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annyong! I start my very firts fanfic, about BTS. I love them since I NEED U. and my favorite member is Jin and JungKook. :)

English isn't my native language, so I'm sorry for all misspellings and grammar mistakes.

enjoy, vote and comment.

kamsamnida! :) :*



"Jin!" I whisper, prodding my friend sitting next to me.

We were at the lecture. It was boring, really boring! Jin never fall asleep at the lecture, however, in recent times it happened more often. I know, that he is sick and its necessary to watch out for him. Bat when he takes his medicines regularly, nothing bad never happened. From a two-week period, when exams begin and Jin studied a lot without sleep, and was under large pressure, he fall asleep whenever and wherever. I'm with him all the time to watch that nothing bad happened to him.

"Jin" I whisper again.

He open his eyes and look at me half-asleep. When he get an idea of the situation, he open his eyes wide.

"Again?" he said silently.

I nodded. He broke down. I saw it. The disease really trouble him. He think that he is burden to people around him.

I know a lot about him and his problems. You may ask, how? So, we meet at his the very first day in Poland. He was totally lost in new city. No one understand him. He missed his home very much. Because of this longing and some accident he get his disease. At the beginning he didn't mind own state. 'It's the change of time zone' he used to say. But when he 'fainted' and felled at the street, we went to the doctor. I forced him, because this symptoms weren't normal. He knew this too, but was afraid of the truth. He underwent a series of tests, after excluding a lot of different diseases, there stay only one. The doctor prescribed some pills, which worked really well (until now), he said also, what Jin can and can't do. So Jin changed his lifestyle and he is fighting every day.

The lecture came to the end. We went out from classroom. This was our last lecture for today. I said to Jin that I go to the bathroom for while and to wait at me, that I could walk him home. I saw that he was still half-asleep and swaying. I was worried about him.


"Hey Jin!" I heard my friend, Jackson's voice behind me. I stopped and turn around to look at him. He was running out from the building of our College, calling me and waving with his two hands the same time.

"Good that I catch you. I said you, to wait for me." He said with difficulty.

He stopped in front of me, leaned hands on knees and tried take a breath. Jackson is little shorter than me. He has short, black hair. He is very lovable and sociable. He easily refer contacts isn't ashamed to other people. Always has something to talk. He say about himself 'Wild and sexy Jackson'. There is no way, to not like him. We become friends really quick. On my first day here I was lost and terrified. I was in the foreign country and I wasn't able to communicate with the local people. On my way to the university, I met Jackson, who offered same help. From this moment we are inseparable. He is Asian like me. Thanks to him I don't feel alienated anymore.

"I'm sorry." I said with my head lowered.

Jackson is worried about me. I see this in his eyes all the time, since we went out from doctor's office with the diagnose, the recipe and informational flyer about my disease. Since then, he never let me be alone. He even suggested, that we should live together, but that would be too much. I already know, that I'm burden to him, and I'm feeling awful with it.

"I take you home." He said. He took me under his arm and began to go.

"Hey, what are you doing? What people think about us?" I protest terrified.

He doesn't listen to me and care about it. I don't protest anymore.. Firstly, that doesn't have sense. Jackson is very stubborn. Everything must go in the way he want. And secondly, I feel that I don't have enough strength and I was still dizzy. It was good to lean on someone.

"Mark is organizing same party tonight"

"And you go for sure?" I haven't even ask. Jackson never skip any party.

I don't now Mark that well. He is one year above on the same field of study as me and Jackson. He is nice guy. He is quite shy, like me. He is one year longer in Poland and he already found himself in the local reality. How he met Jackson, I don't now.

"Of course, I go" he smiled "And what are you going to do, tonight?"

"For now, I'm going home, to sleep."

I am terribly tired. Two nights in a row I was studying for the exams and I'm washed out. I dream only about to go to bed and sleep, and sleep, and sleep to the point I'll be completely refreshed. And since this is the weekend I want to accomplish this plan as soon as possible. I think, that it can be cause of more frequent attacks of my disease.

"Can you manage this all alone? " he asked me with worried voice.

"Yes. Don't worry. I'll take my medicine and go straight to bed."

"Call me before you fall asleep, ok? I need to know, that you are safe at home. Otherwise I will not be able to have fun at the Mark's party. " he said seriously.

"Yes, mom" I smile to him, to calm him down. But it didn't work.

We parting next to my block of flats. Jackson leaved after three assurances, that everything would be fine with me. I headed up the stairs to the house. This 'house' is the one room of three room in our apartment. I have two male housemates. They study law and history or philosophy and history of art, or something like that at local university. We don't keep in touch, we barely see each other.

You may ask, 'what Asian boy is doing in Bialystok, in Poland?'. The answer in simply, I study here. Since I was young, I want study medicine. Until now, I couldn't fulfill this dream, because I work in other place, completely not connected with health. But I had small accident, which destroyed my further career in this industry and I have to quite. Actually, I was fired. It took place about year ago. But don't think about sad things. Whether is so nice.

I enter my apartment. My housemates aren't here. I take off shoes and hang a black jacket on a hanger in the hallway, then I throw a bag into my room. Next I'm going to the kitchen. I washed my hands over the sink and then look into the fridge. Before I'll take my pills, I need eat something. In the morning, I didn't have solid breakfast. My food is on the highest shelf. Hmm... there isn't to much to eat. Sausages, cheese, butter, salad. I took last three sausages and two slices of cheese. I put it on the plate and insert this into the microwave. It's the quick way to filling and warm dish. I learned this from my housemates. In the beginning I eat rice with rolled egg or I was buying sushi. I tried create some Korean food. It wasn't facile. I couldn't find in polish supermarkets a lot of necessary ingredients. The food I miss the most is kimchi. I can't take this from home, buy in shop or do by myself. Ah, it's such a loss. You probably already know from am I. That's right, I'm from South Korea, Seoul.

I hear ding- sound of microwave. I took out my food and made same black tea. I start eat.

Polish food isn't that bad. Compared to Korean food, polish dishes are bland. I'm used to spicy food, here meals are rather salty, not piquant. Near to hospital, where I have practical, I found not expensive, self-service buffet. Every time I have a meal there, I eat different dishes. For now, the best were schnitzel cutlets with potatoes and red cabbage salad. I heard that it's classic. It's delicious!

I finish my 'dinner', then went to the sink and washed utensil. I and my housemates nave agreement: everyone do the dishes for himself.

I went to my room. From desk's drawer I took out bottle with pills. I spill two, small and white pills on ma hand and swallow it without water. Next, I throw myself on the bed. I sigh with relief. Finally bed. I breathe few times, make myself comfortable on the bed, and covered with blanket fall asleep. Before I could remember all my dare one I was completely asleep and I was dreaming about my real home.


see you next time :)

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