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Hello, there is next chapter.
this time it was translated by my friend @oxyzxyzo, because I don't have enough time.

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In a hurry I ran to the locker-room, grabbed a bottle of water and APAP EXTRA from my bag and headed back to Jin. I can't leave him alone for a long time. What if something bad happen to him at that time? He looked really ill. Pale, sweaty, with restless eyes and pain written all over his face. He haven't look that bad in a long time. Hence the pain was seriously unbearable. You wonder what happened. Actually I don't know much. Jin doesn't want to talk about it. He said that before he came here to study he had an accident and his right ankle and knee got injured. Now he has some screws and rods in it. After struggling on rehabilitation he can walk now. I don't know exactly what happened.

I went through the ward's door and look in the glass room. There was a group of students. They were talking with each other or reading notes. There was just one girl sat sideways and carefully watching something. After a few seconds I realized that wasn't something and someone – JIN! She was very surprised: widely open eyes and mouth. She looked around the room and after a while she returned her eyes to Jin. She was staring and staring and then slapped herself? Yes, exactly. Excuse me, what is going on? I glanced at my friend who already had his mouth open.


While still in the arms of Morpheus I could hear some noises but I ignored it. After a second I realized that's people's voices. Well, after all I'm in a public place. I move and immediately regret it when sharp pain shot through my leg. I open my eyes and meet another pair of eyes, green and very surprised eyes, staring at me.

I blink a few times to overtake the sleepy fog. Awareness of who is the owner of those eyes is taking my breath away for a while.

THE GIRL FROM THE SHOP! What is she doing here? I look at her intently from top to the bottom. An apron? A student?

I start to panic. Relax. She doesn't know who I am. She doesn't know my real name. It's gonna be fine. Be natural. – I told myself.

I open my mouth but say nothing. What am I supposed to say? Besides we were not alone and I wasn't feeling too great.

Jackson stops our staring contest when he appears in a room. The rest of Victoria's group noticed they are not alone only just now. They didn't spot me since then.

Jackson came to me.

"Are we going?" he whispered.

I nodded. He helps me to get up and get out of the room. I could feel some people's eyes on me yet only one of them was like burning a hole in my back.

Jackson took me to the treatment room and sat me on a chair stood by the metal table on wheels. He hands me water and some medicines.

"Thanks" I smiled faintly.

My friend just nod his head.

I take the big sip. Ah! Feels so good. I rest my head on a wall behind me. We sit there in silence for a while. Lunch break is going to end any minute now and I need to tell Jackson who I met.

"You won't believe whom I met today." I started. Jackson looked at me with curious eyes. "Do you remember my Saturday adventure?" he nodded his head. "That was the same girl that was looking at me a second ago."

He opens his eyes widely and say nothing. Is it that much of a surprise?

"Say something. "I asked. I didn't know what is going through his mind right now.

"When you said Bialystok is small city..." he paused for a moment and I nodded my head . "I didn't think about that small." he smiled falsely.

"Is that all that you have to say?" I snorted.

"I don't know what to say. But there's one thing I'm sure about. The girl is quite pretty." he winked at me.

" You only think about one thing." I shook my head disapprovingly. "I'm not here for romances."

"I'm not saying anything." he raised his hands defensively. " If you feel better we should head back to the classes."

I try to move my leg. The pain eased a little. Drugs work. I nod my head in agreement. Still leaning on Jackson I go back to the ultrasound room.


I passed a test despite the fact all I could thing about was Jin. Still couldn't believe we study on the same university and have a good chance to run into each other in the hospital. I wonder why he's asleep in that room earlier today. Also he looked like he was sick. That pale face and frowning while moving even asleep. And that guy who appeared next to him at one moment almost dragged him out of the room. Jin limp terribly. Is something wrong with his leg? But let's talk about his face. So pretty, flawless with delicate features. Awww... I wish I could stroke it. Wait, what am I thinking about? Get your mind right, girl!

"Are you listening?" I heard my roommate Kaya's voice.

We're heading back home. We're at the same division on uni and share a flat for a year now. We get along and it's much better than living with my old high school friend.

I look at her half-conscious.

"What did you say?"

"Tomorrow is a tough day. We have practice and classes till 7 PM."

"You're right. I want that day to be over already." I sighed.

"What is going on with you lately? You have your head in the clouds." She looked at me searching.

"Not a big deal. I'm done with this academic year. I'm burning out."

"I know what you're talking about. I want the summer break and to go home as well."

We walk in silence for the rest of our journey. When we get home we change into sweatpants and eat a dinner. As soon as we finish we go to our rooms and sit in front of laptops. Kaya's probably going to watch YouTube videos and I'm about to catch up on dramas.

I watched episode of Hyde, Jekyll and I and was about to click play on Kill me, Heal me when Jin suddenly appeared in my head.

Ugh! That guy will not let me live.

Why did I have to meet him? Living with dreams wasn't that bad. Korea was my fantasy and let's be honest the distant goal to achieve. And there we go, I met alive, handsome Jin, my most beloved k-pop star who very happily happens to study on my university. My organized world fell apart. I walk with my head in the clouds all day every day. First overthinking our meeting in Biedronka . Now I imagine some incredible scenarios. I'm going crazy!

I turn off a drama because I'm not paying attention anyway. I stare into new chart in a web browser. Eventually I decide to check out old articles about BTS and Jin.

First I type his name in Google. Kim Seok Jin.

Hmm? No results? How come?

I type Bangtan Boys. Going into images. Looking at all the photos. In most of them there were six of them. Jin was missing. Then I found pictures from their debut. I was staring at them for a while. There's Jin two years ago looking at me with a smile.

I start to look for some more information about BTS. I listen to their music but I'm not a huge fan. But it started to change recently. And I love Jin more than anything. I find loads of articles. Most of them in English.

„ Jin from BTS had an accident"

"BTS. Jin pushed off from the stage!"

"Jin in a hospital. Band's activity is suspended"

"BTS members worry about their hyung"

"Is Jin ending up unscathed?

I click into first link.

"During yesterday's concert in Korea Jin from Bangtan Boys was pushed off from the four meters stage.

Just before the end of the concert about twenty-five-year-old furious man invaded on a stage. Even security failed to stop him. He had a stun gun and didn't hesitate to use it. Focused on a show band members haven't noticed him. The perpetrator came straight onto the oldest BTS member and after quick struggle Jin fell off the stage. It is not known whether the man had used a stun gun on the star. Unconscious artist was taken to the nearest hospital. The offender after a failed escape attempt was stopped by police three streets away from the venue.

Fans and the media are still waiting for an official statement from the music label on the state of health of the singer."

I remember that article, I think I've read that before.

Next one – CLICK.

"It's been two days since Jin's accident from recently famous BTS. (...) The music label informed that Jin had broken leg which was immediately operated on and broken ribs. He's held in a pharmacological coma, as he could not withstand the pain. (...)"

Wow! Was he that bad that pharmacological coma was necessary?

" (...) Team members and family of the singer watch by his bed in shifts."

What happened next? - CLICK.

"As reported by unofficial sources Jin from BTS a month after the accident begins rehabilitation. Doctors whom we spoke to say it's too early but <<as we don't know exact medical data we can't say anything else>> (...) However everyone understands the artist wants to get better as soon as possible. We keep our fingers crossed."

I start to feel my eyes watering. He had to go through so much. Recalling picture of him walking away in a shop and the pale face in a hospital I guess he didn't fully recover yet.

I reject bad thoughts and keep to search.

Oh! An interview with the band. From two months ago. – CLICK.

"We caught boys from BTS after one of their performances in Music Core and they agreed to grant us an interview. At first they were happy and crazy just like them.

R: Welcome guys. I'm glad I can talk to you today.

BTS: Hello.

R: Let's start easy. What are you doing right now?

RM: We're getting ready for our comeback which is happening at the end of April.

S: We're performing.

JH: We have interviews.

JM: Or we relax.

V: All normal.

(boys' laugh)

Then there was chilled chat and questions about everyday activities, type of girl – obviously, blah blah blah and then...

(...)R: Excuse me I have to ask. Do you have any news about Jin?

(silence and looking at each other)

And at that moment the spell was broken. The boys became sad and unconversable.

RM: Jin hyung... ummm.. yyy.

JK: He's abroad. (with tears in eyes)

R: Do you know his current state of health?

JM: He's still at rehabilitation.

JH: He's not telling us a lot.

R: So are you in touch?

RM: Minimal. For us he'll always be a part of band.

S: Let's not hide it, we want him to go back but it looks like he's not ready yet.

R: Does... ?

RM: Please no more questions about Jin hyung because we don't know the answers. (...)"

It have to be freaking hard for them. From YT videos you can tell they are very close like real brothers. And now they lost one of them.

I suddenly closed my laptop as I couldn't read anymore. If I was in such a pain then I don't even want to imagine their pain. I quickly wiped tears from my cheeks and went to the kitchen to grab a glass of water.

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