ERS... Woah!!" Nixon's voice cracks, he seems amazed

"Uh, you okay there Nixon?" Jay asks, eyeing him

"Yeah! THI-s is SO CO-ol!                 Som-ETIM-es it so-UNDS LI-ke I'm suCKING HElium, anD SOmetimes it DOEsn't!" He smiles really widely

"It does too!" Jay laughs along with his son

"It doesn't seem like you have a problem with this?" You question Nixon

"No, whY WOuld I? TH-is is AWESOME!" You can't help but smile as Nixon sings like he's in the opera, only his voice keeps cracking.

Nixon and Jay have lots of fun with Nixon's voice cracks. It seems that Nixon forgot all about going to town.

Hey guys, I'm sorry if the boys' scenarios were hard to understand, I tried my best to make them readable. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

~Later My Crazy Awesome Mini Ninjas!!

~Lia Out!!

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