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Victoria POV

I woke up with tightness in my chest, I couldn't take the breath well. I have an oxygen mask on my face and hear annoying beeping of hospital equipment. Right, I'm in the hospital.

Slowly returned to me what happened. I sat on a towel and watched as the rest of us is playing in the water. The girls came first and they said they were going to change into dry clothes and went to a nearby booth. After a while Mark and Jackson came to me. They began talking about having fun, thanks for the tour, etc. Before I knew it, I was in the hands of Jackson, and headed in the direction of the sea. I guessed what he wants to do, and began to fight with him. But how could I win with the former swordsman. Out of fear I forgot English in my mouth. Although repeating 'I cannot swim', he did not understand me. He went into the water up to his armpits and let me go, saying, 'Have fun.' I choked with water immediately. I tried to move my arms and legs, but nothing worked. Slowly I lost the remnants of the air. After consecutive beats of water by hands, I lost my consciousness. And I woke up now.

- You're awake? - I heard the voice of Jin.

I looked in his direction. I noticed him just now, and that he held my hand. He sat hunched on a stool next to my bed. He was pale and his clothes were still wet in the middle. His tousled hair, completed the pathetic picture. In his eyes I saw anxiety ( about me?), hatred (for whom?) And that he's very tired.

- How are you? - He asked further.

- I'm fine. - speaking was not so simple.

- I worried so much. I'm sorry that I left you alone. It's my fault. - He said in a strangled voice, with his head down.

- It's not your fault. - I said, and I coughed.

Jin looked at me worried and was ready to call for help, but it stopped. I held out my hand to him, he grabbed and squeezed too hard. I know he's worried about me and wanted to make sure that I'm still here.

- I'm fine. I'm ok now.

- I'll kill them. - He hissed through his teeth.

- You will not do anything. We have to forget about it.

- Forget? Viki, you could be killed by their stupid behavior. - He said more and more upset.

- Jin, they're your friends, you cannot be angry with them. We came here on holiday, to have fun. Let us not allow this incident to spoil our fun. - I tried to calm him down, gripping his hand tighter.

- You're more important to me than those morons. I cannot be friends with someone who wanted to hurt you.

- They did not want to hurt me. It came this way unfortunately.

- Viki ...

- Jin, please forgive them.

- I cannot promise you anything. As soon as I see them, my blood pressure jumps.

He wanted to be with me, but I objected. He could get sick from this seat in wet clothes. And the nurses would not allowed him stay longer. That's why he stay only to the end of visiting hours and go back to the hotel. I had been transferred to the observation room and had to be discharged tomorrow morning.

Before I fell asleep again, I wondered where was the rest of us. Why do not they come to see me? Jin cannot let them or did not want to upset him.


I left the hospital room. In the corridor my friends were still waiting for me. This time, Kaya came to me. I think she wanted to prevent further 'bloodshed'. I took a few deep breaths and repeated in thought Viki's word about not keeping grudge against them. It's difficult to do.

- We did not want to disturb you, so we do not entered. - She – How is she?

- She's right. She woke up and we talked a little. And now she shooed me.

I felt terribly tired. Talking with them has cost me a lot of patience.

- Then let's get back to the hotel. Before you pass out too.

- Let's go.

We moved to the exit. Kaya ran to the bus stop. We walked in silence. We drove in silence. We parted to our rooms without saying goodbye.

I went into the shower. A few hours sitting in soaked clothes, made its own. I felt that I have a fever and began to sneeze. Hot water washed away from me today events. Dressed in tracksuits, t-shirt and sweatshirt, which I took for cooler evenings, I went under the covers. I fell asleep almost immediately.


The next morning I was awakened by the sound of the phone. I looked around disoriented in search of my cell. I took without looking at who is calling.

- Hello.

- Jin, I woke you up? - I heard a voice ... of Viki.

- Viki? Something happened?

I sat down on the bed. I lowered my feet to the floor and started to comb my hair with fingers.

- No, nothing happened. Just I got discharged, but the doctor does not want to let me alone. Could someone come for me? I managed to get through only with you.

- Sure. I will be soon.

- Thank you.

After hanging up I went to the bathroom, washed and dressed quickly. I wish I could go to her myself, but I could not. I did not know how to get to the hospital. Where to get in and out. I needed a guide.

Therefore, I stand at Kaya's and Jackson's door and I hesitate to knock. I cannot pretend that nothing happened. I can't get myself for apology. I did not know how they'll react on the sight fo me. In the end I knocked.

- Jin? - sleepy Jackson opened to me. - Something happened?

- Viki received extract. I want to pick her up from the hospital, but I do not know how to get there.

- Kaya is already dressed. Give us a moment. We'll be ready soon.

- Thanks.

I went back to my room to pack some clean clothes for Viki. It was oddly for me to rummaging through her things, especially selecting underwear. I put white t-shirt and shorts - overalls (I do not know how else to call it), bra and panties grabbed blindly into my backpack.

Jackson and KaYa came to me in ten minutes.

- We can move. - Kaja said.

- What's with Mark and Eve? - I asked.

- They wait for us here. - Replied Jackson.

Victoria POV

- Here we are. - I heard the voice of Jin entering my room.

Kaya and Jackson come with him, but kept the proper distance.

- Hey. – I greeted them with much firmer voice.

My lungs were returning to normal. Still, I felt light shaking, but it could take more air than yesterday evening.

- We took clothes for you. - Jin said.

- Thank you. I forgot to ask for them.

- Jin remembered about everything. - Kaya said.

Jin gave me his backpack. When I opened it I saw a T-shirt and shorts, as well as clean underwear. I felt that my cheeks turned red. Jin packed my clothes? He rummaged through my stuff? He touched my underwear ?! And it so unrepresentative. What? What's on my mind? I looked at him. I think he figured out what I think, because his face was also red and nervously avoided my eyes.

When my momentary embarrassment was over, I looked at Kaya and Jackson. Girl was sticking his elbow and pushed him out to the front. The boy bowed his head and strange embarrassment for him, walked to the edge of my bed.

- Viki, I'm really sorry. I did not mean to harm you. I do not even know how to apologize. - He said quietly.

- I will not say that everything is fine, but please forget about it. Let's not spoil our fun. - I said.

Jackson looked at me surprised. I think he would have imagined that I forgive him so quickly. I do not feel comfortable with this matter. I would like be angry at him and avoid him for awhile, but I could not. For the pace into 'family' I have to pretend that everything is fine. He is the boyfriend of my friend and the friend of my .... friend.

I told them to wait for me, here at the bed, while I went into the bathroom to get dressed. When I returned the doctor came to us with papers.

- I advise to rest for today. Pulmonary edema is reduced and tomorrow should be better. - The doctor said, and handed me the extract.

- Thank you. - I replied and took the cards into my hand.

- Can you take the soon-be-bride home. I wish you all the best in your new life. - He added in English and held Jin's hand and then mine.

I was a little confused. I looked questioningly at Jin, he only smiled innocently. He will have to explained something to me. Again, I thanked the doctor, not wanting to lie to be discovered. When he was far enough to not hear me, I began an attack on 'my fiancé'.

- When we changed our status? Fiancé? Wedding? - I asked.

Jin rubbed his neck in embarrassment and avoided my eyes.

- I'm sorry. I had to lie to they let me in to see you.

I was amused by his helpless face. He's adult guy, but looks like a lost child. I did not blame him. He did not commit any crime.

- I'm only joking. Nothing happened. - I smiled at him.

I saw relief in his eyes.

We went out from the hospital and drove to the hotel.

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