> XII <

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Jin's POV

It was after 22 when I heard the phone ringing. This surprised me. Firstly, I usually muted my phone. Secondly, it was not my ringtone. It was the latest song of BTS, but I had set some system tune. I looked at the cellphone, its looked like mine. The number was not stored. I hesitated whether to pick up. The phone stopped ringing. After a while came message. I saw the first few words on the lock screen: It's me, Jackson. Jin answer! Jackson? How it is possible? And whose this phone is? Because not mine. In addition to the ring, there does not agree wallpaper. It began to ring, again. The same number.

- Hallo. - I received

- Hey, man. - Jackson said cheerfully. - It seems that you have not your phone.

- How do you know?

- Kaya wrote to me. Victoria has your phone.

I froze. What?! And then I remembered how we bumped at each other today in the hospital. And we both dropped down our phones. Surely then it happened. Why she of all people? This girl go me to the grave.

- Girls proposed meeting tomorrow. You can exchange yours phones.

Meet? Why?

- Do not you know that I try to avoid this girl like the plague. - I said wearily.

- Relax. She won't eat you. I'll be there and Kaya too. This is double date. - I could almost see that his sneaky smile. Who I was asking? - Do not be like this. It will be nice. - He added when I do not answer.

I did not know what he had to say. I had to retrieve my phone. What will be when one of the guys try to get in touch with me?

- Ok. - I said reluctantly. Somehow I have to survive.

- Cool! - he yelled into the phone - I'll see you tomorrow at the cafe 'ABC' on the street 'street name', 15.

- Let it be.

- Dress up something nice. - He joked.

We hung up, wishing good night.


How it happened that I agreed on this? I asked myself this question while walking along the street to the agreed place. What Jackson meant by 'Dress up something nice'? Did I was dress badly others days every day? I put black jeans and a blue t-shirt, on which I threw a black jacket. I admit. It was a more elegant dress than the one I wore every day. I hope that is not exaggerating.

I noticed Jackson on the front of the cafe. He was no less elegant than I am., A bit large, hip-hop clothes, turned on fitting, light jeans and a black denim long sleeve shirt. A cap disappeared from his head, and his hair fell over his forehead quietly. The elegant man.

- Someone dressed well? - I said defiantly, instead of greeting.

- Called the one that is not dressed well. - She said, smoothing his shirt.

I just smiled.

- Jackson!

We heard the girl's voice. We turned around and saw Kaya and Victoria walking. Kaya looked as always, dressed in black - white dress and black leather jacket, wearing makeup and dissolved hair, slightly curly. Victoria looked otherwise. Dressed in light blue jeans - tube, white t-shirt with a slightly low-cut, blue leather jacket and beige ballerinas, she looked quite girlish. In addition, she had loose hair that the sun were to shine dark chocolate, and the light make-up cause that her face was smooth and slender. It was a big change from her everyday look, which I saw at the university. Always dressed in comfortable athletic clothes with sneakers on his feet, banded hair and no make - up . She looked beautiful.

She walked behind a cheerful Kaya. Eyes wandered around, trying to avoid me. All in all, I felt the same way. Lost and insecure.

Victoria's POV

We are sitting in a cafe in four. The boys sat in front of us. We ordered a piece of chocolate cake and every other drink. I have orange juice, Kaya instant coffee with milk, Jackson black coffee and raspberry tea for Jin. Except to my dad I do not know another man who would drink raspberry tea.

Kaya talked casually with Jackson. They were like in their own world. They paid no attention to us. I looked furtively at Jin. He sat with his head drooped, and held both hands on the glass, as if it was a lifeline.

I did not know whether to speak first. Should I talk about something that has no matter or just immediately ask for a phone? I was afraid that if we deal with the main cause of our meeting, Jin may go and I did not want that. I wanted to even only look at him. I know it sounds pathetic, but it was the truth. I wanted to be his friend.

- I got your phone. - Jin broke the silence between us.

- I know. - I said quietly. - We had to turn the phone yesterday as we ran into each other at cardiology.

- I think so too.

The take out cellphone from his trouser pocket and slid across the table toward me. I'm following in his footsteps, I took out the phone from the bag and placed next to his glasses. Then each of us hid devices.

- Thank you. - We said at the same time.

We looked at each other and smiled. Jin so beautiful when he smiles. Too bad he does it so rarely.

- How do you like Poland? - I asked to keep the conversation.

Jin took a sip of his tea. Then he said:

- Every day more and more.

But evasively.

- What about study?

- I always wanted to be a doctor. Now I fulfill this dream.

Yeah. I nodded.

And again silence.

- And you? - He asked after a moment.

- What I? - I asked confused.

- Do you like college? And why did you choose the medical university?

I wondered for a moment. I was in a medical class in high school. I have always been connected with the direction of future medical study. The human body interested me since childhood. In kindergarten I pretended to be a pediatrician. Eighteen do not know exactly what want to do in the future. I know that not everyone is like that. However, I was. I was confused what course of study I should choose, and the results of final exams was too weak to get to a doctor. To electroradiology I applied in a fit time, and I got up. Sometimes interesting, but whether it is my dream occupation, I doubt it.

- So somehow it works out. - I replied casually, not knowing how to explain it exactly.

The conversation did not glued.

We was like that about an hour. Then the guys have to get going. Quickly they left the cafes. I could notice that Jin was pale, and Jackson again and again glanced at him with troubled eyes. When they were outside Jackson took Jin's arm? They started to walk away briskly.

We came back home. We took off jackets and boots and went to my room. We sat on my bed and started talking.

- How was today talking with Jin? - Kaya asked.

- So - so. We did not have anything to talk about. - I said sadly.

- Hmmm ... - Kaya started wonder on something - You're both shy. In addition, it does not help you hide the truth.

I only sighed heavily. That's what she said was true. What can we do about it?

- Hey, - said Kaya, to draw my attention – Let's run through some articles about BTS and Jin'ie together.

- I already did once. It's only upset me.

- Maybe we can find something we do not know yet.

And so we did. I took off my laptop from the table and started to read each site. We agree that we look for information in chronological order, from the beginning of the band by Jin's accident and his departure after today's times and another cameback.

Kaya was not a fan of k-pop music and she doesn't know anything about it. I know things like the date of their debut and the first song or label, Kaya must learned everything from the beginning. We searched images. I showed her JungKook'a and Rap Monster, when she asked who we talked on the phone. She had trouble distinguishing V and maknee. I am not surprised.

We find anything new that would help us. Jin had an accident in April while promoting skool luv affair. In August, during the new comeback with the Dark & ​​Wild he was no longer performed with BTS. In October, he began to study in Poland. We sort out so much.

Upset at the lack of progress in the case, we went to the kitchen to eat. Then we took popcorn in the microwave and start to watch the movie, thriller "Perfect teacher." Never in my life I did laughed so much on the movie. I have to admit that the main character had a very vivid imagination.

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