> VII <

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It's Saturday afternoon. My neighbor - Aldona, asked me and Kaja to babysit her four-year-old daughter - Susan. The girl is terribly sweet and extremely smart for her age. And her curiosity hasn't boundaries. Within minutes, she can ask a thousand questions from different categories. Her mom is very nice. We met about two days after a moved in. Then she knocked on our door with apple pie. Can you believe that, even today there are neighbors who welcome newcomers? We talked a little. Aldona despite she is thirty-five, she still feel like girl in our age. We didn't felt the age difference. ,She was curious of our university and told us about her's. She also said how happy is with her husband, Christopher, and how much she likes her job - she is a cosmetologist . Her husband, I have to admit that it is quite nice. He has a bit heavy joke, but he is generally cool. Since then, when we need something from each other, we feel free to ask.

Today, she has some unannounced client, and her husband is on weekly delegations and there is nobody to keep an eye on Susan.

- No problem. - I told her at the door.

Susan was already at Kaja's room and tormented her with questions about the solar system.

After some time, we could no longer control a little girl, who is terribly bored at home. So, we are now in the gallery, in the supermarket, shopping. Kaja went to gather all groceries we need, when I'm with Susana in the toys department. Baby is playing with a ball.

I felt the phone vibrate in the back pocket of my jeans. I pulled out the phone and saw that it was a message from my friend from university - Kinga.

"Hello! What are we supposed to repeat to classes from resonance?"

Well, yes, always crazy friend does not remember what we should learn. I wrote back quickly and turned to Susan. But, the girl was nowhere!


I'm with Jackson and Mark in shopping center. Mark has a car and Jackson, when he heard that I'm going for larger purchases, he immediately involved Mark in it. He said that I won't firstly walk so far, secondly tugged so heavy bags.

"Mark" I started. "I really am sorry for Jackson. I can do it alone. We shouldn't bothered you."

I feel abashed. Mark was a friend of Jackson, not mine. I always felt uncomfortable in his company, so intimidated. Mark has an aura of seriousness and respect around himself.

"There is nothing to talk about." He smiled. "At least I had the motivation to come here. For washing powder, I'm going from a week. Slowly I'm running out of clean clothes."

"You can chill out? If he did not want, he would not help." Said Jackson, as always joyful.

Man, from where do you take this whole energy?

We go along the paths and collect from the shelves what we need. Once I had everything from my list, and the guys not yet, I told them that I was going to look at electronics. I looked consecutive games, when I heard ... crying? Children cry. I looked around and noticed a small girl, dressed in a pink dress with two ponytails on her head. She stood in front of the TV, which was flying a video from MTV she was holding a blue ball in her hands and sobbing. Tears as peas flew over and over again on her chicks.

Probably she got lost.

I walked over to her. I wanted to help her, but how to speak to her, she probably does not speak English. After all I tried.

"Hey, sweetheart."

She looked at me with wide, reddened eyes. Okay, first cats from the fences.

"My name is Jin. Your name?" I said as simply as I could.

She watched and blink. She watched and blink. Ok, at least not crying. However, she does not say anything. Ah, how to reach her?

"You lost, right? Oppa, will try to help you, okay?"

She still does not understand.

I took her in my arms. He struggled a moment, but after a while I think, she instinctively sensed my good intentions, and she stopped fighting. I moved to the information store. I wanted to do I do not know exactly what, gave a message or something like that, so someone could find her. The girl again and again tried to reach my glasses, trying to take them off.

"Excuse me, lady." I said to about forty, brunette lady behind the counter. "I found the girl. I think that she lost. I cannot communicate with her. Could you help me, please?"

"Of course." She replied with perfect English.

I sat the girl on the counter. The woman started a conversation with her.

From what I understood her name is Susan - what a heavy name, and I heard even the name of Victoria. The woman gave the message that was heard throughout the store.

After a while the girl looked ahead and began to smile. She said some weird ward. Whatever it means.


I was close to despair. I think I searched the whole store and did not find Susan. She could not go too far. I met with Kaja in one of the alleys.

"Failed to find her?" She asked.

I nod my head. What do we do now?

Suddenly we could hear a message.

"Here information. Little Susan, who is in the shop with her aunt Victoria was waiting for her at our booth. I repeat ... "

Immediately after the first words we moved in said direction. When we reached there I saw Susan at the hands of a man. He stood with his back to me. Susan was holding glasses in her hands.

"Susan. I was so worried about you!" I said, walking over to them.

The man turned around and I found out that he is Jin! I stood rooted to the spot. I did not expect him. I did not think we would meet ever again. He was without his glasses. Okay, I already know to whom belong glasses in Susan's hands. When I looked again at his nothing veiled face I recognized him right away, there was no doubt who he is.

The boy's eyes grew wide as the cap of a jar. He gave me Susan and took glasses from her.

Susan began to talk like a crazy.

"This gentleman helped me. He talked so fanny. Name. Oppa. Jin."

She said random words.

"Thank you." I said to Jin." I do not how she disappear from my sight. I was so worried about her. Thank you so much." And slightly bowed.

"You're welcome. She was crying in an alley. I could not just leave her."

"Thank you."

"Oppa. Oppa. Jin. Name." Susan all the time was saying random words. Finaly, I understood exactly what she says. Oppa - is a Korean word, probably Jin used it and Jin – is his name. A! remember that you do not know who he is. - I reminded myself.

"Say 'Thank you' to this Mr, that he helped you." I smiled to the girl.

"Thank you." She said sweetly.

Jin smiled and stroked her head. I think they liked each other.

"We should thank you back in some way something." said Kaja, standing behind me.

Yeah. Why I'm not think about it?

"No need, really."

"Jin, what happens?" I heard a man's voice.

Jin made a frightened face, staring somewhere above me.

I turned and saw that our way goes two boys. I remember one of them from that time on cardiology, Jin's friend. The second bay, I see for the first time on my eyes. He has light brown hair and children face. He is thin and almost equal height with the first man.

"Sorry, guys that take for so long. A little lady needed help. "He pointed at Susan, on my hands. He winked to them. I have the impression that this was some kind of a sign.

I hope You like it :) thank you for all stars and views.
I hope that my english isn't that bad as I think ;)

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