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in order to avoid future misunderstandings - Victoria understands what guys speak in Korean. and she responds as much as she can in Korean and the rest in English and it is translated by Jin or Namjoon ;)

Victoria POV

The time for the concert of BTS in Poland flew very quickly. Boys will arrive the day before, so we already go to the Capital to meet them at the hotel. Welcome them at the airport is too risky. Someone might recognize Jin.

I'm all excited, but I pretend it's no big deal. I have to keep the shape and be cool. Jin also can barely sit still in place. I can see the gleam of excitement in his eyes.

The road passed quickly, because half of the time we slept. From the train took us taxi ordered earlier by the guys. That's right, our entire stay in Warsaw, accommodation, concert and all the rest sponsors BTS. It's cool, is not it? Although I feel a little bad about it, but I will not complain. I could not afford it all myself. And Jin too.

We check quickly in the hotel. The reservation is in my name, to make it less suspicious. Although, one could not to guess that something is wrong, since the BTS has rented an entire floor for himself, and I am somehow have a room there. In general unsuspected. But it's not my problem. We enter the elevator to the third floor and follow the signs to the designated locale, which turns out to be a marriage apartment. I think I'll kill them. I don't think that we'll have time with Jin to use it, because I suppose most of the time we will be there in all eight.

- Wow, they pay a lot. - Jin says, watching the room around.

- Did you know that they will get us such a room?

- No. but I should guess, after their goofy ingratiating smile when they said that they rented us a special room.

We set the suitcase next to a big bed. Then laid on it. Oh, how soft! I closed my eyes and slowly drive away.

- The guys will probably be in about two hours. - Jin said, slightly sleepy voice - What are we going to do at this time?

- Collect power before meeting with them. Let's go to sleep. - I said, eyes still closed.

- It's a great idea.

We took off our outer clothing and shoes and get under a charmingly delicate and nicely scented sheets. Quickly we fell asleep, hugging each other.


I dreamed about it as I am back on the beach and strolling the Wiki seafront. Almost had to kiss when woke me screams, whistles and weight on my body. I opened my eyes and saw all six my lovely boys. Immediately I started to scream with them. When they finally fell from me, they rose and began to embrace me all together. I also felt that I was crying. Suddenly the world stopped. We were the only ones in the seven together again.

- Jin hyung, we missed you so much! - Shouted Hobi. And the rest of it echoed.

I ran out of air, the guys stripped throat and calmed down from the initial shock. We wiped away tears of joy and looked at each other.

- Hyung, you gain some weight. - Jimin said.

- Thanks. - I said and looked at him sarcastically - But you firmly lose weight. You look devastatingly sexy, but also unhealthily thin.

- It's not that bad, hyung. - He smiled and hugged me again - I'm so glad to see you.

- Me too. - I ruffled his hair - Kookie you matured a lot. Where are my sweet child? - I looked at him, shocked at his transformation.

- I'm still sweet, omma. - Hung on my other side, with cut face.

- Jimin, move up. I also want to hug hyung again. - Said Tae with a rectangular smile and pushed JiMin.

- Hyung !!!! - Suddenly HoSeok bursts and stuck to my back.

- You have not changed, Hobi. Crazy and loud as ever. - I said, barely catching breath, so tightly gripped me.

- Good teenagers, make room for me. - Said YoonGi.

The guys let me go. And Suga with a cry of 'Hyung' as Hobi a moment ago, jumped on me. Wrapped his feet on my waist and his hands on my neck. I almost lost my balance.

- The seriousness and self-control of YoonGi hyung are gone. - Jimin said, and everyone laughed.

- YoonGi hyung, get off. Now my turn. - Said NamJoon.

Suga obediently let me go, and RapMon came up to me and hugged me without craziness and friendly pat my back.

- Hyung, so good to see you again. - He said moved.

- Do not cry Joonie. - I pushed him away and wiped his running down tears with thumb. Ok. We can eventually sit down and calmly talk. - I proposed.

- Noona! - shouted Kookie, looking behind me.

I forgot about my girlfriend. Everyone looked after running and hugging Wiki maknae.

Wiki became confused, with eyes wide open.

- Young man, remember that she is my girlfriend. - I said, and walked over to them.

When JungKook stepped away from the girl, she stumbled to the rear. I predicted it, so I caught her in time. I did not expect that Wiki passed out because of too much emotions.

- She want to be so cool. – I laughed.

I lift her up and put on the bed.

- Kook, what have you done? - JiMin nudged him.

Wiktoria POV

I was slowly retrieve my consciousness. I was not sure if what I remember is a real event or figment of my sleepy imagination. I heard the voices of several people, talk happily, over and over they burst out laughing. I felt that my head lying on one's knees and someone is stroking my hairs.

- Hyung, noona is so pretty. You're so lucky. - said Tae.

I didn't open my eyes. They think that I'm sleeping and talk about me so I decided to listen a little.

- Wiki is my greatest happiness. - I heard the voice of my sensitive boyfriend.

- After our first conversation I knew that noona is a wonderful girl, and we can safely entrust you to her hands .- told Rap Monster.

I felt that I begin to redden from the entire compliments. And from eavesdropping too.

- I think that somebody woke up. - Jin said and patted me on the chick.

I opened eyes and smiled apologetically.

- Hi. – I greeted them, while hiding face shyly behind Jin's hand.

- Noon, I'm sorry that I scared you. I just really wanted to meet you and my a dream come true. It was out of happiness. - He said Kookie and bowed his head.

I get up to a sitting position with the help of Jin.

- Nothing happened, JungKook. My dream also come true today and because of too much shock I passed out.

- Noona, thank you for taking care of Hyung. - said NamJoon.

- Yes noona, you heal our hyung. You pulled him out from hole and gave the will to live. - added Hobi.

- I do not think it was my contribution.

- It is, darling. - Jin looked deeply into my eyes and kissed my hand and my chicks reddened.

We spent next few hours on talking, the guys went to their rooms to freshen up. We also decided to do that. When we walked out of the bathroom, someone knocked on the door. I thought that guys already returned, but when I opened the doorway I saw some unfamiliar Korean man. So it's probably someone staff of BTS. Jin worried about me no coming back, so he come and stood behind me.

- Hyung? - He said.

- SeokJin-ah, good to see you. - said the man.

- Hyung, come in. This is my manager. I mean manager of BTS. - He explained to me.

- On! So have a good talk, I'll take a walk. - I said, and bowed.

- Victoria-sii. – Manager's voice stopped me - Thank you for taking care of Jin. I am glad that you were next to him, when I failed him.

- There is nothing to talk about. - I replied with a reassuring smile.

- Hyung, you never failed me.

Men went into the living room and sat down on the couch. But I got dressed and went for a walk around the hotel.


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