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- Why are you so happy? - Jackson asked me, when we entered the hospital, for the next class.

- Victoria after several days from discharged are returning to uni today. I could see her on cardiology. - I replied with a big smile on my face.

- Oh, your girlfriend.

- Victoria is not my girlfriend. – I denied firmly.

At that moment, I remembered a conversation with Victoria, which we had two days ago. Since we know the truth and we do not have anything to pretend in front of each other and I no longer avoid her, we are almost inseparable. Mainly I clung to Victoria like a bur to dog's tail. When she was still in the hospital, which she left three days after the accident, I visited her every day. We talked about different foolishnesses, and I learned more and more about her. For example, she loves the color blue, loves to watch drama, listen kpop, knows how to eat with chopsticks, she would like to try real Korean kimbap and also that she could not understand why I like pink. But I do not understand what's so strange. When I could not come to her, we wrote text messages or were talking on the phone. Looking at it from the side, actually we looked like a couple.

But one day, when I visited her at an apartment - we are at that stage that we visit each other, for now it's just me who visited her - Victoria began a serious conversation.

- Jin, we need to talk. - She said.

We were in her room. She still fragile in bed and a ton of pillows behind her back.

- About what? - I asked, sitting down in the chair next to the beds.

- Our relationship is gaining rapid momentum. I do not want misunderstandings, so we immediately clarify a few things.

- Well. I'm listening. - I had no idea what she was talking about.

For me, our relationship was normal. I was very pleased. But maybe from her point of view it was different. I find out soon.

- We cannot afford to deeper feelings. - she said bluntly.

- I do not understand. - I looked at her blankly.

- I do not want hear one day that you like me.

- But I like you already.

- In the romantic sense of the term. You like me as a girl.

- Wiki, no offense, but I do not know what you're trying to tell me.

- I'm trying to say that we can be friends, but nothing more. There can't be each other boyfriend and girlfriend. Understand?

- With every moment less and less. We're already friends. And you're a girl. Why would I not look at you in that way?

- This smart and so stupid. - She said - It's just that I can never be your girlfriend.

- Why? You're a great girl. Every guy would fall in love with you.

- And how do you imagine our future after graduation? You will return to your country, and I will not be able to go with you. Do not let to hurt each other. Jin I like you, but certainly not in this way. You are my idol and former boyfriend from dreams. I am for you someone who treats you normally and that's why you like me. Because you can feel freely with me. These are not the feelings which we could build a romantic relationship. Let's be friends, maybe even a little more than friends, but less than the honey. Ok? Understand?

I did not understand, but I had to use it otherwise might lose contact with her, and I did not want. In this way we are 'little-more-than-friends-less-than-love'. To sustain such our relationship, Victoria comes to me today for dinner. Yes, let's be friends.(This sarcasm.)

We go to cardiology. I immediately notice Viki in the room of the glass, where once I discovered that she was studying here. He is sitting in the same spot every time and frowns, leaning over a sheet of paper. Exam? Viki, hwaighting! You can do it!

I go through corridor unnoticed to other room.

Victoria POV

I'm all excited. I'm going to Jin for dinner today. After all my saying 'let's just be friends' I'm going to him for dinner. Keep it up! (Sense the sarcasm). We really need to keep a distance, because otherwise there will be problems.

I have an hour to get ready. It turned out that we live with Jin on the same street. How did it happen that so far we didn't meet each other ? I'm standing in front of an open wardrobe and did not know what to wear. There is no need to dress up, it's not a date. But normally t-shirt and trainers aren't proper also. What should I do?

- Cannot decide what to wear? – Kaya's voice made me to bounce.

She stands at the door with a sly smile.

- You scared me. - I say grabbing my chest – And yes. I do not know what to wear.

- Bet on comfort and elegance. Small black dress. - she smiled even wider.

- Good joke. - I showed her tongue.

- You haven't to dress up. You go in the end to a buddy for dinner.

After a fifteen minute discussion we decided on gray jeans - tube and a blue shirt. Comfort and elegance in my edition. Kaya helped me with hair that she beautifully spun on the straightener. I did a little make-up, only the powder and eyeliner. And I was ready.

I wear on a dark blue jacket and pulled on my feet into beige ballerinas and left home.

Getting to the Jin's apartment did not take me much time. He lived literally five blocks away. I rang the intercom and after a while I heard a voice ... not Jin's.

- Who is there? - Someone asked.

- Victoria. I come to Jin.

- Oh, it's you. Come in. – someone said very gladly and I heard the sound of the buzzer, and the door swung open.

I went to the second floor. The door to the Jin's apartment had been already opened and in them stood 'someone'.

- Hey. - Greeted smiling – I'm Maciek, Jin's roommate.

- Hey. I'm Victoria.

I went to the apartment and we shook hands. How so look at him it seems that I've seen him somewhere. That's right, in the hospital! When Jin was brought on CT, he was with Jackson and Mark.

- Come in. Jin is still in the kitchen. As soon as he returned from classes he is cooking something. The whole house is filled with spicy aroma.

It's fact, the smells stinging in the eyes.

- I'll take your jacket.

- Thank you.

- Let's go to the kitchen.

We stood in the doorway of the room. Jin was reversed back to us. Mixed something in a pot on the stove. Completely absorbed in the work, not paying attention to us.

- He is completely in another world. - Maciek whispered in my ear

- He just loves to cook. And eat even more. - I whispered back.

- I can hear you. - Jin said still showing his back to us. – Speak in such way that, I can understand you. - he turned around.

With ladle in his hand, which was dripping something red on the floor, and his face was smeared with flour. I smiled at that sight. Idol's off-screen version.

- Can I help you? - I asked.

- No. You are a guest.

- I will not touch the food, but the one thing I need to do.

I looked around the kitchen. I reached for a cloth lying on the table and went to Jin. When I reached out toward his face, he took a step back.

- What are you doing? - He asked in a strangled voice.

- Relax. You only have flour on your face.

- Aaa ...

He put his face in my direction and closed his eyes, a smile from ear to ear lit his face. I wiped his face closely. My hands were shaking a little.

- You look sweet together. - Maciek said in Polish.

I looked at him and froze him with my eyes. He smiled innocently. I already like this guy. He is so positive about life.

Jin clean the kitchen quickly and covered table beautifully.

- We can eat. - He announced. - Sit down.

- I eat too? - Asked Maciek.

- Sure. I'll be glad. I like to cook for a large number of people. - Jin said, a little sadly on the last words.

Probably he is thinking about boys on BTS. The good old days he had six eternally hungry 'children' to feed.

- Let's start. - I said not elegantly, turn on Hunger Artist. - What we have here.

- Kimbap seemed to me too simple, so I prepared: Galbi Tang, Dak Galbi, and for dessert a delicious Hoddeok.

Both Maciek and I opened our eyes wide with surprise. It's a royal feast, no dinner.

- I do not know what these names mean, but it looks tasty. - The boy said.

We started with soup galbi tang. It was very good. Later I'll have to ask Jin how to prepare it. Next we ate Dak Galbi. It was terribly spicy and aromatic! But chicken so soft.

- Ok, now dessert. - Jin said putting the dishes in the sink.

- I have no longer a place. - Said Maciek - I'll eat a little later, if something left. - And he got up from the table.

- You do not really want? - Said Jin.

- Later.

While he was going, he wink to Jin.

When we were alone, we fell into imposed silence. We sat at a table, facing each other. I felt uneasy, because I was not in my area, and Jin ... . As he was at my place he wasn't embarrassed. We talked without interruption.

- Should we... - I started - Take Hoddeok and juice to your room. I'd like to see it. - I smiled. Somehow I have to defuse this situation.

- That's a good idea.

After a second we were in the small room. It was painted on white. Under one wall was single bed, on the opposite side was the wall unit, and the small desk under the window.

- Nice and simple. - I said.

Jin shook his head.

I walked over to the bookshelf. Wow, all in English and in most of the same textbooks for schools. And couple of comics.

- The guys recently called me. - I said, reaching for one of them - said that you told a lot about me.

- I'll kill them. - He muttered through his teeth.

I smiled at his reaction. So sweet and innocent. When I moved the book some cards slid out from among them. I bent down to pick them up. These were the results of CT and X-ray.

"Fracture of the tibia in two places with displacement. Fibula fracture with impaction in the tarsal bones. "- I read a description.

It is even possible?

I did not notice when Jin came up to me and pulled cards out from my hands. I looked at him questioningly.

- I will tell you everything. - He said, taking my hand and leading toward the bed.

We sat down on it, leaning back against the wall. We spread his medical records on our lap.

- You probably read something about it. In the Internet was a mass of articles. - He said dryly.

- I read.

I told him what I know.

- The huge part of it agrees. The guy caught me like a storm. He grabbed the back of the jacket and turned around to face him. Shouted same curse. He said that I was more important for his girlfriend than him. That she called me oppa and him doesn't. They cannot go out anywhere, because she comes to my concerts and fanmeetings. They had to break up, because of me. When he finished speaking, he used a stun gun and pushed me off the stage. Then I lost consciousness and woke up in hospital three days after the accident. - he took a deep breath. I saw tears in his eyes.

- Jin I'm so sorry. - I did not know what else to say - It's not your fault. The guy break up with the girl, and he gone crazy. But do not let anyone tell you, that it's your fault.

- That's not all. - he took my hand – He did not want me.

- How is it? I do not understand.

- He said to me, 'you damn hope'. He mistaken me with J-Hope.

I was speechless. Jin suffered instead J-Hope? This is terrible. How was J-Hope and the rest of the team? No one ever mentioned it.

- Hey, do not cry. It is better already. - Jin said, and wiped the tears from my cheek.

I did not even know that I was crying. But it is so sad and unfair.

- What about the guys?

- Nobody knows about it. - He said with a sigh - When I woke up after two days I could not remember exactly what happened, and then I found that later. It does not make sense to say anything. Hopi would have collapsed, he is too sensitive. I did not want the band slowly disintegrated. I devoted myself.

- Jin. - That's all I could say. I started to cry harder and hugged the boy. Initially he froze, and after a while also embraced me.

- Shhh ... do not cry. The worst is behind me.

I felt he stroke my back, trying to calm me down. I do not know how much I cried. When I finished, we split up. Jin looked at me with a smile and thumbs touched the traces of tears on my cheeks.

- Try cakes. They're delicious. - He said.

I can't stand it and burst into laugh. Only Jin in such a situation might think about food.

I was looking at his results while eating cakes. Jin sat next to me quietly. I felt that he was looking at me. I wonder what he was thinking? I took new study to hands . When I looked at the date, it turned out they were from the day he had a CT scan.

- The weakening of the muscles and decalcification of bones. - I read and looked questioningly at Jin. - Jin is a serious matter. You have to go to the doctor.

- I have already been. Do not worry. The next week I'll start rehabilitation.

- Really? It's great! Jin, you can return to full health.

With all happy face I turned to the boy, because of this all the cards dropped from our knees, creating a complete mess around us.

- I wouldn't be so glad. Previous rehabilitation has not brought results. Even now, I still limping. - He looked sad.

- Do not even think like that. It's my problem, to made you progress fast.

- Yes? And how are you going to do that? - hhe smiled at me flirtatiously.

- I do not know yet, but I'll think of something. - I smiled back.

Jin's smiling face is so beautiful. I want to watchit every day. I'll help him with exercises. I will ask my colleaguephysiotherapist how I can do it, we will be able to practice at home together.He will dance again on stage! I'll promise!1

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