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alisha juniper revier
aka. lisha, ali, sexy, babe, daddy


@ wow.its.sam on insta


     alisha is certainly a character. she is loud and is absolutely not afraid to say what she's thinking. she doesn't have a filter, and she will tell it like it is if she's feeling honest that day. she is always loud when she speaks so there's no way that people don't hear her. she is assertive and doesn't let people walk all over her. she knows how to make sure she gets whatever she wants, and she is a pretty manipulative person. she is a very good liar and will lie without hesitation in many cases.
     she has a bit of an odd sense of humor, and she will make a joke out of anything. there is absolutely nothing about her that is serious. she doesn't like to talk to people about serious topics, so if someone forces her to, she will make it into a joke. she is very sarcastic but she also has a bit of a goofy random humor that you would raise your eyebrow to. she has a contagious laugh, and the kind of presence in a room that gets people to look at her. in a good way or a bad way, people are usually paying attention. she is also a total flirt, and she will flirt with any female that she lays her eyes on.
     alisha has a bit of a temper. she does not like to get angry so she does a lot to keep herself calm whenever she can. she is pretty territorial so when someone tries to stop over her or push her down she has no problem shutting a bitch up. she gets angry and yells, and this plus her impulsive personality does not mix well. she says a lot of shit that she doesn't mean and she will get in a bitch fight. she will throw a punch first without thinking, and do other impulsive things that she will probably regret when she's thinking again.

     witty, charming, attention catching, sarcastic, adventurous, honest, street smart, doesn't let other people walk over her, territorial

     prideful, impulsive, not book smart, has a temper, doesn't use common sense, doesn't like being emotional, keeps things bottled up

     alisha juniper revier was born on april 6th to annalise revier. annalise was sixteen years old when she gave birth to alisha, and the father was never around, so alisha was always extremely close with her mother. annalise had been kicked out of her house when her parents found out she was pregnant. she had whatever was on the debit card she had from her own bank account, and one check from the baby daddy. she ended up being able to find herself a small place and a job that she spent a lot of time at. alisha was either at work with her mother, or at home alone. she was raised not only by her mother, who was more of a best friend than a parent, but by the older kids in the apartments around her. she was a kid raised by kids, and not all of these kids were the greatest people.
     when alisha was thirteen, annalise was laid off from her job after the company downsized. they were only in their apartment for a little while longer before they were kicked out and they had to live in their car. obviously this was a struggle, and alisha was stealing to get food and money. she had a few run ins with the police and found her way into it with some people on the streets. she never joined a gang or anything, but she was friends with all of the kids who were in gangs. they lived in their car for two and a half years before annalise and alisha were able to find jobs. they now live in a one bedroom apartment, and alisha still frequently hangs out with her friends on the streets.

     - she is in fact not a reckless driver; she doesn't have insurance and they really need the car so she's careful
     - alisha is an incredibly messy person, however her room is really clean, she just enjoys having a place for everything to be organized
     - she gets really excited whenever she gets something new, and if she got fancy pens for school you best know she'd be showing them off
     - her apartment is messy and small, but she doesn't really care about bringing people in there, it's not like she's ashamed to have a place to live that has a toilet

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