> XLII <

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I'm sorry that I didn't upload about a month ;/ My holidays finished so quickly and I'm back at uni, and I have a lot of lessons ;/ Please, forgive me :) There's new chapter I'll try to be more active...


- Wiki?

I heard a man's voice calling the Wiki's name. I looked at the boy, who was coming in our direction. He was tall, probably even higher than me, well built and damn it (!) he was cute. He had blond hair with fashionably haircut. He was smiling at us widely. Dressed in a loose Hawaiian shorts and a tank top, showing too much muscular body. I felt uneasy and strangely small standing next to him.

Wiki is tensed and pulled away from me, so I was very hurt. I looked at her. She had eyes fixed on the boy. Because of the way she looked at him, I had no doubt who I'm dealing with. Her first and unrequited love. This spoiled my humor even more. I wanted to take her hand and ignoring the guy, left the beach.

- Wiki, it's really you. Long time no see.

That said, he came close to the girl, stand up her from seat and hugged. I opened my eyes wide in disbelief. What am I, invisible? Do you not see that a little while ago, she hugged me?

- Charles, hi. - She said with a shaky voice.

I did not like it, how Wiki act around the guy. From a firm, confident girl who could put me in the corners, she was pile of jelly, shivering and escaping eyes. I grabbed her hand to reassure her, and selfishly recall of my existence. I noticed surprised eyes of newcomer. Wiki looked at me briefly.

- Let me introduce you to my boyfriend. - She said in English - Meet SeokJin.

The boy's eyebrows almost met with a hairline. I do not know what he so surprised. English? My appearance? Our status?

- Nice to meet you. I am Jin.

The boy hesitantly shook my hand.

- I'm Charles.

His English was poor. Stutter even for such a simple sentence.

That's everything he said to me. Then he began to talk to Wiki in Polish. He still throw stealthy glances at me and I had the feeling that at some point they said something about me. Wiki began to smile at him, which I did not like. The thing which bug me was, that guy was touching the girl's arm from time to time, for which he had no right!

I stood there like an idiot and looking at a pair of lovebirds talking happily about the past. I do not know how much it took, but for me it was like eternity. With each minutes I wanted kill this guy. In the end, I have the feeling, that they started to say goodbye. But why they take out their phones? Do not tell me they exchanged phone numbers and intend to be in touch?

- It was nice to meet you. - After all this time the guy remembered my existence and held out his hand in farewell.

I held his hand and refrained from crushing it. I was so angry, I did not answer 'Me too'. Why should I lie? I just smiled insincere. Charles disappeared, and we sat back. I had no mood for anything. I wanted to go home and shut up in the room. I was somehow tired mentally.

- Wow, so long not seen him. The last time was at the graduating ceremony of high school, two years ago. - Wiki said, looking thoughtfully into the distance.

I had to confirm one thing.

- It was ... - I began.

- Yes. - she admitted - Do not be angry, because we talked like that. We have a lot of shared memories.

- I know. Wiki, can we go home? - I said sadly.

- If you want it so.

Victoria POV

The meeting Charles today was a real surprise. Initially, I was tense, because of who he was. I could never talk to him easily. He intimidating me and I could not formulate proper sentence. Then I relaxed. When Jin took me by the hand, I felt more certain and could calmly talk to him. We remembered the old time. We caught up mutual friends. We exchanged experience with our studies. To stay in touch we exchanged phone numbers. Some time ago I wondered how he doing and I have to admit that this meeting has improved my mood.

I can not say the same about Jin'ie. As soon as Charles's gone, he wanted to go home immediately. Now, he is sitting in the car and does not speak. I do not know what happened to him.

- Jin, did something happened? - I asked, unable to bear this heavy atmosphere.

- Nothing happened. - He snapped, not even looking at me.

- I can see that something is wrong. Maybe something hurts you? Or are you hungry? - I joked.

- Just keep driving. - He said through his teeth.

I opened my eyes wide in surprise. That's the first time he told to me in such way. He was angry. Just do not understand why. What did I do to deserve such behavior? I looked at him. He closed his eyes and his face was turned toward the window. On his forehead was visible wrinkle. What happened to him?

When we entered the house, I didn't even apply handbrake, when Jin unfasten sit bell and got out of the car. I was more shocked and upset by this situation. I do not like confusion and misunderstandings. If I did something wrong, just said it to me. Be mad and scold me. It would have been better than silence. Without a word, he helped me take out bags with shopping from the trunk. In the silence we entered the house.

- We are home. - I said.

- I'm in the kitchen. - I heard mom.

Jin took off his shoes and even without waiting for me, followed my mother's voice.

- Good morning. - I heard the welcome.

- Hello, son. Put it on the table.

He did it, and I went in his footsteps.

- Thank you, children. - Mom smile to us - Are you hungry? Dinner's almost ready.

- I'm sorry. I'll go upstairs. I am not hungry. - said Jin and not waiting for our response just came out.

We looked at each other questioningly.

- Did something happened? - asked Mom - This child has never refused to eat.

- I do not know what's going on. He is like this since I met Charles a beach. - I shrugged.

- Charles? This Charles?

- Yes. - I nodded.

- Tell me what exactly happened.

We sat at the table. Mom poured me a cold juice. I summarized the fast course of our meeting and what we talked about.

- Wiki darling, I think Jin is jealous. - she said.

- Jealous? Apparently what?

- He's jealous and resentful, because you completely ignored him and talked, and hugged, and smiled to another men.

That's what my mother says makes sense. Why I do not guessed it? And above all, why did I let this situation to happen? After all, he should be the most important for me. But I it ignored him and had fun talking with my would-be. And he saw everything. Aish! Damn it! It must have hurt him much, since his appetite is gone.

- I think I should talk to him. - I said softly.

- You should. Let me help you with that a little bit.

Mum got up from the table, took out a tray, crockery and cutlery. Poured soup in a bowl. On a plate put the rice, steak and salad. Poured a glass of cold juice. It's all set on the tray, cutlery and said to me.

- Maybe he'll be kinder when he smell this. – she winked to me.

- Thanks. - I smiled and scooped the tray from the table.

The door to his room was half-open. I wondered whether to knock. But then I realized that I do not have a free hand and walked in, pushing the door with foot. Jin was lying on the bed, his back to the door. He did not react to my appearance. I put the tray on the desk and slowly walked over to him. I sat next to the bed. Still lying motionless.

- I'm sorry. - I said – for this ... on the beach. I act badly. You must feel terrible. I'm sorry. I did not want to make it that way. I started to talk like a fool. I should not have. I'm sorry. - Chattered like a chatterebox until Jin did not turn around and hugged me from behind.

- It's fine. I am not angry. - He said.

- I understand what I did wrong and why you're angry, you're right.

- I'm not angry. - He turned my face toward yourself.

- I'm really sorry. I'm....

Jin successfully finished my logorrhea by kissing me. It was so nice. To reconcile like this, I can argue every day. Slowly my neck began to ache, bent at an unnatural angle. So I changed my position. Jin was lying again, and I hung over him. I stroked his cheek, and then I applied a gentle kiss on his lips, which after a while the boy deepened. World ceased to exist slowly. I felt spinning in my head and only our touch counted. It started running out of breath. Jin looked at me, smiled and brushed my hair out of my face.

- I would continue, but the tasty smell distract me a little. - He whispered.

I snorted with laughter. This text, in such a moment could only Jin say. The whole Jin.

- Bon Appetit!

I kissed him on the cheek, and got up, allowing him to do the same.

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