> XVI <

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Kaja POV

What an asshole! Let me just get my hands on him!

I cannot believe how Jackson could treat Victoria in such bad way. How little is his brain to misunderstood my friend's intention. Viki is dangerous to Jin? This girl would catch the star for him if she only could. And not only for him. Viki is like the Good Samaritan, worried and wants to help everyone. If she wanted to, she could long time ago post on a social networking site, blog or fan club, where is Jin. From what I could observe, he is wanted by the fans almost by arrest warrant, the Red Cross and embassies. But she did not do that. And it's not for selfish reasons, like Jackson think, but with a good heart. That is what the true fan means - understand and support his idol. If being a fan is a sin, hell should already be overcrowded.

The scene in the hospital wasn't satisfying for him. He have to show his antipathy to Viki by even text message. Sent to me curt, "Jin is doing well. Say to the other one." Is it really everything he can afford? So you have a poor vocabulary? I wrote nothing back. I restrained myself. But next time I'll say him what I want, I promise!

Our tutor let us go home a little early. And it's good. Victoria was really upset that her head started to ache. Knowing her paroxysmal headaches, at this point it must be unbearable. She even took a painkiller, which usually does not do, no matter what she ailments. She is sleeping now.

I'm going back quietly from the kitchen with me lunch in hand. I pass Viki's room and went to mine. I hear that Viki's phone is ringing. I go into her room, I take the phone and come back with him to my room. I do not want to wake her up. Let her sleep and have some rest, that she can feel a little better.

I look at the display - KIM NAMJOON. This is one of the BTS. AND! The leader. The one who speaks English an recent talk to us. I can speak with him in English, because I don't know Korean at all. I'm not a fan of k-culture it's completely alien to me.

- Hello. – I answered.

- Hello Noona. It's JungKook. - I hear a cheerful voice. 'Noona' - what does that mean?

- You're not Victoria. - Says coldly NamJoon.

He is astute. He recognized me so quickly.

- That's right. I am Kaja, a friend of Victoria.

- What about Victoria-ssi?

- Who? - I ask, surprised.

- Victoria. – he said in more human language.

- She is sleeping. We had a tough day.

- Maybe I should call you later?

- Wouldn't there be the middle of the night? – I remember that Victoria said that Korea is 7-8 hours later than us. Now they have 21.

- Yeah, right. - Briefly heard some whispers. – Did you maybe know Jin Hyung'a? - he asked again.

- Who? – They and their Korean names. Who's he talking to me about? I know Jin. Not some Jinjonga.

- Kim Seok Jin. – he epeat, I feel that BTS leader is annoyed.

- A! Him. I know.

- Is Victoria contact him recently? The whole day we cannot reached him.

- Maybe it's because he is in hospital. - I say without thinking. Oh, shit! Now it starts. I keep silent about it. What to do?

- Meo !!!!! - I hear the scream of a few people.

In spite of this noise I was able to hear the creak of the door. I look down the hall and I see semiconscious Viki.

- Who are you talking to? – she asked sleepy.

- With BTS. - I answer in a whisper.

Viki instantly awake. She approaches me and whispers to gave her speaker. It was not the best idea. The boys one by another, and this in English and in Korean, they're asking what happened. Viki looks at me quizzically.

- I told them about Jin. - I admit guilt.

- What! - Says dissatisfied.

Well, I understand. I done wrong. But the milk is already spilled.

- Annyonghaseyo! It's Victoria. - Welcomes the BTS.

- Noona. Noona. - we hear the voice of the youngest.

As I have come to the end this chaos I have to ask about these 'noona'.

- JungKook, please do not call me that.

- What happened to Jin Hyung? - leader asked without preamble.

- From what I know, he passed out and cut his head. Studies have shown that he's alright. - Viki patiently explains, despite the commotion in the handset.

English intertwined with Korean. I didn't understand none of this.

Viki several times repeated, that Jin's okay and that's all we know. The leader's next sentence threw us out of the legs.

- We come to you.

- What ?! - We said at the same time.

- You cannot! What do you say to Jin? Do you even know where he is? Do you think that anyone do not recognize none of your six? What would I do with you?

Viki was upset. On her neck came out red spots and she held his head.

- Noona, geogjeongma.

- JungKook, Jebal.

Is not it in Korean?

- We checked the area code of his cell, we know that he is in Poland. And you're right, we cannot come the whole six.

We take the breath of relief. However, they can think rationally.

- I'll come with JungKook. - Said the leader.

I take that back. They have no wits for a penny!

- Let's calm down first. - Began Wiki. - First, call ahead to Jin. Convince yourselves that he is not that bad condition. You can offer him a visit, which he probably not agree. Remember that I was not supposed to know. You cannot mention about me. We must all somehow rationally play in it. Let's not get carried away by emotion. – Stay strong Viki, do not let him to persuade for anything.

Consultation in Korean. We are waiting for their decision. Please, use your brain.

- You're right. - He speaks at the end. - First, we talk with Hyung..

- Dahaeng ida (It's a relief) - Victoria mumbled, and I did not understand.

- We'll call you later. Bye, bye.

- Ok. Hear you soon.

We hung up. We fall on my bed without forces.

- I think I have a heart attack. - I said.

Viki just nodded.


Most of yesterday I was unconscious. Today, in a better frame of mind I woke up early in the morning. It was quiet around. Probably everyone were still asleep. I got up to the semi-sitting position. I noticed that someone, presumably Jackson, brought my things: the phone, glasses and some clothes. Everything was in or on the cabinet next to the bed.

I reached for the phone. Something struck me to view its contents, although I do not know what I should look for. When I unlock it, I saw message from my aunt, my mother's sister.

"Jin-ah, your mother had an accident, hit by a madman on the transition. She's in the hospital."

I opened my eyes wide, and my lever epinephrine immediately rose. I know why I had an attack and ended up in the emergency room. I was anxious because of this news.

I dialed my aunt's number quickly. She answered on the second ring.

- Jin-ah.

- Imo, what happened to mom?

- Calm down. It's no big deal. I should not annoy you.

- You did the right thing, aun. How does mother feel?

- She's fine. She's next to. Talk with her.

- Jin-ah. - I heard my mom's voice. I wanted to cry. I miss her so much. I want to be with my family.

- Omma! - I said like a little child. - Gwaenchaha?

- Ne, geogjeongma.

- Bogoshipawyo.

- Na du. What is up?

And here she has me. What do I tell her? I cannot say I'm in the hospital. I have to lie!

- All good. Day after day. And with you? How's appa?

- Do not worry, we're alright. – the eyes of imagination I saw her warm smile.

We talked for a while about unimportant things, we wished to stay healthy and hang up.

I was not alone for too long. After a few minutes my neurologist came to me,.

- Hello Mr. Kim. - he greeted.

- Good morning, sir. Something wrong with me?

- No change. What is good and bad news.

I looked at him, not understanding what he meant.

- So. - Sat in a chair beside the bed - You had a lot of luck, with the collapse. You don't have any brain damage. - I nodded in agreement. - You do not have any neurological changes. But I am disturbed by your frequent attacks. I think about increasing medicines' doses.

There was silence. The doctor stuck his nose into my medical history and test results, I 'digested' his words. Increasing the dose of drugs will never mean anything good. If the state is improving the dose decreases. The doctor is right, I'm losing control of my body more often. Within a week I had three attacks of cataplexy where the two were one day. Hallucinations happen to me almost every day.

- I understand. -I muttered.

- We will add you a new drug. Maybe those present your body had grown accustomed.

- Well. I am counting at you, doctor. - I looked into his eyes, he looked away quickly.

- Please relax. I know, it's hard for you. But we cannot give up. - He touched my shoulder.

I nodded. The doctor stood up and walked out of the hall.

With a heavy sigh, I fall down on the pillow. I wondered why my illness making progress. I fallow all doctor's instructions. Except maybe one thing - avoiding stress. Lately, I have a lot of it. In college, I have a lot of studies and exams, mom's accident and I have this girl. Although I have not seen her for a week. So why do you think about her, man! Pull yourself together!


After lunch my orthopedist came to me. Did they conspired behind my back or what? I know that I didn't see with them a long time, but there was no time. Since I came to the hospital, then have to examined me carefully, huh?

- Good morning, sir. - I greeted him first.

He nodded his head. He sat on the same stool, as the previous doctor. After reading something in my documentation, he frowned and looked at me.

- Long time no see, right? - Difficult to read sarcasm.

- That's right, sir. Somehow, I didn't have time.

- Your leg doesn't have time.

- What? – my eyes widened.

- Did your leg hurt more often, didn't it?

- It hurts. - I said slowly - What are you trying to tell me?

- It's the time to get back on rehabilitation. We did some exames yesterday when you were unconscious. I knew that otherwise you didn't give us your consent.

- Don't ethically, sir. - I looked at him with narrowed eyes. For something like that I could sue him. I have to give consent to any treatment. - And what in the results?

- You muscles are disappearing and bones are decalcified. In this situation it is easy for further fracture, which will not be able to fix.

Just kill me and tell that it have to be amputated! I cannot blame the doctors. I neglected it, when I stopped rehabilitation. I just do not see sense in it. In spite of exercise every day, I were limping the same, it hurt so much, I could not dance. For what was a bother, since there were no visible effects.

- I would like you to come to me for a visit. We need to do some more research and you have to go for rehabilitation. - he said when I did not answer.

- I understand sir. When I'll be discharged, I'll contact you. - I said with my head down.

- That's good. Please thing about everything carefully.

He stood up from the stool and walked out, leavingme with a million thoughts. I did not know I was in such a bad state. Jacksononce urged me to visit a doctor, but then I took painkillers and continue tofunction normally. I'm stupid! How do I treat people if I can't take care ofmyself?    

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