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I'll leave Poland within a month. I already have organized plane ticket and pick up from Inchon Airport. The guys, the manager, the CEO and the family are all very happy for my return. I feel that there will be a big welcome party. Only the transport to the airport in Warsaw left me to take care. The most pleasant part of it all will probably be packing. It will make me realize that I am going home for good.

I also have to tell my friends about it. First of all guys. Girls will find out through them. I am constantly wondering what's up to Viki and should I say goodbye to her. We have not seen since the misunderstanding of overdose of drugs ('suicide' does not pass through my throat). Maybe I should not react so strongly to the fact of renewing her acquaintance with Charles. In the end he's her high school friends ... No! Charles is her first love, I can not forget about it. I feel ill with the awareness that our last conversation ended with almost quarrel and my unpleasant words. However, I do not know if I can manage to say goodbye to her.

I invited Jackson, Maciek and Mark for a beer in the evening. Then I'll tell them everything.


- Jin, why did you invite us to the pub? – asked Jackson.

- What's weird about that?

- You do not like such places. - replied Maciek.

- I just wanted to have a drink with my buddies. Nothing big.

- Well, that's cool. - Jackson took a beer mug and sat back on the couch.

- And I have something to tell you.

- We knew it. - Mark laughed.

- Jin, better it would be good. - Maciek molested me.

All three looked at me and waited for the news. I do not know if my trip will be as good as the information they are waiting for. I took a sip of beer to gain time and add courage.

- As you know my state of health is already quite good. - They nodded. - The guys wanted me to come back to the band. Recently the CEO of my label wrote to me. - I took a deep breath - Guys in a month I'm going to Korea and I'll go back to the team.

Okay, I said that. Now just wait for their reaction. For the moment they sit like frozen and look at me, even without blinking.

- Okay. You dropped a bomb on us. - Mark was the first to speak.

- Are they good news? - I asked

- Okay man. These are amazing news! - Exclaimed Jackson and threw himself to my neck. People around us looked at us. - I'm not happy on the fact that we will not be together again, but I will be able to watch you at least on television.

- Congratulations, man! - Maciek came with me five - My sister will go crazy as she will see all the BTS again in action.

- Your sister is a fan of BTS? - We were all surprised three.

- Recently, yes. She loves JungKook.

- So when are you leaving? - asked as always rational Mark.

- Two days after the exams are over. I already have a flight ticket at 5 pm.

- I can take you at airport. You will not traveling with suitcases by bus.

- Thanks. I was about to ask you.

- You're welcome. - Mark pat me on the shoulder.

- Jin, I will miss you! - Jackson whimpered like a small kid and hung me again around neck.

I will miss this sweet fool.

Victoria POV

I entered the apartment and heard the voices coming from Kaya's room.

- I'll tell her right away. She should know

- Kaya, he should tell her herself. - Jackson opposed.

- She's back.

- Kaya, no!

He did not stop her. Kaya caught me before I even took off my shoes. She looked at me seriously and hesitated if she should say anything.

- Something happened? Why are you arguing? - I asked.

- I have to tell you something, and Jackson isn't allowing me.

- So this must be about Jin. - I whispered.

- How do you know? – asked Jackson, coming from the room.

-You defend your friend's business very well.

- Point for you.

I went to the kitchen. I put the water on the tea and pulled out a ready-made pizza from the fridge, which I dropped into the microwave after a while.

- Will somebody finally tell me what's going on? If you do not want you haven't to. For a long time Jin and I are finished.

- Viki, sit down. - Kaya said and pulled out a stool on which I sat down obediently. - You see ... Jin ... he ...

- What happened. Do not make me nervous.

- He's leaving. - She said without stuttering.

I should be feeling something right now, right? I sat there indifferently and did not even pay attention to the microwave whistle. As I reached the meaning of her words, I felt joy that Jin would be happy again and sad that I would no longer see him again. I lowered my head and stared into my hands and I felt tears under my eyelids. It moved me. I stood up and left the kitchen without a word.

- Viki, your dinner. - Kaya called.

- You can have it. I lost my appetite.

- I told you that we should not tell her.

I heard Jackson's words before I shut up myself in the room for the rest of the day.

Jackosn POV

- Jackson, you have not said a word since you came home. Something wrong with Kaya? - Maciek asked me.

We were eating some Korean food prepared by Jin for dinner. I still thought about what had happened at girls' place. I should not have been talking about this with Kaya. Since Jin just told us, it means he did not want them to know. And yet it was obvious that Kaya would immediately tell the Viki, after all, they're friends. I feel like I betrayed a friend. I'm ashamed and I do not know what to say.

- Jackson, I'm scared of your silence. - Jin said jokingly.

I looked up at him. He smiled. He had a sincere, long-lost smile on his face. I was enjoying this view. I also smiled.

- Are you going to say goodbye to Viki? - I asked.

- I do not know if I can handle it. I do not want to make her sad.

- I think you should say goodbye. So you do not regret it later.

- I support. – Maciek agreed with Jackson.

- I have some more time. I will do it somehow.

The rest of the meal passed in silence. Later we went to our rooms and sat down to study, to the upcoming exams.

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