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Victoria POV

I fell asleep about two in the morning. I still had our kiss and warm hug in my mind. With the rapidly beating heart I watched several episodes of the drama in a row. In the end, I finally fell asleep.

It was after eight o'clock as I woke up. I slept briefly, but it was enough. I washed up, because tonight I did not do refreshed and went downstairs. Mum was sitting at the kitchen table and drank coffee.

- Good morning mum. – I greeted.

- Good morning darling. What do you want for breakfast? I bought your favorite rolls.

- You were in the store already? - I was surprised. I sat down at the table and reached for a roll with pumpkin seeds. - Where's Dad?

- He left already to the workshop.

Dad has a car workshop. Since I remember he sat there all day and tinkering with cars. Now, because of the age he do have rather a hobby and repairs friends' or family's cars.

- What about grandparents?

- They are doing well. You should visit them later. Honey, I'd like to talk to you seriously. - she looked at me seriously.

Oh, I think I lost my appetite.

- About what? - I asked cautiously.

- About you and Jin. You're sure of what you're doing? What about the future?

- Mom, we don't getting merry. We're together form just a few days.

- Why did not you say with us about him?

- We were just university colleagues, then close friends. I wanted to keep it that way, but those few days at the seaside changed something. I decided to take a chance.

- Honey, what's next? When you finished college?

- I thought long on this. I know that we haven't a future together. I am happy with what I have now.

- I do not want you to suffer afterwards. And certainly you will. And what about this guy?

- I know about this. For sure it will hurt us, but somehow we survive, we have no choice. I am happy that I could help him and facilitate his life in Poland.

- I have a wonderful daughter. - she took me by the hand.

- It is thanks to my wonderful parents. - I squeezed back of her hand. - It will be ok. It has to be. - I smiled. - Later I visit grandparents.

- When you were there, bring Alex with you on your way back. He lately escapes to them.

We heard footsteps. In the kitchen doorway Jin appeared. Slightly disheveled and yawning, but already dressed.

- Good morning. - he greeted.

- Jin, son. Sit down to breakfast. - She said to him with a smile. She stood up, went after him, and led to the table, then plopping it on a chair.

We both had similar faces - shocked, eyes and mouth wide. Jin probably understand 'breakfast' and more or less knew what my mother want to say. But to be thoroughly understood, she decided to put words into deeds. The boy sat down politely. Mum gave him orange juice, butter and ham. Bread was already on the table.

Jin nodded and thanked tentatively set about making sandwiches.

- Wiki, how I should ask: how did you sleep? Did you sleep well? Something like that. - Mom asked.

- I can do this.

- But I want do this myself. - she insisted.

I choked on a bite of a sandwich. Mom makes too rapid progress in adapting to the situation.

- Well. I'll tell you in your ear, and you repeat. - My mother approached me and whispered, - 'Did you sleep well' Can you?

- I'll try. Jin. - The boy looked at her mother - Did you sleep well? - she asked almost perfectly.

Jin's eyes widened and he looked very surprised. Fortunately he didn't spit juice that he just drank. He thought about the answer for a moment. Probably he is looking for the right word in Polish.

- Go...good. - He stammered.

I was not wrong. Great, Jin!

- He answered in Polish. - mother was surprised.

- Wiki teach me Polish. - He said.

- I teach him. - I replied and I translated in one fell swoop.

- We have to think of a way, you do not have to always explain.

- We will think about it.

We finished eating in silence.


After breakfast Wiki was going to his grandparents and invited me to go with her. I was glad that we will be together, but this visit was connected with the need to know the other members of her family. Wiki, of course, assured me that they are very nice.

- We're walking or riding the car? How far do your grandparents live? - I asked once we were outside the house.

- Definitely we're walking.

We moved to the gate, went to the road and turned into the next gate.

- Your grandparents live here? – I asked and she nodded – Cannot you say that earlier?

- This is more fun. - she smiled and poked me with her elbow in the side.

I only rolled my eyes, I have no words for this girl.

We walked into the house without knocking or ringing the bell. We took off our shoes in the hallway. I heard some strange noises, and before I find out I was lying on the floor, crushed by white ball of fur.

- Alex! - I heard a voice of Wiki.

Once recovered from the shock, I saw that on me was lying big, furry, white dog. He was breathing in my face, and after a while it licked me. It's not that I did not like dogs, but this is too much. Wiki pulled animal away and helped me to get up.

- I'm sorry, it is still uneducated.

- What kind of dog? It's the first time I see the amount of hair. It's like a little bear.

- It's Russian Samoyed. It's name is Alex.

The dog immediately responded to his name. Stand on its hind legs and leaned against the front of the Wiki, he reached almost to her waist.

- Are you miss your mammy? - She said to him sweetly - Long time no see, right?

Dog vigorously waving his tail and I had the impression that he smiles. Do dogs can smile? It was really lovely. It only has an unusual way of greeting the guests.

- When we were leaving, we take him with us. - Wiki said.

- Why?

- Because it's my dog. Only flees to grandparents all the time. - She smiled at him and patted his head the last time.

We walked into the kitchen where Wiki's grandmother was doing something on the gas stove. When she saw us she smiled widely and stopped stirring the pot for embrace us. This warm reception is not expected. After the grandmother see me, I could not see the slightest trace of surprise on her face. Maybe someone had warned her that some slant-eyed drop for tea?

- My Granddaughter. Why you are so thin. I'll make you something to eat. Introduce your colleague to me. - Wiki translated me everything.

- Good morning. My na-me is Kim SeokJin. Nice to meet you. - Repeated once memorized sentence.

The woman take my hand and led me toward the table. Although I love to eat, a second breakfast after breakfast was a little overkill, even for me. Wiki said to grandmother something, that we already ate and we ask only for something cold to drink. Woman with a slightly disgruntled gave us lemonade with ice. She sat in front of us and began to talk to the Wiki. Almost I did not understand. But I did not care. They did not look at me, nor heard my name, so I assumed that they did not speak anything about me. I had a different job at this time. Alex lay near my feet and turned back. When I started carefully caress his tummy with my foot, he waved back paw and again 'smile'. I think we like each other.

I do not know how long we sat, but at some point the conversation was interrupted by the appearance of a man who to me looked like an older version of Wiki's Dad. Wiki stood up from the table and went to her grandfather, and he locked her in a powerful embrace. When Wiki pointed at me and said, 'This is Jin', I also got up and be greeted. We exchanged a handshake and sat down again. Grandma gave her husband a glass of drink, for which he kissed her hand with a smile. It was nice to looked at such picture. I think everyone would like to grow old with someone you love, and the love is the same like on the wedding day. I looked briefly at Wiki. I have the impression that she thought the same as me, because a little saddened. Such future is not waiting for us.

We drank another glass of lemonade and said goodbye to an olders. Wiki pinned leash to Alex, I do not know why, and went to her backyard. Then he unhooked the leash and the dog ran straight into the garden.

- Shell we play with him? - She asked.

- Sure.

Have some fun in the fresh air was not a bad idea. It was still before noon, so do not beat down too hard. Then we will sit at home, because Wiki does not like to burn in the sun.

- Then I will go after his toy, and you go to the garden. I'll join immediately.

She ran up the steps to the house and was gone. And I went to the indicated place. Alex lay next to the swings in the shadow. I sat down on it and began to gently push down. I looked around. The garden was large. In it were fruit trees and various types of flowers. A true paradise.

Wiki returned after literally two minutes. She carried a small box in front of her. She put them next to the swing on which I sat. Inside was a ball, Frisbee, boomerang and others unknown to me toys for dogs. Alex seemed to sense what was coming, he stood up and wagging his tail barked first, then stuck his head in a box.

- It's all his? Probably it has more toys than standard baby. - I said.

- Because it's such a small child for us. - Wiki replied, tenderly stroking the pooch.

- So where we start?

We started retrieving a stick, then boomerang, because for Frisbee there no enough space. However, such running bored quickly to Alex so he roll over a cardboard and freed of his ball. Teams were divided unfairly, me and Wiki against this little bear. It seems to me that he did not mind. We gave ourselves a ball, and he ran from one to another. It was really fun. Both of us two (the three?) laughed.

At one point, the team changed part a little. We started with Wiki to compete for a ball. And Alex is still running between us. In a split second, the next time she try to take ball away from me, Wiki stumbled over the pet, fell on me, and together fell on the grass. A happy dog ran away with the ball. I lay on my back on the ground, and Wiki on my chest. We looked deeply into each other's eyes. I love her eyes, so green and with twinkling stars when she is happy. I reached one hand and brushed her bangs, which dropped on her eyes during the fall. I did not take the hand. I stroked her cheek gently, as Wiki blushed slightly and smiled shyly. Hand tangled in her hair and raising my own head, I began to slowly closer to her face. The girl closed her eyes and waited until our lips meet. When's the last millimeters divide us, I also closed my eyes, wanting to fully enjoy the moment, I was hit by a ball in the head. I broke the spell! Next to us was, with tongue hanging out, panting and brazenly to 'smile' Alex. I dropped my head on the grass.

- Dude, you have a very bad timing. I do not like you. - I said to the dog and showed him the tongue.

He just cocked his head, as if he understood. Wiki burst into uncontrollable laugh. I felt like the whole her shaking, still lying on me. She could not continue to maintain this position, so she rolled over onto her back on the grass next to me. Still laughing. This condition was contagious. After a moment, almost I chuckled and rolled across the lawn with her.

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